
The arguments are going nowhere. gorillahoney84 thinks what happened in Boston was fake. There isn't anything any of us can show him or tell him to change his mind. This thread has went from baseless conspiracy theories to a debate about slavery. Somehow, I saw that coming.

This Boston situation is full of holes and its only a few weeks after the bombing we're starting to see that we really live in the belly of the beast capable of almost anything.

Typical conspiracy theorist response. Amorphous and nonsensical phrases being spoken in an attempt to sound smarter than you really are. If you want to see what tyranny is really like, go visit a North Korean gulag.

People in this thread are constantly referring to the government as if its one single entity with one single goal with a cohesive body calling the shots. It's not. You're talking about hundreds of different agencies with their own agendas and ideals. Thousands of bureaucrats doing different things.

So when ya'll refer to the "government", what are you referring to exactly? FBI? CIA? NSA? Which agency was behind this?

I also don't understand how pictures of Tupac and Biggie ended up in this thread. I'm assuming it was because the government killed them as well.
I have no idea what the hell they're talking about at this point.

if you don't understand how or why those pictures ended up being posted, go back 2 pages and read the page that the pictures are on :lol:
moo master go read through the thread. I've said most that was on my mind.

Typical response of a detractor thats not worth my time. You're similar to most who stop in to voice some sort of disapproval with the discussions.

You should know by my response to others that its simply a case of me seeing things differently than you.

But honestly I do not want to see things like you.
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moo master go read through the thread. I've said most that was on my mind.

Typical response of a detractor thats not worth my time. You're similar to most who stop in to voice some sort of disapproval with the discussions.

You should know by my response to others that its simply a case of me seeing things differently than you.

But honestly I do not want to see things like you.

:lol: get hit with a question you don't know the answer to so you just end up ignoring it. Good job. Not seeing things like me is non-responsive to my questions. So I'll just repeat my question:

People in this thread are constantly referring to the government as if its one single entity with one single goal with a cohesive body calling the shots. It's not. You're talking about hundreds of different agencies with their own agendas and ideals. Thousands of bureaucrats doing different things.

So when ya'll refer to the "government", what are you referring to exactly? FBI? CIA? NSA? Which agency was behind this?
That's a problem with government then if that's how you want to define it. Too many heads on the monster. 

Not a difficult question, and I really suggests reading through the thread. We've pretty much exhausted ourselves, and until any more funny news pops up that's worth updating then I guess it's dead for the most part. 
So what's the answer? CIA, FBI, NSA, or what?

I'm stupid some dumb it down for me. You said it's not a difficult question. So tell me which alphabet soup agency is responsible for this.
So what's the answer? CIA, FBI, NSA, or what?

I'm stupid some dumb it down for me. You said it's not a difficult question. So tell me which alphabet soup agency is responsible for this.
read. then learn to think for yourself. 
:lol: get hit with a question you don't know the answer to so you just end up ignoring it. Good job. Not seeing things like me is non-responsive to my questions. So I'll just repeat my question:

People in this thread are constantly referring to the government as if its one single entity with one single goal with a cohesive body calling the shots. It's not. You're talking about hundreds of different agencies with their own agendas and ideals. Thousands of bureaucrats doing different things.

So when ya'll refer to the "government", what are you referring to exactly? FBI? CIA? NSA? Which agency was behind this?

Not everyone is saying the government did this. I think these two dudes did it but I wanna see the videos they have of it. There is no direct evidence yet.
That irony though. :smokin

Where exactly is the irony? Perhaps you need a dictionary.

So what's the answer? CIA, FBI, NSA, or what?

I'm stupid some dumb it down for me. You said it's not a difficult question. So tell me which alphabet soup agency is responsible for this.

Lol. When people say the govt. was behind 9/11, for example, I doubt many people actually believe the senators and congressmen sat around and hatched out a plan. It's not like every single employee of the FBI or CIA is in the know when when a few conspire to commit crimes. "The govt. did it" is a convenient way to deflect responsibility away from named individuals committing actual crimes.

As you stated, the "govt." is multifaceted and incapable of maintaining a single agenda or set of agendas across the board. What people are generally referring to, since you want to play dense, is a network of wealthy elite with an expansive reach which may include public employees.

So for example, a conglomerate of defense contractors known as The Carlyle Group profits during times of war. That is their agenda. Now when a key member of this network of businessmen is a former CIA official, former US President with a son currently presiding you can see how private interests can become intertwined with government conspiracy.

Another example, the former CEO of the worlds most powerful investment bank being the architect of the govt's bailout of financial institutions.

How many Rockefeller's are politicians? How many Harriman's? Bush's?

It's less about govt entities being wholly corrupted and criminal and more about individuals with a seat in power having conflicts of interest with those they are elected to represent.
That irony though. :smokin

Where exactly is the irony? Perhaps you need a dictionary.

So what's the answer? CIA, FBI, NSA, or what?

I'm stupid some dumb it down for me. You said it's not a difficult question. So tell me which alphabet soup agency is responsible for this.

Lol. When people say the govt. was behind 9/11, for example, I doubt many people actually believe the senators and congressmen sat around and hatched out a plan. It's not like every single employee of the FBI or CIA is in the know when when a few conspire to commit crimes. "The govt. did it" is a convenient way to deflect responsibility away from named individuals committing actual crimes.

As you stated, the "govt." is multifaceted and incapable of maintaining a single agenda or set of agendas across the board. What people are generally referring to, since you want to play dense, is a network of wealthy elite with an expansive reach which may include public employees.

So for example, a conglomerate of defense contractors known as The Carlyle Group profits during times of war. That is their agenda. Now when a key member of this network of businessmen is a former CIA official, former US President with a son currently presiding you can see how private interests can become intertwined with government conspiracy.

Another example, the former CEO of the worlds most powerful investment bank being the architect of the govt's bailout of financial institutions.

How many Rockefeller's are politicians? How many Harriman's? Bush's?

It's less about govt entities being wholly corrupted and criminal and more about individuals with a seat in power having conflicts of interest with those they are elected to represent.

Bingo. :smokin
This bald dude pretty much sums up conspiracy theorists

:wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :lol:

I'd say that the dude screaming sums up the other side of the spectrum ; He doesn't address any details and resorts to name calling and obscenities to make himself feel superior without addressing the issue. They both look like fools. I hear a lot of rhetoric,but I never see any dissection of the actual conspiracy theories. I see assumptions and logical fallacies and personal attacks.
I'd say that the dude screaming sums up the other side of the spectrum ; He doesn't address any details and resorts to name calling and obscenities to make himself feel superior without addressing the issue. They both look like fools. I hear a lot of rhetoric,but I never see any dissection of the actual conspiracy theories. I see assumptions and logical fallacies and personal attacks.

Agreed. Name caller is from Cambridge so I understand is anger.
"Three additional suspects taken into custody in connection with Boston bombings case, police say. "
Kinda curious, was there a Sandy Hook conspiracy thread?? I'd like to know y'alls views on that.
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