
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I can't believe we're already having pages and pages full of complaints.
Jesus Christ.

I can't wait till the season starts, but then again I don't know if i want it to come around.
No one will ever be happy.

We got the most exciting team in the league and somehow most of our fan base is still spending countless hours complaining and arguing about our pre-season performances. Not to mention the coaching, and oh of course we also have to complain over and over about the bench when we already know the bench isn't great.

If you look at every page recently its almost a repeat of the last page... sheesh.

The season is about to start, and i dont know about you guys but I am actually HAPPY and EXCITED to see this team play.
I can't believe we're already having pages and pages full of complaints.
Jesus Christ.
I can't wait till the season starts, but then again I don't know if i want it to come around.
No one will ever be happy.
We got the most exciting team in the league and somehow most of our fan base is still spending countless hours complaining and arguing about our pre-season performances. Not to mention the coaching, and oh of course we also have to complain over and over about the bench when we already know the bench isn't great.
If you look at every page recently its almost a repeat of the last page... sheesh.
The season is about to start, and i dont know about you guys but I am actually HAPPY and EXCITED to see this team play.

I hear you bro and hell yeah I'm hella excited for the regular season to start.

The thing about people in this thread complaiing.Well you know from all the years being here on NT that the BEAST of the Laker fan base here on NT, other dedicated Laker message boards, bar room & barber shop talk that's just the way it goes.

Love it or hate it.

The fan base is just one big bag of mixed Laker fans who are hardcore & passionate, part time fans, bandwagon fans, fair weather fan, fans from different generations, some or a whole lot of NT'ers in this thread are more Kobe fans instead of real Laker fans who will be down & still supporting the team when Kobe is gone & retired.
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I think the only thing we should be complaining about is Kobe's injury. If you're taking the stance it's not that serious... then everything should be rainbows in Lakerland
What's funny is you guys toss your hands up BLAOIHDOHFGAOIDH MIKE BROWN TALK and get all angry, but I asked a question, explain it to me.

We're IN the preseason, WHY WOULD YOU NOT PLAY TWO YOUNG PLAYERS THAT NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED to be on the damn court at some point?


If they can't play/learn in PREseason, when the **** are they going too? :lol:

Let me guess, they suck, they can't this, they can't that, they had their chance this, they this, they that, blah blah blah, no real answer no real answer I have nothing, talk talk talk, when the fact remains, you have TWO young players that need to be developed. Preseason is that time, to develop kids/projects like that. Did I ask for 40 minutes a night? No. What I asked, is why we went with a 9 man rotation, in the preseason, when one of our core guards was out, and minutes were open to be used. For growth. Much needed growth.

But hey, get frustrated, cuz someone dared ask a tough question. Heaven forbid I do that. Cuz ya know, I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm just talking to hear myself speak. We should just cut them. Not like they could EVER someday become better than I dunno, Steve Blake or anything. Noooooooo. They obviously had their chance, and have reached their ceiling, and Blake is great, no need to upgrade a backup guard, so why would we give TWO young kids time to improve in PREseason?

Cuz ya know, I don't know anything, I just like to talk about coaches, for no reason, no reason at all......
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CP is on a roll in here :lol:

he saying nothing but truth but the mike clown defense team just wont have it :lol:

steve nash knees about to explode at all star break like how kyles did in south park lol
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so I guess there are Laker fans that think Mike Brown is a good coach?

Weren't his strengths supposed to be on the defensive end? oh
What's funny is you guys toss your hands up BLAOIHDOHFGAOIDH MIKE BROWN TALK and get all angry, but I asked a question, explain it to me.
We're IN the preseason, WHY WOULD YOU NOT PLAY TWO YOUNG PLAYERS THAT NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED to be on the damn court at some point?
If they can't play/learn in PREseason, when the **** are they going too? :lol:
Let me guess, they suck, they can't this, they can't that, they had their chance this, they this, they that, blah blah blah, no real answer no real answer I have nothing, talk talk talk, when the fact remains, you have TWO young players that need to be developed. Preseason is that time, to develop kids/projects like that. Did I ask for 40 minutes a night? No. What I asked, is why we went with a 9 man rotation, in the preseason, when one of our core guards was out, and minutes were open to be used. For growth. Much needed growth.
But hey, get frustrated, cuz someone dared ask a tough question. Heaven forbid I do that. Cuz ya know, I don't know what I'm talking about.
I'm just talking to hear myself speak. We should just cut them. Not like they could EVER someday become better than I dunno, Steve Blake or anything. Noooooooo. They obviously had their chance, and have reached their ceiling, and Blake is great, no need to upgrade a backup guard, so why would we give TWO young kids time to improve in PREseason?
Cuz ya know, I don't know anything, I just like to talk about coaches, for no reason, no reason at all......

yup. typed a whole lot of nothing. chill with that condescending *** tone acting like your opinion matters more than others.

just because someone finds a reason to not blame mike brown for something, were mad and frustrated. yeahhhhno. :lol:

i gave you an answer as to why they didn't play, you didn't feel it was a reasonable reason. that's on you.
just keep everyone healthy...Can't wait for the season to start. cable networks get your act together :smh: getting tired watching from streams
What's funny is you guys toss your hands up BLAOIHDOHFGAOIDH MIKE BROWN TALK and get all angry, but I asked a question, explain it to me.
We're IN the preseason, WHY WOULD YOU NOT PLAY TWO YOUNG PLAYERS THAT NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED to be on the damn court at some point?
If they can't play/learn in PREseason, when the **** are they going too? :lol:
Let me guess, they suck, they can't this, they can't that, they had their chance this, they this, they that, blah blah blah, no real answer no real answer I have nothing, talk talk talk, when the fact remains, you have TWO young players that need to be developed. Preseason is that time, to develop kids/projects like that. Did I ask for 40 minutes a night? No. What I asked, is why we went with a 9 man rotation, in the preseason, when one of our core guards was out, and minutes were open to be used. For growth. Much needed growth.
But hey, get frustrated, cuz someone dared ask a tough question. Heaven forbid I do that. Cuz ya know, I don't know what I'm talking about.
I'm just talking to hear myself speak. We should just cut them. Not like they could EVER someday become better than I dunno, Steve Blake or anything. Noooooooo. They obviously had their chance, and have reached their ceiling, and Blake is great, no need to upgrade a backup guard, so why would we give TWO young kids time to improve in PREseason?
Cuz ya know, I don't know anything, I just like to talk about coaches, for no reason, no reason at all......

yup. typed a whole lot of nothing. chill with that condescending *** tone acting like your opinion matters more than others.

just because someone finds a reason to not blame mike brown for something, were mad and frustrated. yeahhhhno. :lol:

i gave you an answer as to why they didn't play, you didn't feel it was a reasonable reason. that's on you.

This. All that sarcasm isn't necessary CP, we're on the same team here.
You have this ONE MAN ARMY mentality when you post, as if its you against the world... We really ain't against you bro.
But it does get annoying when you respond to all of us with all that unnecessary attitude... because regardless if we agree or not on topics we really dont talk to you as if your a little kid. We all have opinions, but you seem to get on ours when we dont agree with you a lot harder than its needed.
We just want to have other discussions besides how horrible our coaching is throughout the post-season.
We don't want to be reminded after every game how bad our coach is, 82 straight times. We get it, we already said he has a short leash.
If he doesn't get the job done he's out... now lets focus on our team and the start of the season... |I
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Lakers analyst and announcers starting to notice the lack of aggression from Jamison. Hopefully it gets back to him, and he does something about it
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