
Why are people so angry in a conspiracy thread. Isn't it for theories and thoughts and for people to state their own opinions? Let people believe whatever they wanna.
Whether or not anyones being mislead does not change the fact that the man that is being accused of being an "actor" by that lunatic in the video you posted really did have both of his legs blown off last week.

Hes gonna spend the rest of his life strapping his legs on... But you wanna sit there snackin on cheeto's posting vids saying hes already an amputee who for some reason agreed to play a roll in a US conspired terror event. OK.

I can tell you one thing, I'm not crippled by fear.  Not after 9/11, not after Sandy Hook, not after Aurora, not after Boston.  Sorry but if you DO find some "proof" that a government agency was behind this; You wont be able to do jack **** about it.

But for now... Grow a backbone and stop dragging names like Jeff Bauman through the mud when you have literally ZERO first hand knowledge of what you're talking about.  You have pictures and video's put together by some 45 year old dude in his basement apartment.

How'd this work out?

It took what... 4-5 hours for someone to drum this up and get thousands of people on facebook to take the bait? Why? Cause they wanted to get all those FB shares? Or maybe... That person who fabricated the story is the fear monger.

I posted a video that covered Jeff Bauman probably in a short segment, so let's not act like the video is centered on him.

RIP to him, and all the victims. Let me just say that.

And you're right I have zero firsthand knowledge of the event. But as the weeks go by I am sure that whatever firsthand knowledge we received from god knows what source, the information will be completely skewed. 

Fear cripples, and anyone familiar with our limbic system knows just how powerful it is. 
Wait, Jeff Bauman is dead? When did this happen? Is this a new conspiracy? Please explain.

Anyway.... can someone just post a full conspiracy theory from start to finish. Speculate. Go crazy. Thus far it's just been coincidences and grainy pictures. I want to know 1) who is behind this, 2) why they thought this was a good idea (i.e. why was this better than other alternative plans), 3) what is their goal, 4) how they pulled it off. Once we have that in place, then we can judge all the evidence against it.

If it's the government... I'd be interested in a) which branch/groups carried it out, b) who else knew about it (obama? how many people?).
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I have been accused of disrespecting the dead so much in here I thought he was.

I apologize for putting him with the deceased.

The story is bs...even the FBI is starting too look incompetent.

For 2 dudes?
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Not on the identities of victims. I really don't know the names, but I am doing way more research than yon can imagine on situations similar.
Seen that earlier but the shills in the thread will call it a slip of the tongue or something clever.

Government shills on message boards.
"The FBI filed a federal criminal complaint against the 19-year-old on Sunday, and federal District Court Judge Marianne Bowler arrived at the hospital where he is being treated to preside over his initial hearing Monday, when she read him his Miranda rights.
But Fox News' sources say there was confusion about Bowler's timing, with some voicing concerns that investigators were not given enough time to question Dzhokhar under the "public safety exception" invoked by the Justice Department.
Two officials with knowledge of the FBI briefing on Capitol Hill said the FBI was against stopping the investigators' questioning and was stunned that the judge, Justice Department prosecutors and public defenders showed up, feeling valuable intelligence may have been sacrificed as a result.
The FBI had been questioning Tsarnaev for 16 hours before the judge called a start to the court proceeding, officials familiar with the Capitol Hill briefing told Fox News."

View media item 381974
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Wait, Jeff Bauman is dead? When did this happen? Is this a new conspiracy? Please explain.

Anyway.... can someone just post a full conspiracy theory from start to finish. Speculate. Go crazy. Thus far it's just been coincidences and grainy pictures. I want to know 1) who is behind this, 2) why they thought this was a good idea (i.e. why was this better than other alternative plans), 3) what is their goal, 4) how they pulled it off. Once we have that in place, then we can judge all the evidence against it.

If it's the government... I'd be interested in a) which branch/groups carried it out, b) who else knew about it (obama? how many people?).

The entire foolishness surrounding conspiracy theories stems from people observing various inconsistencies or having doubts about particular aspects of events and then trying to fill in the blanks to answer all your questions above. Meanwhile, people with legitimate disputes or with genuine concerns are lumped in with all these people who buy into all the fantastical stuff. Asking a question or disputing an official story is suddenly equated with believing all the outrageous things irrationally derived from that dispute. Asking a question or pointing out something that may seem off about one or two aspects of a entire series of events doesn't mean a person has to be able to explain every single detail of the plot and motive. It's foolish to expect someone doing internet research to be able to answer everyone of your questions, in fact the people who try to do that are the ones that ones that are ridiculed. When cops question a group of suspects they don't expect to have every detail of a crime confessed, they are looking for inconsistencies and minor flaws to uncover what may lay underneath everyone's story.

More and more people are joining the fringes of the conspiracy debate. Whether its the outlandish theorizers or those that argue just as vehemently against them. Meanwhile moderate, level headed folks who realize there is little proof to either side are drowned out by the noise.
it was staged.

They used a marine to stand in for the guy with his legs blown off and the little boy who died never existed.

They did all this to sell more red sox jerseys.... the greed of corporate america never ceases to amaze me :smh:
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We're not here to discuss the names of the injured or dead.

This is for exposing the evil taking place behind the scenes, the same creators and pushers of crack cocaine on our communities.

Hand me down textbooks and food being served through the backdoor entrance. Dogs being sent to do harm, and water hoses sending people to the ground.

The lack of information to minorities due to huge disparaties in our educational system.

The playing field was never fair, and you think everything is cool behind the scenes? As if these events just magically happen?

We've known terror for centuries at the hands of this government and you think the capabilities for a false flag event as such is impossible by the powers that be?
Slow night... Shy audience... I'll get the ball rolling.

So here are 5 conspiracy theory categories that are possible. I'll let each of you use your own judgment and logic to decide which you feel is most likely. Feel free to add your own. And it would be helpful to state which theory you believe in whenever you post any "evidence" in this thread so that we can understand what it implies and how it fits in with reality.

Conspiracy #1: Sloppiness/human error in investigation followed by cover-ups
As anyone with experience with big corporations/institutions know, the more people and parts you have, the more likely things will go wrong. There will be miscommunications and people will drop responsibilities. Maybe FBI assigned the case to someone who a week later quit his job, and no one followed up on the Tamerlan investigation. Maybe in the chaos and uncertainty following the bombing, someone misidentified the bombers and the wrong person was arrested and endured a couple hours of interrogation before being released. And so on.

Conspiracy #2: Clandestine organization that controls everything
For whatever reason, some secret group with massive resources and massive abilities to massively control massive numbers of people set this up. Why they would go through the trouble of setting this up when they already have the ability to massively orchestrate whatever they want, I can't figure it out. I'm open to any speculation. But, ignoring that for now, this group planted actors, faked the bombs, framed two kids, invented their histories, paid off or brainwashed witnesses, etc.

This one seems the least plausible to me, but it's also impossible to argue for or against it. This organization is omnipotent and all-powerful. It's kind of like religion. If you want to believe in it, fine. But I'd like to think I retain some control of my life. And to this day I haven't met any human who I could imagine physically, mentally, or emotionally capable of being a part of this organization. but maybe they're just that good.

Conspiracy #3: Mafia or 3rd party manipulated the Tsarnaev brothers into doing the bombing
Let's say someone in the family had gambling debts, or had run into trouble with the mob, or whatever. This group then tells Tamerlan that they will forgive the grievance if the Tamerlan's bomb the Boston marathon. They would've provided support and instruction throughout. What I can't figure out is why anyone would find it in their interest to hire someone to bomb the marathon. Maybe they have some personal vendetta against marathons?

Or it could be some security company trying to sell their surveillance equipment? Or maybe it's the NRA trying to demonstrate that, even without guns, violence will still occur? That kind of explains why the brothers murdered a cop to try to get a 2nd gun. It shows what would happen if we took guns off the streets.

I guess time will tell who benefits the most from this, but that's not really proof of anything. If someone can profit off something, they will. Doesn't prove innocence or guilt. But maybe the surviving brother or the parents or someone will provide information along the way of some outside influence that got involved and influenced the brothers.

Conspiracy #4: The Tsarnaev brothers were framed
A majority of conspiracy theories imply that this is the case. We can split this into 2 possibilities: a) they were chosen ahead of time to be the ones to be framed, or b) they were chosen on the spot.

a) They were chosen ahead of time. The plotters find a couple kids to pin this on. Let's say they want to blame Muslim extremists, so they find 2 Muslims who will be at the marathon finish wearing backpacks. But how they guarantee they'll actually be there? I don't know. Maybe they just got lucky.

b) They were chosen on the spot. The plotters find 2 guys on the surveillance footage to pin this on. They could do this by doing face recognition right away and cross-referencing with a database of angry extremists. Or maybe they just got lucky.

That's one component. Then they have to plant evidence at their homes. I guess not that hard. When they release their photos on Thursday, they have to make them panic. Because any rational person would just go to the authorities at that point and clear things up. But the conspirators were clever. They murder a cop and then plant stories in the media that the brothers did it. How t The brothers then panic.

The conspirators have to kill both of them, otherwise they will talk and say they've been framed. They kill one (maybe blending in some agents with Boston police or FBI). The second, using the distraction of gunfire and the night, they are able to shoot multiple times. Unfortunately, he lives and has the ability to communicate in the hospital and is going to talk to multiple people from multiple agencies. How on earth they have plants for all of them, I don't know. Seems impossible. But maybe they just got lucky.

Now with all this luck, they can carry out their ultimate plan... Which is? I don't know. Distract from CISPA? A bill that was already passed the House last year... Maybe to justify going after Islamic extremists? But we're already doing that. I don't know.

Conspiracy #5: Psychopathic older brother convinces younger brother to help him
This theory is completely outlandish and unbelievable and requires several leaps of logic so I chose to put it last.

Roughly 1% of people are psychopaths. Of those, some % are predisposed to violent behavior. Tamerlan showed signs of this over the past few years. He beat his girlfriend, was prone to angry outbursts, and murdered 3 people out of rage. Not surprising at all that he would have violent tendencies.

As expected, this was difficult to cope with. As an immigrant who never fully felt at home in America, he thought maybe he needed to rediscover his roots (as anyone here in their 20's probably has gone through). His roots are his religion and his homeland. One of his friends at a mosque encourages him to pursue this avenue. This friend happens to subscribe to be anti-west and sympathizes with jihadists/hamas/etc. Not surprising at all so far.

Tarmerlov goes back to Russia and meets more like-minded people, some of whom espouse violence. Not surprising at all since we're talking about Chechnya, given the history of that region. He comes back more determined than ever.

His younger brother, who has always looked up to him, accepts what Tamerlan says without question. Not surprising at all. Anyone who has an older brother they admire will understand this.

Eventually he convinces his brother to help him bomb the marathon. They figure they won't get caught in the crowds and will get away.
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We're not here to discuss the names of the injured or dead.

This is for exposing the evil taking place behind the scenes, the same creators and pushers of crack cocaine on our communities.

Hand me down textbooks and food being served through the backdoor entrance. Dogs being sent to do harm, and water hoses sending people to the ground.

The lack of information to minorities due to huge disparaties in our educational system.

The playing field was never fair, and you think everything is cool behind the scenes? As if these events just magically happen?

We've known terror for centuries at the hands of this government and you think the capabilities for a false flag event as such is impossible by the powers that be?
So you have an agenda?

Eyes wide shut

Good post

So now he was unarmed.

Wasn't there reports of this guy throwing explosives and shooting?

Also, read the comments on the page, "why is the story changing so much".

American public is being played.

Eyes wide shut

Good post

not sure if posted, but
Boston Commissioner Calls Boston Bombers "Actors"!?

Definitely a Freudian slip! No ifs about it.

Eyes wide shut!

Btw I can't stand their accents. *carry on*
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I can just see the next article being "suspect's official confession does not match his handwriting from his college notes/work" :lol:
So you have an agenda?
No. But I'm going with conspiracy #2. 

Others knew about it. 

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” —Thomas Jefferson, 1802

This is what Wilson DID say for sure:
“A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men … [W]e have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.” – Woodrow Wilson, from his 1913 book titled The New Freedom

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.” — President Theodore Roosevelt, An Autobiography, 1913 (Appendix B)

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” — President Franklin Roosevelt, in a letter to an associate dated November 21, 1933

“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.” — John F Kennedy on April 27, 1961

And here are a few from other political figures:
Former New York mayor John Hylan, in 1922, summed it up this way: “The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation … At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as the international bankers [who] virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes.”

“The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.” — Felix Frankfurter, Justice of the Supreme Court (1939-1962)
“Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government, a bureaucratic elite which believes our Constitution is outmoded.” — Senator William Jenner , 1954

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.“ — William Casey, former CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)
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Seen that earlier but the shills in the thread will call it a slip of the tongue or something clever.

Government shills on message boards.

:rofl: government shills on a sneaker messageboard

you got me im really sargeant slaughter of GI JOE and WWF fame :lol:
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Why are people so angry in a conspiracy thread. Isn't it for theories and thoughts and for people to state their own opinions? Let people believe whatever they wanna.

ok then respect the real boston bombing thread and stop posting craptastic conspiracy theories in there.

Actors.... seriously who makes up this crap and exactly when did it begin? musta been someone with no life and a big imagination...
how do you differentiate between events that are controlled and events that are not controlled?
Prior drills beforehand, people being called onto the site of bombing/attack days before to get prepared for something outside the norm, military personnel at a marathon running when you already have plenty of law enforcement as it is. FBI, local police, etc. Why is there a black bomb truck sitting nearby the event? Oh, just in case right?

That to me says the event is being controlled.

But the American people are that naive to believe the government doesn't create panic and mayhem through the stock market, terrorist threats, and even drug epidemics because they help fund the drug trade by their every own involvement. 
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