
I come from Russia, where if you question the government you disappear soon after. So the United States is a leg up because obviously you guys are questioning it and its allowed.

Secondly, if it was a conspiracy why do you think you guys are able to put these things together. Would it not be highly secretive? Or do you think you guys are some sort of geniuses and have it all figured out. Or are the people you listen to have inside information? Isn't the government able to control a lot of things, then why not this?

After all N.Korean people don't know anything other than what they are told by government, why doesn't the United States do this? Is it because our government is dumb? Or is it because our population is so intelligent?

Thirdly, if our government is so corrupt and information does leak, why not make people disappear like they do in other countries?

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Just a few of the well known..not to mention countless others who go nameless. 

reaching with the last two imo...

With Biggie yes..... but with pac i think there was someone who was finally going to close that bridge between the old cats who dealt with the actual struggles of civil rights and the new generation that was out for self.

Pac was only 25 and he was talkin bout starting his own political party and things of that nature. Has INFLUENCE over millions and was not gonna turn the other cheek ever.... He had to go :smh:
I believe the Biggie murder is much more than a plot to even the score in the east coast west coast feud, but there had to be more attention placed on hip hop and the negativity resulting from the fabricated east and west coast beef.

Why have both cases gone on so long with no type of resolution in sight? 

Oh let me guess the FBI needs to gather their sources, and make sure all of the dots have been connected? 

That was in 1997. Here we are in 2013 with the same story. 

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Dude blacks were always out armed by the whites. Raids for what?

They viewed blacks as a social menace. Do you honestly believe I'm making it up?

Source is book called White Terror...look it up and read it.

What the hell are you talking about.... who has ever doubted that during the civil war more white people had weapons than blacks?

who are you arguing with?

Why are you so surprised there were weapon raids during the CIVIL WAR?

Who has ever doubted southern whites seeing blacks as a menace.....especially during the CIVIL WAR

How are these undisputed facts supporting your conspiracy argument?
How about this to show you how foul the government can get. 

So you free blacks, but after emancipation there are more jails and penitentiaries built, and I mean on a much larger scale. They said Negro emancipation rendered this necessary because as slaves they had been under the wardship of their masters and rarely used public facilities. 


What groups of people do you think were terrorized to fill up these jails and prisons? There was always a conspiracy to fill up the prisons and jails with minorities. So if we've been saying this for centuries, what makes you think the **** has stopped today? I'm referring to conspiracies that is. 

It's just more insidious, but people are slowly waking up. Entertainment and sensual gratification can only keep you blind for so long. 

So the terror that citizens of this country once faced mirrors the terror being inflicted on US citizens today. By the very same government. 
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Good link. No dambs given at times.

Must admit I didn't know much about some of the more interesting ones: MK-ULTRA, Nayirah (just cause of how sloppy it looked), and COINTELPRO (assassination of Fred Hampton :smh: ).

definitely recommend you do a little research into at least MKULTRA. it's one of the more interesting ones, along with Operation Northwoods.

the US military wasn't the only group experimenting with mind control through various means. I don't know how much you got into but they actually intended to weaponize LSD to use against enemy combatants. they tested it on soldiers.

the FBI and CIA did the Panthers all the way dirty. I don't even have words for that. the effort to destroy black leadership from within wasn't enough so they just paid off or killed off who they needed to with no problem.

I don't know if you've seen this but I want to post it in here. I hate that every video I find with the speech has some crazy title, but it doesn't take away from what he's saying too much. if you have 5 minutes to spare, give it a listen.
What the hell are you talking about.... who has ever doubted that during the civil war more white people had weapons than blacks?

who are you arguing with?

Why are you so surprised there were weapon raids during the CIVIL WAR?

Who has ever doubted southern whites seeing blacks as a menace.....especially during the CIVIL WAR

How are these undisputed facts supporting your conspiracy argument?
First off, blacks were hardly ever given guns. Only a few may have had weapons, but you think by traveling through the back woods in the south on late night raids is justifiable? Especially during such a perilous time for blacks, and this is during the heart of the civil war, and in some cases right after, so you think blacks were stockpiling up guns waiting to revolt against the government at this time.

By that time I expect many to have been extremely disillusioned by our state of governing. Here you've slaved for generations and not one one ounce of respectability is afforded to the group of people treated like cargo, cattle, second class citizens for over 400 years. 

Sometimes you become complacent for years, that is until someone like Garvey, King, or Malcolm comes along to raise consciousness but of course they are replaced by figures who are entertainment oriented. People like comedians, actors, and athletes stood for representation of black achievement in America. Not the figures who expound on real life conditions i.e., that is the plight of the black race. 

That's real because there is a continuous conflict going on to this day that has yet to be rectified in a true sense. 

No you ask me who I am arguing with?


People can see through your failed attempt at throwing the thread off track. 

Memo to the trolls it's not working. 
What the hell are you talking about.... who has ever doubted that during the civil war more white people had weapons than blacks?

who are you arguing with?

Why are you so surprised there were weapon raids during the CIVIL WAR?

Who has ever doubted southern whites seeing blacks as a menace.....especially during the CIVIL WAR

How are these undisputed facts supporting your conspiracy argument?

First off, blacks were hardly ever given guns. Only a few may have had weapons, but you think by traveling through the back woods in the south on late night raids is justifiable? Especially during such a perilous time for blacks, and this is during the heart of the civil war, and in some cases right after, so you think blacks were stockpiling up guns waiting to revolt against the government at this time.

By that time I expect many to have been extremely disillusioned by our state of governing. Here you've slaved for generations and not one one ounce of respectability is afforded to the group of people treated like cargo, cattle, second class citizens for over 400 years. 

Sometimes you become complacent for years, that is until someone like Garvey, King, or Malcolm comes along to raise consciousness but of course they are replaced by figures who are entertainment oriented. People like comedians, actors, and athletes stood for representation of black achievement in America. Not the figures who expound on real life conditions i.e., that is the plight of the black race. 

That's real because there is a continuous conflict going on to this day that has yet to be rectified in a true sense. 

No you ask me who I am arguing with?


People can see through your failed attempt at throwing the thread off track. 

Memo to the trolls it's not working. 

so the United States and the world has not gotten any better in the last 200 years? In your eyes it is exactly the same government and ideology from 1865 that we are governed by today?
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who has ever doubted that during the civil war more white people had weapons than blacks?

who are you arguing with?

First off, blacks were hardly ever given guns. Only a few may have had weapons, but you think by traveling through the back woods in the south on late night raids is justifiable?

can anybody else see how he doesn't even understand the posts he's responding to?^^
can anybody else see how he doesn't even understand the posts he's responding to?^^
We have just had raids on people's homes in Boston because of an alleged terror threat. 

Do you not see the parallels in my post with the situation that happened in Boston last week? 

Does your mind only move in one dimension? 
can anybody else see how he doesn't even understand the posts he's responding to?^^

We have just had raids on people's homes in Boston because of an alleged terror threat. 

Do you not see the parallels in my post with the situation that happened in Boston last week? 

Does your mind only move in one dimension? 

completely different scenarios...... COMPLETELY.....completely.....

Southern militia searching for traitors/weapons caches in negro households during the civil war is not a parallel of Boston PD searching for 2 men who bombed a marathon, killed a police officer, hijacked a car, were in a shootout, and went on the run.
completely different scenarios...... COMPLETELY.....completely.....

Southern militia searching for traitors/weapons caches in negro households during the civil war is not a parallel of Boston PD searching for 2 men who bombed a marathon, killed a police officer, hijacked a car, were in a shootout, and went on the run.

Same principle imo...create a fake threat then move on to capture the imaginary enemy just so you can control the people even more. Sort of what we've been talking about in this thread. For all we know the story could be fake as ****? You would believe anything given at face value but I like to delve deeper.

The southern militia you speak of was going around terrorizing blacks just for being black. Had nothing to do with traitors at all or weapon caches. Even after the war it went on. Lets refer to the southern militia in the real context, which is the KKK.
completely different scenarios...... COMPLETELY.....completely.....

Southern militia searching for traitors/weapons caches in negro households during the civil war is not a parallel of Boston PD searching for 2 men who bombed a marathon, killed a police officer, hijacked a car, were in a shootout, and went on the run.

Same principle imo...create a fake threat then move on to capture the imaginary enemy just so you can control the people even more. Sort of what we've been talking about in this thread. For all we know the story could be fake as ****? You would believe anything given at face value but I like to delve deeper.

The southern militia you speak of was going around terrorizing blacks just for being black. Had nothing to do with traitors at all or weapon caches. Even after the war it went on. Lets refer to the southern militia in the real context, which is the KKK.

So after all these fake threats and the stripping away of our freedoms........ we have less rights now than we did 200 years ago right?

200 years of fake threats, conspiracies, and government takeovers.... I wish I could go back to the free times in the 1800's
Wasn't really a free time for me the 1800's.

Not in America.

But the American form of racsim kept blacks down well after slavery was abolished. By implementing blacks codes and all sorts of societal obstacles preventing equality as a citizen. Ii do not trust this foundation that much.

This Boston situation is full of holes and its only a few weeks after the bombing we're starting to see that we really live in the belly of the beast capable of almost anything.
Wasn't really a free time for me the 1800's.

Not in America.

But the American form of racsim kept blacks down well after slavery was abolished. By implementing blacks codes and all sorts of societal obstacles preventing equality as a citizen. Ii do not trust this foundation that much.

This Boston situation is full of holes and its only a few weeks after the bombing we're starting to see that we really live in the belly of the beast capable of almost anything.

Are you saying you don't want to live in a time before the CIA, NSA, NDAA or the patriot act?!?!??

Who are you working for?
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