
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I think Mike Brown ends up doing television for a need to go back to coaching while he's still collecting checks from the Lakers organization. I'm not that down on him as a head coach as some of you guys are, I'll just say it wasn't a good fit and leave it at that. 
Don't see him being an assistant at this point in time...especially not to a young coach like Spoelstra. 

He's a monster with his hustle! Get out of here with your gifs peep!! :lol

:lol :lol
I'm telling you... Ariza will be traded.. We need to unload someone for an expiring contract (Blake) and go after him :D
There it is.

I could see a situation where this could happen. The Wizards would have to really be in the dumps, which isn't out of the question. A Blake, Clark and Ebanks offer for Ariza works.

I did the math of it about a week and a half ago from the Wizard perspective (post 2341).. Flexible numbers give or take a mil on each number.

"We look for teams who would want cap space, and are just out of the reach of the playoffs. In my mind the Wizards are a prime example.
Wall, Beal, Okafor & Nene will be $38-39mil in salary next year... About $12 mil more left in salaries that are all Team Options..And Wall would be in his last year before restricted FA in 2014-2015 where he will get a max deal based on every middle of the pack PG getting $9-10mil.

Trevor Ariza will be sitting on a player option next year. That he will likely take. At $7.7mil.
Keeping Ariza will put them at around $46-48 mil. Without the options on Vesely, Serapin, Singleton, Booker & Crawford. Vesely & Crawford would definitely be picked up. Which puts them at only $8mil of space on 7 players..
Getting rid of Ariza will allow them to get 1 solid starting piece through free agency, and some complimentary bench pieces. And have $10-20 mil in cap the year Wall becomes a RFA (after signing Wall).."

If they make a playoff run, they will not trade Ariza until the offseason, but chances are they will trade him by the deadline for expiring contracts to start building around Wall, Beal & Nene
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Damn was reading if Phil did get hired, looks like he won't be making trips to some away games. I'm guessing east coast games.
If there are travel restrictions, we better have an assistant who is just as capable of coaching a team

I looked at games that Phil could miss... There's a lot of different factors whether it be non-Marquee Eastern Conference Games. The Eastern extent of the Western Conference, he missed the last one, so he'll go on the next one especially if the furthest they go is OKC, the time between games, etc. etc.
11/23 Memphis
11/24 Dallas
12/11 Cleveland
12/13 New York
12/14 Washington
12/16 Philadelphia
1/20 Toronto
1/21 Chicago
1/23 Memphis
2/1 Minnesota
2/3 Detroit (Then joins the Road Trip of Brooklyn, Boston, Charlotte & Miami)
2/24 Dallas
3/12 Orlando
3/13 Atlanta
3/15 Indiana
3/27 Minnesota
3/28 Milwaukee

I see a total of 17 games he wouldn't be traveling to.

I could see us getting anywhere between 10-13 wins without Phil there because there is only a few teams that are really challenging there
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If Phil does come back, one of the first people he should call in my opinion is Kurt Rambis to be one of his assistants. Rambis was an assistant under Phil so he knows the system and if Phil can't make the trip on certain road games, he can step in and fill the role. 
My gut feeling is that Phil will be back coaching his first game in his 3rd run with the Lakers on Friday 11-16.

Why I'm predicting this:

-Him, Jim & Jerry Buss, and Mitch said they will meet again in a few days.
-Right now he's called and telling his assistant coaches: Jim Cleamons, Frank Hamblen, and Kurt Rambis to get ready and make plans to come back out to LA. Rambis has to talk to ESPN & TWC SportsNet about leaving his TV analyst job duties.
-After Tuesday's game against the Spurs that gives the Lakers plenty of time to do Phil's press conference and for him to meet & talk with Dwight, Nash and the rest of the team on what they slowly plan to do as far as offensive sets, defense, and rotations.Also it gives time for Jim Buss to move out of Phil's old office at the team's practice facility in El Segundo.

Also that Friday is the same night they are unveiling Kareem's statue outside Staples Center.I'll be at Staples for that game.

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I didn't like Mike Brown but at the same time didn't HATE on him as hard as some ofther NT'ers did ever since he became the Laker head coach a year & half ago.

This article right here really nails it though.Even though he was a nice guy.

Here is how his last 24 hours went:

Good guys not always good coaches

Here’s how Mike Brown spent his penultimate night as head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers:

The Lakers plane landed back in L.A. just after midnight Thursday following the team’s 95-86 road loss on Wednesday night in Utah that dropped its record to a Western Conference-worst 1-4.

The loss was not sitting well with Brown, so, true to his workaholic reputation, the coach made his way from the airport to the team’s practice facility in El Segundo to break down his squad’s latest lackluster performance by watching film.

The hours ticked by and Brown decided it was time for some shut-eye. He kept a bed at his office in El Segundo for such occasions, but he didn’t have any pillows.

Brown, weary from the start to the season, figured he had better get the best sleep he could -- pillows included -- and decided to check into a hotel. Only problem was, Brown went to not one, but two hotels in the area and both were booked solid.

It was the middle of the night and Brown knew he needed to be back in El Segundo for an early coaches meeting Thursday morning, so he figured the 45-minute drive down to his house in Anaheim Hills that would include another hour drive back in the morning with traffic on the roads wasn’t an option.

Brown drove to Staples Center. His office there had a bed, too. With pillows.

Mike might not have been in L.A. long, but there were plenty of stories like this one.

“Very hard working, maybe one of the hardest-working coaches that I’ve ever been around,” Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak said at the news conference to announce Brown’s firing Friday.

It’s an earnest quality of Brown’s. He’s dedicated. He’s prepared. He pays attention to detail.

But you can work all you want and still not be the right man for the job.

Back in 2009, when I was writing a feature on Phil Jackson, he told me about a note that former Marquette coach Al McGuire once sent to him.

“It said, 'If you can't get it done in eight hours, you ain't gonna get it done,'" Jackson recalled. “So that was one of the things that I try to remember about basketball.”

That concept never sunk in with Brown. He beat the odds in coming from being a mediocre player at a mediocre college basketball program (University of San Diego) to work his way up from intern to video coordinator to scout to assistant coach to head coach of the league’s glamour franchise.

He couldn’t rely on his legendary playing days or nepotism connections or flashy good looks and personality to get him coaching jobs, like a lot of his peers do in the industry.

He did it by working hard. Or by “working his tail off,” which is one of Brown’s favorite phrases.

It was a remarkable journey Brown embarked on, no doubt. But somewhere along the way, his worker reputation became more of an annoyance to his players than an inspiration.

During last year’s lockout-shortened season, when rest was at a premium because of the compressed schedule, Brown would sometimes conduct contact practices on game days instead of simple, low-impact shootarounds. He picked up the nickname “All Day, Every Day” from his players for his reluctance to take a break.

The joke continued on Friday morning, Brown’s last day on the job.

"Me and Jordan Hill kind of were joking a little bit while we were doing therapy and said we might have a five-hour shootaround today,” Kobe Bryant said.

Many believe there is an argument to be made that Brown got a raw deal in L.A.

He joined the team when the league was about to enter its first lockout in 12 years. Pau Gasol, the team’s second-best player, was nearly traded on the eve of Brown’s first training camp, and it sabotaged the Spaniard’s psyche. Lamar Odom, the team’s emotional bellwether, was shipped out of town -- just as Derek Fisher, the team’s truest leader, was later in the season. Brown’s truncated Year 2 was marred by injuries to his key players (Dwight’s back, Kobe’s ankle, Nash’s leg) and he captained only five regular-season games to form his team before management pulled the plug.

But even in ideal circumstances, there’s still doubt about Brown.

One league source asked me on Friday night, “If Brown was always so prepared, how come he let his assistant coaches take over his huddles?”

Indeed, Brown often ceded control of the plays being drawn up during timeouts to his staff. It could be interpreted as trust. One source close to Brown said he had no problem doing it because he was “egoless.” But it could also be interpreted as weakness.

There’s a certain charisma that one needs to be a head coach in the NBA, especially for a team like the Lakers with more outsized personalities on it than the cast of “Modern Family.”

Everyone who knows Brown thinks of him as a good man. There’s little he cares for in this world outside of basketball and his family. But good guys don’t always make good coaches.

Even if you took away all the adverse circumstances that Brown had to contend with in L.A., he made mistakes that were his own doing.

Last season, he spent what little practice time the team had hammering away at his defensive concepts, and the Lakers’ offense suffered greatly because of it. Brown was smart enough to focus his efforts on offense this past offseason. He approached Bryant in the postgame locker room in Oklahoma City after L.A. was bounced from the playoffs in Game 5 of the second round to get his blessing to pursue a new Princeton-style offense. But when the Princeton was sputtering early on this year, he refused to keep it simple during the adjustment period.

He’ll look back at that decision as his biggest failure during his time with the Lakers. But there were others.

He vowed to cut Bryant’s minutes down last season, then turned around and kept Bryant out on the floor for 40-plus minutes with regularity. His first major adjustment to the lineup, bringing Metta World Peace off the bench, was abandoned just a handful of games into the season. He shuffled his rotations seemingly haphazardly. Sure, it paid off with his instinct insertion of Jordan Hill into the lineup late last season. But the same unsettled rotation pattern also rendered free-agent signee Josh McRoberts virtually useless last year, and it appeared Jodie Meeks was headed toward the same fate.

Even having said all that, it surely wasn’t an easy decision for the Lakers’ front office to let Brown go. Even though his players rolled their eyes when he’d plant a kiss on their forehead to punctuate his appreciation and even when media members would tune him out when he’d break out his hokey act of actually tapping his fist against his forehead when he said the phrase “knock on wood” (and he did that a lot), you don’t root for genuinely nice people to fail. You just don’t.

But winning has nothing to do with being nice. It just doesn’t.

So when Kupchak, executive vice president Jim Buss and Lakers owner Dr. Jerry Buss laid their heads down on their pillows Friday night after a whirlwind day, you have to think they were able to get a good, guilt-free night’s sleep.

The hard worker just wasn’t working anymore. They made the right call.

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Also I didn't get a chance to listen to the whole press conference yesterday.I was busy getting ready for IT classes I'm about to start this coming Monday and was listening to the radio internet stream on my iphone 5 on ESPN LA 710AM while I was on my lunch break grabbing a slice of pizza.

After watching this and reading all the media reports.

Bottom line is that Mitch & Jim Buss wanted to give him some more time but even though he has not been in the press lately or has not done any interviews recently Jerry Buss ultimately made the decision to fire Mike Brown.Dr. Buss very much still has a hand & final say in how the Lakers are run.

This how he probably looked when he last spoke to Mike Brown face to face to let him know the bad news:

he is one of the best in the bizz

then you have to say chris broussard and all the others are one of the best. hes just like them with the sources bull ****.

they all are inaccurate and only get their info from "sources"

yea dude was the original "sources" guy but lets not give him a pass either. hes been wrong many times
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I don't know who that guy is in that video but we need to hire him to be our next coach TODAY.

That was a great breakdown, seems like he has better defensive philosophies than most NBA coaches do. Especially MB. :{
Oh and am I the only person that wants D'Antoni more than Phil? I've seen the triangle and Gary Payton and I'm not too thrilled about Phil coming back w/ Nash... But D'Antoni man we'd avg 125 a game easy w/ this team and the defense can't get no worse lol
Oh and am I the only person that wants D'Antoni more than Phil? I've seen the triangle and Gary Payton and I'm not too thrilled about Phil coming back w/ Nash... But D'Antoni man we'd avg 125 a game easy w/ this team and the defense can't get no worse lol
I don't think Phil is stupid enough to not use Nash properly. Plus by all accounts, Phil is who Dwight wanted anyway.
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Oh and am I the only person that wants D'Antoni more than Phil? I've seen the triangle and Gary Payton and I'm not too thrilled about Phil coming back w/ Nash... But D'Antoni man we'd avg 125 a game easy w/ this team and the defense can't get no worse lol

D'Antoni doesn't know how to make adjustments in the playoffs as well as Phil.
Phil used the pick and roll plenty of times between Kobe and Pau over the years.

also, the lakers do not have the youth and legs to do a gun and gun style of offense, especially not with a 82 game season, and wanting to go deep into the playoffs..

isnt that the reason why amare stoudemire didnt learn any post up moves, until after d'antoni left? because he felt his post up moves/skills wouldnt be used anyways
Phil is making his decision tomorrow at the latest...

If he comes back Scottie Pippen will be on the bench as an assistant coach :hat
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