Democrats & environmentalist wackos wanna kill da Hemi by 2040

Aug 1, 2004
Democrats Flesh Out Green New Deal With Bill To End Sales Of Gas-Burning Cars By 2040
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) is reintroducing a bill from six months ago, but this time in a radically different political environment.
By Alexander C. Kaufman
05/15/2019 08:00 AM ET
Updated 7 hours ago

Some of the city of Pittsburgh’s fleet of electrical vehicles parked under solar charging panels.

Just days after carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere hit a level not seen in 800,000 years, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) is proposing a bill to completely phase out new gas-burning cars by 2040.

The legislation mandates zero-emissions vehicles to make up 50% of new sales by 2030, and ratchets up the requirement 5% every year for a decade. Merkley plans to submit the bill on the Senate floor Wednesday.

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It’s an ambitious proposal, and one almost certain to go nowhere in a Republican-controlled Senate and under an administration that’s in the process of reversing rules to make combustion-engine vehicles more fuel efficient.

The bill is almost identical to legislation Merkley introduced in November in the last Congress. What’s changed is the political framework into which it now fits.

Over the past six months, the Green New Deal has emerged as a new guiding vision for climate policy, calling for a decadelong industrial plan to zero out emissions, fortify infrastructure and eliminate poverty with millions of union-wage jobs. But while the movement is fast becoming a major political force, particularly ahead of the 2020 Democratic primaries, the Green New Deal’s proponents have yet to produce any actual policy.

“When I take a lungful of air in this moment, it has 30% more carbon in it than when I was born,” Merkley told HuffPost. “That is a change that has never happened in a single generation of humankind on this planet.”

The zero-emissions vehicle bill offers one example of what policy to cut emissions from transportation, the United States’ largest source of planet-warming gases, could look like.

“This is just one small contributor to that vision,” Merkley said. “But we need to develop the details around many ideas so those ideas are ready to be combined into a larger package.”


Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) first introduced the zero-emission vehicle bill last year.
(Alex Wroblewski via Getty Images)
Far from the Green New Deal’s revolutionary clarion calls, the bill does the unsexy work of translating popular state programs into national policy. The legislation works by providing zero-emission vehicle credits to manufacturers. Those credits make it so each car sold earns a certain number of credits based on the battery range and type of zero-emission vehicle, according to a Union of Concerned Scientists factsheet. For example, hybrid vehicles earn a partial credit, while all-electric cars earn a full credit.


The bill sets a minimum percentage of new car sales required to be covered by credits, and ramps that figure up annually until 2040, at which point all new vehicles sold would need to meet the mandate. Because the nation’s car fleet turns over every decade, the bill would ostensibly take nearly all fossil-fueled cars off the road by 2050.

That’s far slower than what’s needed to keep average global temperatures from rising another half a degree to 1.5 degrees Celsius, or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, at which point the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts extreme weather and sea level rise will cause at least $54 trillion in damages and cost millions of lives. And the bill doesn’t address emissions from trucks or heavy-duty vehicles.

But Merkley said the bill is meant to be a starting point based on existing state policy, and the requirements under this legislation already set a faster timeline than what California requires.

“The faster it can be done the better,” he said. “If the world changes fast enough, and we can move even faster, then great.”


As it is, the legislation proposes phasing out combustion-engine vehicles faster than worldwide market trends are forecast to do so. By 2040, electric vehicles are forecast to make up 57% of global passenger car sales, according to the research firm BloombergNEF’s latest annual outlook, published Wednesday. Heavy trucks, the analysis found, “will prove the hardest segment for electrics to crack” with a much lower 19% of total sales in 2040.

Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the latter three of whom are candidates for president, co-sponsored the bill. Rep. Mike Levin (D-Calif.) plans to introduce champion legislation in the House.

“If we can’t get a larger package, but we can get individual pieces like electric cars, buses, better insulation, then we should do that, too,” Merkley said. “We need to push at every level.”

When I take a lungful of air in this moment, it has 30% more carbon in it than when I was born. That is a change that has never happened in a single generation of humankind on this planet.Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.)
If the legislation gains traction, it’s likely to face fierce opposition from the auto industry. Automakers, despite paying lip service to cutting emissions in the face of the climate crisis, pay dues to trade associations that worked alongside the oil industry to aggressively lobby the Trump White House to gut Obama-era rules that promised to reduce demand for oil by 12 billion barrels per year.


Zero-emission vehicles made up just 1.9% of total sales nationwide last year, according to the Auto Alliance. The trade group, which cheered the Trump administration’s rollback last year, frequently criticizes mandates like the one Merkley proposed as being out of sync with car buyers’ demands.

Even the companies voluntarily making strides to build to more zero-emissions cars fall far short of cuts scientists say are needed to keep warming within a range that won’t render the planet unrecognizable to today. On Monday, Mercedes-Benz maker Daimler AG announced the most ambitious climate strategy of any automaker to date, yet the plan was light on detail and gave the company until 2039 to reach the woefully ambiguous goal of becoming “carbon neutral.”

That makes bills like Merkley’s critical to “pointing us to the future that we need to be focused,” said Daniel Becker, the director of the D.C.-based Safe Climate Campaign’s Center for Auto Safety.

“The auto companies are currently fighting against making more electric vehicles, and they, of course, would try to prevent this from becoming law,” he said. “It’s absolutely aggressive, and it should be.”


As a policy vision, it’s a formidable document. But it could pose practical problems if it became politically viable and automakers successfully lobbied to bring its scope in line with the type of zero-emission vehicle policy companies like General Motors have proposed.

Absent firm federal policy, states, led by California, are charging ahead with rules to ramp up fuel efficiency even as the Environmental Protection Agency rolls back its own regulations. But setting stricter zero-emission vehicle policy than California could set a precedent for superseding the Golden State’s own rules, which are historically much stronger than the federal standard. Changing that could jeopardize California’s role as a bulwark against future administrations with Trump-like biases toward fossil fuels.

As it stands, the bill would not preempt states. “It provides a federal floor but there is no ceiling on how aggressive states can be,” a Merkley spokeswoman said.

This article has been updated to include an additional comment from Merkley’s spokeswoman
whatever the alternatives that are better for the environment and as close to as fast as what we have now, i'm 100% on board with it.
Bro honestly what :rofl:

He's right but the statement is misleading. Its because of subduction.

Coincidentally the earth was very humid and warm during this time. Makes me wonder............. if there's a correlation between high CO2 and warmer climates.

The fact that he is correct doesn't negate that there's reasoning for it and earth was VERY different at that time. The statement, while true, is a nonfactor realistically today.
Bro honestly what :rofl:

Dinosaur Era Had 5 Times Today's CO2
Byline Manual | Mar 24, 2014 5:15 pm ET


A group of Boy Scouts examines the skeleton of the Jurassic dinosaur Stegosaurus at the Smithsonian. Original Image
Credit: Smithsonian Institution
Dinosaurs that roamed the Earth 250 million years ago knew a world with five times more carbon dioxide than is present on Earth today, researchers say, and new techniques for estimating the amount of carbon dioxide on prehistoric Earth may help scientists predict how Earth's climate may change in the future
Smh at da nanny state libs. Who cares about da environment b? Who cares about breathing b?

carbon dioxide isn't toxic to us, we breathe it out after all.

da long play is democrats/environmental socialist wanna control carbon price wise because its a round about way to execute da command and control top down government they've been creaming themselves for.

Dinosaur Era Had 5 Times Today's CO2
Byline Manual | Mar 24, 2014 5:15 pm ET


A group of Boy Scouts examines the skeleton of the Jurassic dinosaur Stegosaurus at the Smithsonian. Original Image
Credit: Smithsonian Institution
Dinosaurs that roamed the Earth 250 million years ago knew a world with five times more carbon dioxide than is present on Earth today, researchers say, and new techniques for estimating the amount of carbon dioxide on prehistoric Earth may help scientists predict how Earth's climate may change in the future

Yes read this article, it confirms what I said above lol

"The new estimates of CO2 emissions are crucial for determining the relationship between CO2 and climate," said climate researcher Appy Sluijs, also of Utrecht University and a co-author of the study. "Our new information from the deep Earth is independent of, and confirms existing data on, atmospheric CO2 levels as determined from fossils."

One of the researchers' goals is to understand the strong link between climate and volcanic CO2 emissions, and apply it to future climate-change predictions.

"As this study researched how much CO2 was emitted through time, we are now able to zoom into the most interesting time intervals," Sluijs said. "This will eventually lead to long-term predictions of future climate change."

"We are now producing more CO2 than all volcanoes on Earth," van der Meer added. "We will affect climate in ways that are unprecedented and unnatural. The question is how much climate will change. We can now answer this for the past and apply [it] to the future by extrapolation."

I got a kid man. Earth > Hemis.
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