
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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No Nash, no Pau, on the road, lost by two, controlled the game for 45 minutes.

Relax ya'll.

It'll all be resolved eventually.. I am still putting my money on the 3rd seed. Would be #1, if we started out better than 8-10.

But they need to start filling in some holes soon..

He ran Jamison 37, Duhon 38, Metta 34. Kobe at 35 & Howard at 34 is reasonable. I'd cut Kobe down 3, but it's better than 40.

Something has to be done about the way 1-5 on the bench.

Hill earned himself some time.. Permanently.... If Pau comes back, and Hill is back to garbage time, something is DANGEROUSLY wrong.

Meeks, Jamison, Hill. All solid. Meeks shot badly tonight, but with any 3 point shooter, you'll occasionally have those nights.

Their minutes should be fairly consistent.

If it means Pau comes back and is a high 20s in minutes, I'm 100% happy with it.

No reason Metta should be over 30. Even with a depleted roster.

Duhon 38.. Let's be honest, even if Duhon is 12 & 12. I'm not running him 38.

There should not be any excuse for running this team as a 9 man rotation. At all.. If Pau played, it'd probably be an 8 man.

This team desperately needs a consistent backup SF (my bad put SG by accident). As well as a backup PG (Duhon's playing better than expected, but not better than average)..
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No Nash, no Pau, on the road, lost by two, controlled the game for 45 minutes.
Relax ya'll.

I want to relax, but it's tough man. We're 8-10 :x Pau is looking more and more like a lost cause. Hopefully it's the tendinitis that's truly causing him to play so poorly. Nash comin back and performing at near all-star level is our only saving grace imo
No Nash, no Pau, on the road, lost by two, controlled the game for 45 minutes.
Relax ya'll.

dood i much rather would have preferred just to have gotten beaten opposed to ******g bow tie it and have it sent to tiffanies for custom engraving before handing over on 2 knees with my head looking stright down at the ground.

team looked really solid tonight too, thats what the **** im so hot about, we played a decent game and LOST!!!! How u hold harden to under 15 points on solid d, force them to shoot 35% ..and still loose.. you cant blame that on bad perimeter D.
LOL @ the math being favorbale "if" he hits 1/2
you gonna put a playoff run on that math homie?
It's not ideal considering the Lakers are good offensively (11th in OFF RTG) with the potential to be much better, but if they're up on the other team (which they've been) and the Hack A Dwight were to happen and he lives up to the percentages it is fine as long as the defense gets stops. The Lakers got obliterated Sunday on defense (they got two stops in the last 18 defensive possessions!) and tonight they gave up 21 offensive rebounds.

So yeah, two losses because of defense breaking down at the worst possible time to go along with the bad free throw shooting, which we WILL be seeing all season.
If you look at the form here.. It's nice..
His form isn't bad, He has better form than many, especially Big men. People are overanalyzing the form and the rotation to much. That's not Dwight's problem, it's never really been.

He just can't make them in games. He gets nervous and it messes up his muscle memory.

Some people just can't shoot free-throws, no matter how much they practice. It's a mental issue, I'm telling you.

Oh I agree.. He thinks WAY too much in game.

But at the same time, look at his form in all the clips of him shooting FT's your like "OK. OK." In game he has the ball way too low. Where it's damn near impossible to get your elbow in to control the ball better..

But he gets in the situation and just reverts back to throwing that **** up.. He's clearly got a better form than Biendris which is a crime against basketball..

If you looked in his mind he's thinking about everything surrounding a FT except for shooting one..

If he relaxed, and took it at people coming for his head as opposed to "OMG.. OMG.. OMG.. OMG.. OMG.. I gotta make it.. I gotta make it.."

So worried about everyone talking about Dwight's FT's. And it's been that way for years..

Focus, and he'd probably be mid 60s. He's way too polished a basketball player to be even a 55% FT shooter.
Maybe as opposed to whatever defense we play.. Maybe we should play simple man to man defense. No bells, no whistles. Stay glued to your guy, simple as that (at least on the perimeter, and midrange bigs)

That goes for Kobe, for Meeks, for Duhon.

That's just as frustrating a defense as any other special scheme, because it makes swinging the ball on the perimeter tough..
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This team desperately needs a consistent backup SF (my bad put SG by accident). As well as a backup PG (Duhon's playing better than expected, but not better than average)..

quoted for emphasis

most of the tunovers are due to the current PG's being trash and not able to create plays for anyone
a decent PG will mean that Ron will stop going 1 on 3 all the time
less turnovers by Kobe as well

I think the turnovers have been the single biggest problem so far in terms of play.

The defense should have less mental lapses as the season goes on. I don't think giving up offensive rebounds will be a big problem down the road either.

They do need a SF that can shoot or slash or defend. Artest is getting burned so bad on defense.

Kobe needs to stop gambling all the time. Dude is looking real bad on defense. I don't think he will be that terrible all season long.

No time to panic yet but Mitch DOES NEED to sign a better backup pg and sf. At least one of those.
This team desperately needs a consistent backup SF (my bad put SG by accident). As well as a backup PG (Duhon's playing better than expected, but not better than average)..

quoted for emphasis

most of the tunovers are due to the current PG's being trash and not able to create plays for anyone
a decent PG will mean that Ron will stop going 1 on 3 all the time
less turnovers by Kobe as well

I think the turnovers have been the single biggest problem so far in terms of play.

The defense should have less mental lapses as the season goes on. I don't think giving up offensive rebounds will be a big problem down the road either.

They do need a SF that can shoot or slash or defend. Artest is getting burned so bad on defense.

Kobe needs to stop gambling all the time. Dude is looking real bad on defense. I don't think he will be that terrible all season long.

No time to panic yet but Mitch DOES NEED to sign a better backup pg and sf. At least one of those.

Artest got burned by James Harden.. It wasn't some Joe Schmo. He's playing a guy 10 years his junior that's one position smaller than he is.

Other than that he's playing the best Offense he's played since 2004 (based on Off Rating).. His defense is the best it's been since 08-09. And right in line with his career averages
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I agree with Dwight over thinking when he gets to the line. Essential hit it on the head when he said he is thinking about everything but the free throw shot. I think he freaks himself out when he steps up to the line resulting in poor mechanics and obviously, percentage. His form is decent, better than a lot of big men in this league, but he just over thinks it. He can shoot 100% from the FT in practice, but if that doesn't translate over to IN GAME situations, then something is obviously wrong. There was a picture of the Lakers practice facility where they had all players FT% and he was around mid 80s? (If someone has the image and can correct me, feel free :nerd: )
Not even remotely close to the best we've looked.

But bright side. Basketball always evens out.. In terms of close games you tend to win as many as you lose..

I counted 7 games that we lost that we should have won. But for one reason or another (normally handing over the game) we didn't.

We started 6-4... Then lost 6 of 8... 2 of which specifically we gave the game away.

10-8 and 8-10 moves us all the way to 8th seed

These things will even out and eventually all these games we lost inexplicably will not be losses.
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not even worried... i'll wait till Nash comes back ... if we still playing like **** in the next 4 months then i'll be a little bit worried :lol:
I don't trust the Lakers medical staff. It seems as if they misdiagnose a player's injury initially and make the injury worse or make the recovery longer than it needs to be.
not even worried... i'll wait till Nash comes back ... if we still playing like **** in the next 4 months then i'll be a little bit worried :lol:

if your hoping for nash than you should be worried. there really no excuse. our team just not that good. on paper kobe artest pau jamison and dwight should be good enough to have at least a .50 record. Other teams are doing it with less "talent"
if your hoping for nash than you should be worried. there really no excuse. our team just not that good. on paper kobe artest pau jamison and dwight should be good enough to have at least a .50 record. Other teams are doing it with less "talent"

I mean when everyone is healthy.. i just said Nash because he's one of the main piece of puzzle..
I mean when everyone is healthy.. i just said Nash because he's one of the main piece of puzzle..

he is and im hoping him coming back makes a huge difference, but im at the point to accept our team just sucks and might as well stop hoping for a run at the ring this year
he is and im hoping him coming back makes a huge difference, but im at the point to accept our team just sucks and might as well stop hoping for a run at the ring this year

Move on dude. It's early December. New Coach. No Nash. Just gotta have a little patience, man.. even Miami looked a lot worse 2 years ago when they first joined together.
you guys need to stop posting in the kobe overrated thread. you all gonna make longstroke have a stroke :lol:
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