
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I know the franchise player after Kobe leaves is supposed to be Dwight, but you can not have the freethrow problem going forward this is ridiculous. It's not like he's getting better his %age has gone down over the last several years. I'm like what the heck are you working on in practice and during the summer. I don't even see the post moves from Hakeem IMO, that alone just seems like a Nigerian scam to me.....
what a pathetic game. so either lakers have to blow them out so dwight dont have to go to the line otherwise we will lose. ******g stupid . i dont know why dwight not practicing fts. dude costed us more losing than winning so far.
Going back to Dwight and his FT%. How do you enter the league shooting 67% and end up shooting 46%? Every year his FT % has gone down.
**** D'Antoni for keeping D12 stinking *** in the game. My GOD, does Dwight even attempt to practice FT's? A 17 point lead blown. Lakers got out-hustled ALL NIGHT. PATHETIC effort. This is an average team. I don't give a damn about it being early in the season. I don't care about Steve Nash or Pau being out. This team stinks! No I'm not mad. I'm irate. 
Even if Kobe makes that I wouldn't like the bail out W. The _Antoni system fails again. Team plays garbage D and gives up 107 points.

Waits for D'antoni to say... "It's not our defense, it's just that both teams get more possessions with our uptempo style and that's why there's so may points"

I hope you're happy Buss boys. :smh:
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The rest of you so called true Laker fans can jump of the bandwagon and turn in your fan cards now and support another team.
Me and the other true NT Lakers fans will still be here supporting this team through the tough times.

Never. My blood runs purple and gold!
dwight shot 50% ill live with it

kobes shot selection, lack of defense and lack of passing the damn ball :x

i dont care if he got 39 pts
Dwight's free throws
Kobe's defense
Dwight's free throws
Dwight's effin FREETHROWS :smh:


It was the offensive board & turnovers that cost us this game.

You can't give up 20 offensive board & have 20 turnovers and expect to win.

You cut those stats in half and Lakers would have won easily by at least 10 tonight.
Why does Kobe find the need to keep leaving his man and helping out on defense? Just stick to your man, if you get blown by, you have Dwight in the paint to slide over.
This is getting really ******g old. They need to just not play Dwight in the 4th quarter. He needs a sports psychologist pretty badly if he is really shooting 83% or whatever in practice and can't hit the broad side of a barn in games. The Hack-A-Dwight makes the 4th quarters totally unwatchable. It's one thing if we're gonna lose, but to not even get to play offense for 4 minutes at a time is driving me ******g nuts.
It was the offensive board & turnovers that cost us this game.
You can't give up 20 offensive board & have 20 turnovers and expect to win.
You cut those stats in half and Lakers would have won easily by at least 10 tonight.

Not that other factors aren't contributing to these losses, but when your team doesn't even get to cross halfcourt and run its offense for minutes at a time late in the game, it's probably not the most ideal way to stay in a good rhythm down the stretch.
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