
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Damn turnovers..
The 3ball need to fall..

I'm shocked that the lakers lost the game.. Even though they shot the basketball better than the spurs..
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I don't know where you guys expect offense from. Those "missed" shots have been happening ALL YEAR. This is a typical game for the perimeter players.

Typical game for Gasol as well. Over passing, a lot of bricks, and careless turnovers.

Kobe is the perimeter of the Lakers. The front office trying to get away by surrounding him with a bunch of mediocre perimeter players for years. It becomes evident in
games like this.
At what point do you yank the starters?

Evidently, you ******g don't. Goddamnit man.

So much frustration in this post.
They clamped down on Howard down low and gasol over passing didn't help, the wins run through these 2 plain and simple, gasol has to toughen up again when Howard gets pressured more
The ball needs to go inside out.. They cannot stop Pau or Dwight in the paint... When we start bashing them over the head in the paint, double teams will always come (it happened when we went down 13, and brought it back within 4).. You kick it out for an open 3.

We played solid defense.. Gotta keep it up..

Limit dumb turnovers.. And even if we didn't, if we played an inside game, we'd be within a possession or two.
Almost 3 full days to the next game. No need to save 2 minutes of PT. Needed to search for rhythm IMO.

To be fair, I posted that with 5 minutes left, but Hey...what do I know. I'm just another pissed fan on the couch.
The ball went inside-out like 75% of the game though.

Dwight and Pau made a FEW shots, but by no means were they unstoppable.
Pau missed a lot of shots.
The ball went inside-out like 75% of the game though.

Dwight and Pau made a FEW shots, but by no means were they unstoppable.
Pau missed a lot of shots.

You don't just pass it in, and then pass it out... You attack, attack, attack.. Then you draw in the defense and kick it out.

The quarters we were able to stay with the Spurs was when have much more shots in the paint.

On the contrary, first quarter there was 3 or 4 shots in the entire quarter in the paint...
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So i s Kobe gonna be blamed for the lack of post play? :rolleyes

This is the third playoff in a row that everyone keeps telling Gasol to post up instead of bricking those 10 footers. He is gonna keep laying bricks.

The perimeter players keep passing it around the perimeter instead of dumping it in or dumping it back in for a repost. I think that has to be mostly coaching.
MDA showed his hand in that win over the spurs at home a week ago and pop adjusted.
Instead of forcing Pau to make a play with the ball, the spurs just stayed home and forced Pau to make shots. defenders stayed at home on the shooters and Pau's man dove into the paint to eliminate the lobs and quick dump off passes to Dwight.

Now the problem is MDA should've seen that at half time and did more inside/out to get the spurs into foul trouble.

Also Clark is a slasher like Jamison it benefits both of those players to be on the floor w/ Nash b/c he's a play maker. Putting Clark on the floor with Morris and Blake pretty much eliminates him from the damn game offensively :smh:
Darius Morris does not belong in the NBA.

After wanting to see him succeed whe he first entered the league, I agree %100 with this statement.

He's not aggressive to the basket, he's not consistent with his jumper, and he does a piss poor job of setting up his teammates
They asked D'Antoni about Kobe's opinions on the game.
He said "he's a fan right now, a fan."

:rofl: Mike better watch himself... I'm sure if Kobe wanted to he could have him fired over twitter. :lol:
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Wow can't believe he would say that, pretty disrespectful . Almost positive Kobe can do his job better them him
Lakers have to find a way to stop 1 of the Spurs big three. Limit turnovers, make those open baskets.

The defense they played today was ok.

If they do that they can take game 2.
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