Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Finally got Thorn last night. That was terribly hard to get. Heavy Ammo Synthesis packs and a whole lotta Rockets floated me through. I can only imagine the other Exotic bounties... 

Looking forward to the Queen's bounties and Vanguard Marks being reset today. Need moar Legendaries!
Where is this queens armor yall speak of? All I see her selling is useless shades, the same weapons, and some other junk
You mean to tell me no one posted about The Loot Cave ?
I don't know if they did in here or not. I was out of contact for 3 days, so I didn't bother catching back up. I know in the PS thread that they were referencing the cave. That cave is insane man.

I was there for like 45 minutes last night and got 2 Legendary (Purple) engrams and 7 Rare (Blue) engrams and a ton of greens. I just broke all of them down. I got to do runs like that every once in a while to farm the materials to level up my equipment. I have to go on to Mars now because I need Relic Iron for stuff now
I don't know if they did in here or not. I was out of contact for 3 days, so I didn't bother catching back up. I know in the PS thread that they were referencing the cave. That cave is insane man.

I was there for like 45 minutes last night and got 2 Legendary (Purple) engrams and 7 Rare (Blue) engrams and a ton of greens. I just broke all of them down. I got to do runs like that every once in a while to farm the materials to level up my equipment. I have to go on to Mars now because I need Relic Iron for stuff now :smh:

where Is this cave?!
thanks. I actually tried that spot last night. but my returns were nowhere close to yours.
It was the first time I went there. I joined someone and they were there and I had no clue what was going on :lol:

I read somewhere that someone thinks you don't get decent drop rates until around lvl 23. Not sure how true that is but you never know.
It seems like they've patched the loot cave. Good, no more cheesing for engrams

Nope, still cheesing
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Did everyone join the clan? I just noticed yesterday that joining in the app doesn't add you to the clan in the game. Had to do it on the computer on
My mistake, the party's still going. It just seems like the monsters might be stronger in the area now.
Could be the level they set the zone too. I normally just go up 1 to make it level 9 or something.

Did everyone join the clan? I just noticed yesterday that joining in the app doesn't add you to the clan in the game. Had to do it on the computer on
You first join the group and then you have to specify whether you joining the ps or X1 clan and set it as the primary.
Not to be that guy but they didn't patch it at least on PS4

Edit: In October when the Iron Banner Comes out trust you will wish you farmed this cave
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I just got my first exotic weapon from a legendary engram. It's called "Truth" it's a rocket launcher though and I would have liked a rifle or special but eh beggars can't be chosers lol
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