
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Ric Bucher ‏@RicBucher

Jim Buss breathes a sigh of relief: Jerry apparently didn't force him to hire Phil. LA Times is reporting D'Antoni will be next head coach.

:smh: >:

The HATE really runs deep between Phil Jackson & Jim Buss.
David Aldridge ‏@daldridgetnt

Again, as I've written and said on TV, Phil wanted total control and say over the direction of any franchise he went to, a la Riley/Miami.

They should have given it to him.
David Aldridge ‏@daldridgetnt

Again, as I've written and said on TV, Phil wanted total control and say over the direction of any franchise he went to, a la Riley/Miami.

They should have given it to him.

Wrong. Mitch is the best GM in the business, there's no way in hell you strip him of navigating those waters because Phil Jackson doesn't agree. If Phil had it his way in terms of personnel, we would not have won the titles we did recently.
Just because the Lakers don't win the west doesn't mean they're not fine. The Lakers will be FINE. D'Antoni has coached Nash before, and was on the Olympic coaching staff with both Kobe and Dwight. He hasn't coached one game yet, give the man a break. Phil was asking for way too much and everyone knows it.

On another note, hell just froze over for all of Laker Nation. :rofl:
Look at the way the team's performed after brownie's departure? "pick-up ball" as kobe said. D'Antoni might actually be good for the team. They can dominate EASY. Look at the last two games.
Quote this and book this now.

Pau Gasol will be TRADED by the trade deadline this year.

Pringles will complain about his age and say this current team needs more shooters.
Do you guys think Kobe, Nash & Gasol have the legs for a 76 game D'Antoni season and a playoff run where every series will probably be 6 games (Nuggs Clippers, Spurs, Thunder, Heat)?
Look at the way the team's performed after brownie's departure? "pick-up ball" as kobe said. D'Antoni might actually be good for the team. They can dominate EASY. Look at the last two games.

That **** is not going to work in a half-court environment like the playoffs. We still need to know how to control tempo beyond utilizing as little shot clock as possible and develop a defensive identity that isn't going to break when teams just as talented as us are able to expose the weaker defenders.

Again, I'm dead-*** hoping I'm proven wrong about D'Antoni. But... wow. This is shocking.

(If it's true that Phil was demanding all that control then I'm glad we didn't concede that).
You guys are just pathetic.

Team Fire D'Antoni already?

REALLY? :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:

I don't like D'antoni but you guys already are *****ing and complaining?

Great man...just great.
Now we're going to see the same daily coaching complaints everyday from the same people for an entire season.

I don't know if i'll be able to take it, Essential I'm with you bro...i cant take these kids anymore.

Never happy about anything. You wanted Mike Brown fired, you got what you wanted.

Be careful what you wish for, because you have hired a coach which has even worse defensive philosophies than our last.

Lets just hope we can outscore every team, every night, without our aging players collapsing from fatigue.

CP...if you thought Mike Brown giving too many minutes to players was a problem, i cant wait to see what you think about our new coach running our squad non-stop for 48 minutes. :smh: :x

Im going to sleep man, ill be back later...dont remember the last time the Lakers and our fans gave me this much stress in a night where they blew a team out. :smh:
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