
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
lol man i need to stay out this thread. you all are making me sad.

its not like he died. he will be back. probably not the same but hell i enjoyed mj be a shell of himself on the wizards.

just an all around bad season
First rosé now this. I can't remember a season as bad as this.

But if there is any way possible, I know he will find it
wouldnt this if anything help us keep dwight howard?

i mean its officially his team , he was gonna be asked to

wait another year ....also i dont think he wants to leave

$30 million on the table along with the money he would

make by being in a major city like los angeles
Wait Dwight could be making $30m a year?? How far into the luxury tax are the Lakers gonna be if that happens :lol: :wow: :rofl:

And to think young Buss was trying to shave payroll earlier in the season :lol:
Well, at least we know Kobe is still awake. Several hours later and I still can't believe it. He didn't even have to shoot the free throws but still did and MADE both.
as much as I clearly was rooting against the lakers never want to see something like that happen. it might have been a freak thing, but I'm just gonna assume that it was his age and him playing all those minutes lately finally catching up to him.

that being said, Dwight was phenomenal at the free throw line last night and pau played a great game. hopefully Dwight doesn't start to feel some loyalty to the lakers now that Kobe's hurt so we can still make a run at him this summer :smile:
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Not a laker fan, but damn I feel bad for Kobe. This is something I never expected to see in my life time happen to him.
I wanna see Mitch keep talking about "we believe this team has what it takes to win it all so no moves will be made" for the 3rd year in a row.
I woke up checked my phone to see who won, go to espn then wtf kobe hurt. :frown: this guy works to hard
Me and my boys where saving up for a trip to la for next year to watch Kobe live for the first time seeing how it might be his last year.... If I only had a time machine...., this is sick!:x
Still feel like crap this morning. We were joking that he would have to die out on the court for us this season and he really did. Just pushed everything to it's maximum limits and beyond. Been watching this guy since '96 and never seen someone be so defiant in the face of immense adversity and excruciating pain. His play style may make people cringe, his personality may rub people the wrong way, but you can't deny that he's given everything he has to this franchise in pursuit of greatness. I know this isn't the end, but it damn sure feels like a long intermission; get well soon Bean.

And all that being said we still have a chance to get to the dance. 2 game winning streak to get it done, let's go Dwight, Pau, Nash, and the rest of the squad. Do it for Kobe.
if this is truly his last year im glad i was able to catch the Hornets game with floor seats for watch mamba in action. Hopefully we still have him for at least 2 more years.

regarding Dwight. I see dwight staying but at the same time i guess it depends what LA does and where kobes injury is at.

example if Kobe is out for majority of next season. Will the lakers be making moves or stick to their cap release plan for 15-16 i think.

Im guessing they will still be sticking to the "lebron plan" so if Dwight is in for that I dont think it will matter whether or not kobe comes back since hell wait for a new star when all the cap is cleared.

also I dont see dwight moving anywhere unless Lakers dont have a solid plan or future for dwight or a team that has a potential of championship run offers him a spot.
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