
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


They asked D'Antoni about Kobe's opinions on the game.
He said "he's a fan right now, a fan."

:rofl: Mike better watch himself... I'm sure if Kobe wanted to he could have him fired over twitter. :lol:
mda is right. Kobe a fan right now. Nothing more. Get off Kobe nuts and let the coach do the coaching
I am pretty sure he knows more about coaching than me but there is an argument if he knows more than the average high school coach.
Spurs should have won by way more. But Lakers showed some signs of hope kinda. Spurs in 5. Lob city run LA
Spurs should have won by way more. But Lakers showed some signs of hope kinda. Spurs in 5. Lob city run LA

You gotta win multiple titles to run LA.

And Spurs really shouldn't have won by more. They didn't play particularly well, and shot 37%.
That MDA comment about Kobe may be the last straw with dude... TF is wrong with him? A fan? Like dude not even on the team anymore let alone a major piece of this franchise :smh:
The media kinda set him up with that Kobe tweet. However, what irked me was MDA rolling his eyes at Kobe's tweet...."Get the ball down low? That's what we did." :::rollseyes:::
Right now, today, he isn't. He's not playing, MDA has to roll with what he has left, not worry about one of his guys laid up.

Jordan Hill been tweeting all year, no big deal. This isn't either. Adjust, get better rhythm in that gym, go steal game 2. All that matters right now.
the outside shooting was atrocious today,

nash had an off game.

if nash can be selfish and hit his little one legged jumpers, we can compete for sure.

he needs to get back in the flow.

where the hell was earl today?
yea nash was missing his usual shots that he makes.

this team always seems on the verge of taking a lead then towards the end get blown out.
It's obvious Phil will be back next year.
He won't be. They aren't going to pay Brown, MDA AND Phil to be the head coach of an aging roster. The minute they passed over him in November, the door was closed.
someone a few days ago stated that if a coach gets hired by another team then they pay the +/- on the new deal...not sure if it's true but if it is then #teamfire'Antoni 
When you actually watch the interviews instead of just reading quotes and tweets iI think it's fair to say that D'Antoni isn't really being serious with these comments...seems like that's just his personality (dry, sarcastic humor). He should know better having dealt with the NY media for the past few years but apparently he doesn't care.

Nothing wrong with athletes being active on social media, but Kobe tweets are definitely a distraction...hell, I felt the way about the whole "Coach" Kobe schtick but since he's a made man in LA there's not really a whole lot anyone can do about it.
Phil tweeting Kobe and Pau has to irk D'Antoni (and maybe by extension too other coaches) right? :lol:
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