Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14


Anyone on PS4 trying to do the raid sometime this week after it resets tomorrow? Hit me up, trying to get a group with NT clan mates.
Anyone on PS4 trying to do the raid sometime this week after it resets tomorrow? Hit me up, trying to get a group with NT clan mates.
Do we have to be 26+?
I'm almost 24 but would be down. As long as it isn't my night for baby watch. :lol: :smh: :lol:
Do we have to be 26+?
I'm almost 24 but would be down. As long as it isn't my night for baby watch. :lol: :smh: :lol:
Preferably 26+, the damage reduction you get from be underlevel is pretty rough.

Can most likely get to the final boss with 1 person under 25 though, not sure if we can beat him fast enough though with that.
Preferably 26+, the damage reduction you get from be underlevel is pretty rough.

Can most likely get to the final boss with 1 person under 25 though, not sure if we can beat him fast enough though with that.
Yea I figured you needed higher levels like that. It's all good. I will be there soon enough
legendary/ rare gear bounties roll out tomorrow morning. they only last till the 26th so get your bounties cleared and prepared guys

That hitler video is the funniest **** ever! The endless grind in pursuit good loot. :smh:

I need 2K to break the monotony of it all.

Best way to farm for legendary engrams.  Found like 5 within 1 hour i wanna say.  Also use black wax idol for glimmers
its not fair bro lol im so mad u were serious. i have 0 respect for her now lmao

Best way to farm for legendary engrams.  Found like 5 within 1 hour i wanna say.  Also use black wax idol for glimmers

everyone knows that spot. however, since midnight when the game dropped, Ive gotten well over 30 legendary engrams. WELL over 30. the only legendary items I've received were

1st - a legendary helmet for the warlock.... im a hunter.

2nd - a legendary sniper rifle (and it just came literally today...)

this is a TERRIBLE ratio. they say its random but lets do the math: its random if anything drops or not period. if it drops it could be green or blue or could be ANY green item, or ANY blue item, or ANY purple item. then, it could be for ANY class? thats thousands of possible outcomes every time u kill someone. AND YET! We all get thousands of kills but most of us have diddly squat to show for it? That doesnt make sense.... There is a coded percentage or some sort of method theyre using. But random is definitely not it.

its not fair bro lol im so mad u were serious. i have 0 respect for her now lmao


Best way to farm for legendary engrams.  Found like 5 within 1 hour i wanna say.  Also use black wax idol for glimmers

everyone knows that spot. however, since midnight when the game dropped, Ive gotten well over 30 legendary engrams. WELL over 30. the only legendary items I've received were

1st - a legendary helmet for the warlock.... im a hunter.
2nd - a legendary sniper rifle (and it just came literally today...)

this is a TERRIBLE ratio. they say its random but lets do the math: its random if anything drops or not period. if it drops it could be green or blue or could be ANY green item, or ANY blue item, or ANY purple item. then, it could be for ANY class? thats thousands of possible outcomes every time u kill someone. AND YET! We all get thousands of kills but most of us have diddly squat to show for it? That doesnt make sense.... There is a coded percentage or some sort of method theyre using. But random is definitely not it.

SO MUCH THIS!!! It makes no sense. It's almost like they try to make it harder to pick up legendaries for your own class. Why is it legendary gear can be for any class anyway?

For the gear to be so "random", I sure pick up a lot of the same stuff
I think I'm done with this already. Just quit mid level like wtf am I doing . Definitely needs something else to break out fighting the same enemies in the same levels. Maybe more exploration or some rpg elements storywise
Do we have to be 26+?
I'm almost 24 but would be down. As long as it isn't my night for baby watch. :lol: :smh: :lol:

Preferably 26+, the damage reduction you get from be underlevel is pretty rough.

Can most likely get to the final boss with 1 person under 25 though, not sure if we can beat him fast enough though with that.
And just like that, I am like 1 armor upgrade from being lvl 26 :lol:
Well damn. 120 Light?!?!?!

 Neace apparently spent 107 hours, 15 minutes and 22 seconds playing Destiny before he reached level 30......his profile in the game shows that he also has two other hunter characters as well—one at level 20, the other at 21.
Someone put this in the comments:
 The key thing is, he had two other hunters. Now why were the other two characters level 20 and 21? Why would he make 3 hunters?
It's obvious, he's smart enough to exploit the system. The game only counts daily's and weekly's against one character, not an account. That's why he leveled three of the same and milked all the daily and weekly quests/bounties/etc for all they are worth. You get 2 ascendence shards a day if you do a daily mission challenge on highest difficulty.
I would never even think to do something like that
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