
American Holocaust already happened though.

Its crazy dudes have seen institutionalized racism, Native Americans damn near wiped out, slavery, civil rights infiltration, puppet regimes, terrorists armed by our government, Jim Crow, the prison industrial complex, war on drugs (war on inner city youth)...

And still think its all good behind the scenes.

American Holocaust already happened though.

Really? I haven't recalled any slaughter on a mass scale, in the last 200+ years.

Unless you're referring to the American Indian Holocaust, which I really hope you're not. :smh:

Word? Why not? It needs to be within the last 200 years to be relevant now?

You should read American Holocaust: The Conquest of the New World.

History is a great teacher.

You do realize that happened over 300 years ago, right? Did you know The United States of AMERICA was founded in the late 1700s? (Which I doubt you were referring to North America, seeing as I was referring to an American Holocaust in the states, which was when you stated it has happened already)

History is infact a great teacher. But you need to learn how to READ before you can learn from it in your own.

let's review.

- I make a post about some wrongdoings in the US.

- You mention American Holocaust.

- I say it already happened. (note that past tense, b)

- You say you can't recall it happening in the last 200+ years, ignoring the past tense. You say you really hope I'm not referring to the American Indian Holocaust.

- I say why not? I suggest you read a book about the subject that covers European conquests.

- You then reply, saying it was over 300 years ago. meaning it happened in the past tense. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THAT PAST TENSE.

- You even say you were assuming that I didn't mean North America. Because somehow I was supposed to read your mind and know you meant something completely different. But you are sure to mention the Native Americans.

- Instead of using logic, hell instead of basically reading what I typed, and realizing I meant Native Americans from the start, you somehow jump to mass murders in the US thinking I meant the same "American Holocaust" that you made up on the spot.

- you then resort to rolling smileys and reaction pics.

why would I recommend you a book and give you the wrong title? why would Googling the TITLE OF A BOOK not give you an AMAZON LINK TO PURCHASE THE BOOK? do you not know how to use punctuation?

my senior year was 07. is your memory that bad that you can't properly type out a book title from memory?

PRO TIP Google "American Holocaust" and not "The American Holocaust" and the first link is the book, not the link to an article by a guy I didn't know existed until I wanted to figure out if you were remedial or not.

you're reaching and failing. all these edits and recalculations.

wash your face. every time you reply you're looking worse and worse. I'm 4 beers in thinking better than you after working 7 hours off a couple hours of sleep.
I didn't start drinking until 2. you haven't been making sense for like 5 hours :lol:

it's not even arguing, you're making 0 points. you have to actually support your own statements with more than emoticons, jpgs, assumptions, and ad hominems to constitute an argument my du.

I even broke it down to you. I don't know what else to do but hope you get some sleep and pick a new thread to post in. this one is not working out for you.

What was that? I couldn't even understand what you were sa... Uhmmm

It's all bad when the conspiracy theorist is the more level-headed and understanding person in the argument :lol:
What the hell happened in here? :lol:

People came in and tried to flip the thread on its head. Made the discussion less about conspiracies and attempted to turn it a platform to knock people's beliefs. While doing this they forgot this was a conspiracy thread.
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My vote goes to sleezy..... You seemed to lose the debate and resort to name calling and pics and gifs.

Why isn't the Native American holocaust taken more serious?
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Ya'll let the trolls come in here and mess up the entire convo It's so simple to ignore someone who's mind doesn't want to work just do it.

Janet Napolitano Clearly stating that this person of interest who is being deported & was at the site of the bombing wasn't even worth a answer.

this is her 3 days later suddenly stumbling answering questions about Al harbi. If you listened to the first interview with Glenn Beck you can see that what she says happened is CLEARLY a lie considering protocol doesn't allow you to just throw someone on terrorist watch and take them off within a two day period.

Cliffs (For those who were told DIRECTLY to not look at other photos lmao)

- Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi (the foreign Exchange student) who if you remember had his apartment raided in Boston (in revere).
- Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi was found bleeding at the scene of the crime and in the matter of a day he went from suspect, To person of Interest, to victim, to being deported.
- Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi was set to be deported under section 212 3B — “Security and related grounds” — “Terrorist activities” after the bombing. With the specific event file stating for the Boston Bombing.
- The very next day he was taken off of this this terror "watchlist" Despite having to be cleared by the FBI, ATF, and every other major force In order to have his status changed
- US Congressmen John Duncan sent a formal letter of request to homeland security for a classified breifing on the saudi national and deportation order.
- Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi even before coming to the U.S was known to be associated with known terrorist. out of a list of 85 of the top terrorist threats as seen by the Saudi Government 6 are a part of his clan (Family)

#15 Badr Saud Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi
#26 Khalid Salim Uwaid Al-Lahibi Al-Harbi
#29 Raed Abdullah Salem Al-Thahiri Al-Harbi
#43 Abdullah Abdul Rahman Muhammad Al-Harbi (leader)
#60 Fayez Ghuneim Humeid Al-Hijri Al-Harbi
#73 Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi

- With this known Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harbi was still able to obtain a student visa set primarily for a college in Ohio (This news was reported by Fox News), but has been clearly living in boston. then although he was dropped of all suspicions and was no longer a person of interest he had to be immediately deported?

Oh and let's not forget why a guy with a KNOWN terrorist background and who is being shipped out of america on terrorist charges is getting personal visits from Michelle Obama.

View media item 380814

Has any more information been given on this guy?
Not only that guy, but I been researching about the Saudi family and the ties we have with them.

Flying dude out like that was suspect as hell. 
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Look I just read some **** about the governor of Mississippi, in 1865 a general rising was anticipated at Christmastime. Governor Humphreys of Mississippi  called out the state militia and ordered it to patrol the roads and search negro cabins for arms. It did so, but with a force of immense brutality. The same thing happened in South Carolina and other southern states. 


Investigators found no evidence for to justify the panic, but the same practices occurred in 1866 and 1867. 


Radical Reconstruction was established in 1868 but that induced more fear and panic. 


Does this sound familiar to anyone? 
[SIZE=10pt]Look I just read some **** about the governor of Mississippi, in 1865 a general rising was anticipated at Christmastime. Governor Humphreys of Mississippi  called out the state militia and ordered it to patrol the roads and search negro cabins for arms. It did so, but with a force of immense brutality. The same thing happened in South Carolina and other southern states. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Investigators found no evidence for to justify the panic, but the same practices occurred in 1866 and 1867. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Radical Reconstruction was established in 1868 but that induced more fear and panic. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Does this sound familiar t[/SIZE]o anyone? 

ummm...... uhh..... 1865 right.... patrolling searching for arms....hmm... no evidence to justify it...hmm...

Civil War going on maybe contributed to the search for arms and patrolling?

Are you paranoid because the south was raiding negro housing looking for arms during the american civil war?!!??!!?
did you just say there was no evidence to support it? evidence to patrol and search for arms during a war....?

Radical Reconstruction....aka blacks should receive the same rights as whites = induced panic... OF COURSE it did....... do you even study history before you use it to support your conspiracy?
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Dude blacks were always out armed by the whites. Raids for what?

They viewed blacks as a social menace. Do you honestly believe I'm making it up?

Source is book called White Terror...look it up and read it.
You are being watched. The government has a secret system, a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know because I built it. I designed the machine to detect acts of terror but it sees everything. Violent crimes involving ordinary people, people like you. Crimes the government considered "irrelevant." They wouldn't act, so I decided I would. But I needed a partner, someone with the skills to intervene. Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. You'll never find us, but victim or perpetrator, if your number's up... we'll find you.

:lol: @ this going over peoples heads.
I come from Russia, where if you question the government you disappear soon after. So the United States is a leg up because obviously you guys are questioning it and its allowed.

Secondly, if it was a conspiracy why do you think you guys are able to put these things together. Would it not be highly secretive? Or do you think you guys are some sort of geniuses and have it all figured out. Or are the people you listen to have inside information? Isn't the government able to control a lot of things, then why not this?

After all N.Korean people don't know anything other than what they are told by government, why doesn't the United States do this? Is it because our government is dumb? Or is it because our population is so intelligent?

Thirdly, if our government is so corrupt and information does leak, why not make people disappear like they do in other countries?
I come from Russia, where if you question the government you disappear soon after. So the United States is a leg up because obviously you guys are questioning it and its allowed.

Secondly, if it was a conspiracy why do you think you guys are able to put these things together. Would it not be highly secretive? Or do you think you guys are some sort of geniuses and have it all figured out. Or are the people you listen to have inside information? Isn't the government able to control a lot of things, then why not this?

After all N.Korean people don't know anything other than what they are told by government, why doesn't the United States do this? Is it because our government is dumb? Or is it because our population is so intelligent?

Thirdly, if our government is so corrupt and information does leak, why not make people disappear like they do in other countries?

there is a reason they're called "theories". no one in here (that I know of) knows anything about any high level government details, plans, anything. all theories. it is akin to saying "I think this, because...". whether or not it makes sense is always going to be up for debate. things like fake explosions and missiles and stuff... I don't know where people get that stuff.

the US really can't do that because it would require heavy restrictions on the internet. but as evident by certain laws being pushed and/or passed, certain buildings being built, and certain operations being carried out against different groups, security agencies (government operated and/or contracted) are watching very closely.

And they possibly do. it's not confirmed but it's widely suspected.

this link has some confirmed theories and links to more info about them.

have you ever heard of the Phantom Cosmonauts?
I come from Russia, where if you question the government you disappear soon after. So the United States is a leg up because obviously you guys are questioning it and its allowed.

Secondly, if it was a conspiracy why do you think you guys are able to put these things together. Would it not be highly secretive? Or do you think you guys are some sort of geniuses and have it all figured out. Or are the people you listen to have inside information? Isn't the government able to control a lot of things, then why not this?

After all N.Korean people don't know anything other than what they are told by government, why doesn't the United States do this? Is it because our government is dumb? Or is it because our population is so intelligent?

Thirdly, if our government is so corrupt and information does leak, why not make people disappear like they do in other countries?
Just a few of the well known..not to mention countless others who go nameless. 
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