Derrick Rose Is Overrated

I doubt Rose will ever be elite, as in the same level as CP3. And he'll definitely never win back to back mvp like Steve Nash. He'll be above averageat best. He's lacking that drive and killer instinct to get the job done.
21 and 7 his last 6 high 32 last night...22 points going into the 4th quarter tonight... his ankle looks a helluva lot better... Yea....def notoverrated
I never saw Rose as the type of guy who guna put up crazy numbers, 27 and 11, 30 and 9 consistently. He is just a winning PG, by that I mean I feel he'sthe type of guy who is going to look a lot better on a very good team. I definitely think he's a guy you can build a team around; he makes winning plays.But, he just needs a little help around him. Maybe he will end up giving people crazy CP type digits, but I dont know.

That said, he will be an all-star and he will be one of the best 1s in the game. I just try not to judge him off numbers because I never felt that was the bestway to evaluate him.
Rose definitely needs some more pure offensive talent around him; not a bunch of good "third option" players. Probably needs a big that can shootfrom outside too, in order to spread the floor. If he's not going to be using a jumpshot, then he needs room to operate.
Originally Posted by Black Jesus

Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Reading these replies shows me who does and doesnt watch games, with that being said I'll moisey on out of this thread because it doesnt warrant my involvement. Enjoy yourselves though chaps.

when was the last time you said " rose willed the bulls to victory" or "derrick wouldn't let the bulls lose tonight"

This video ignores the fact that Rondo destroyed him on the other end, made a dude with no jumpshot look like oscar robertson.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

I got roasted for saying this on twitter, but Brandon Jennings > D Rose **waits for someone to bring up their high school matchup**


This thread was hilarious when created, it's become embarrassing.
Oh hey guys! I just finished watching the Bulls game.....oh look, here's a Derrick Rose hater thread. Let me mosey onto and checkRose's final stat line after the Chicago Bulls beat the Orlando Magic.

7 dimes
6 boards

yup, he sure is over -rated.....

A 30 point game and dudes gassed. SO WHAT? he will be above average at best. He doesnt have that drive to lead. I wish he did cuz he is nice but lets be real.
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

A 30 point game and dudes gassed. SO WHAT? he will be above average at best. He doesnt have that drive to lead. I wish he did cuz he is nice but lets be real.

Not just tonight fam. Check his stats over the last ten games or so....and his team has won it's 4th in a row. It's not about Rose being a superstar,it's simply defending him against people who wrote him off early in the season because his numbers were down even though he was hurt.
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

A 30 point game and dudes gassed. SO WHAT? he will be above average at best. He doesnt have that drive to lead. I wish he did cuz he is nice but lets be real.

how about you go check what he has been doing since this thread got made clown
I never thought Derrick would be a 9-10 assist guy...
Those expecting that are fools. I want Derrick to get the assist to turnover ratio to 3-1 and score 22 a game for the rest of the season. Thats all I reallywant from him.
I know he can do it.
If you really look at his game he isn't and never was a "true point". Hes looking more like a Wade type every day. Hes a scorer with a lot of PGqualities. He is willing to go be a creator and distributor but he is at his best when he is doing what he does right now.
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

A 30 point game and dudes gassed. SO WHAT? he will be above average at best. He doesnt have that drive to lead. I wish he did cuz he is nice but lets be real.

Even during his sophomore slump he was already an above average point guard. Over the last ten games or so he's been playing on another level.

I've been following him through league pass this whole year and what's scary is that it looks like he is only realizing how nice he is right now.

It started since that 1 point loss to jersey. His body language has changed from 'ok, I'm not really sure when to score, when to pass, when totakeover, still in a shell somewhat' type steez to 'ok, this is my team, I have swagger, I know what i have to do.'

I'm enjoying seeing the change in him and I wish you could see it too.
A lot of you guys need to shut ya traps and actually watch him play before commenting. This dude is going to be a problem.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

A 30 point game and dudes gassed. SO WHAT? he will be above average at best. He doesnt have that drive to lead. I wish he did cuz he is nice but lets be real.

how about you go check what he has been doing since this thread got made clown
and your the same clown jocking him. Calm Yo $!# down. I know he had other 30 point games but your acting like this is anything serious. Just getit through your head he's just an above average dude who will just be all "potential" his whole career maybe (i hope not but thats what itsprolly gonna be). I really like Derrick Rose and he's actually one of my fav pgs in the league but i don't confuse that with whats real. I wish hewould be one of them elite point guard but dudes like you stay sucking him off. Chill with that...
Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

A 30 point game and dudes gassed. SO WHAT? he will be above average at best. He doesnt have that drive to lead. I wish he did cuz he is nice but lets be real.

Even during his sophomore slump he was already an above average point guard. Over the last ten games or so he's been playing on another level.

I've been following him through league pass this whole year and what's scary is that it looks like he is only realizing how nice he is right now.

It started since that 1 point loss to jersey. His body language has changed from 'ok, I'm not really sure when to score, when to pass, when to takeover, still in a shell somewhat' type steez to 'ok, this is my team, I have swagger, I know what i have to do.'

I'm enjoying seeing the change in him and I wish you could see it too.
I hope so fam. He my favorite PG but i seriously dont see it from him. I cant even compare him to dudes like CP3 or Deron Williams. I thought hewould be up at that status but id be bugging to believe it. Well see. Maybe im just sleeping?
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

A 30 point game and dudes gassed. SO WHAT? he will be above average at best. He doesnt have that drive to lead. I wish he did cuz he is nice but lets be real.

how about you go check what he has been doing since this thread got made clown
and your the same clown jocking him. Calm Yo $!# down. I know he had other 30 point games but your acting like this is anything serious. Just get it through your head he's just an above average dude who will just be all "potential" his whole career maybe (i hope not but thats what its prolly gonna be). I really like Derrick Rose and he's actually one of my fav pgs in the league but i don't confuse that with whats real. I wish he would be one of them elite point guard but dudes like you stay sucking him off. Chill with that...
Hes 21. What PG you can document came into the NBA at 20, with one year of college and was a great passer?

The only time he got to play PG was in AAU. Not exactly half court basketball, which is what the Bulls run. The problem with this thread is that people ignoredhis basketball history, his age, his team, his skill set, and at the beginning of the season his injury.
no matter wat you think those who was in here talkin crazy look like damn fools now point blank
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