Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Was on last night, feel asleep, woke up right now and my PS4 was off, now I can't log in.

Time to catch a case when my girl gets off of work.
quick question guys: Does the dlc transfer over if i have  it for the ps3? Looking to get a ps4 but i dont wanna buy the dlc again.
That Xur timer preciously ticking away.
This. Of course it goes down when the GGhorn is up for upgrading 

Still down?
What's so great about the Ghorn? Got one randomly from a strike two weeks ago and haven't havent used it much since I don't have a good primary to replace my thorn, but when I have used it... It seems just ok.
What's so great about the Ghorn? Got one randomly from a strike two weeks ago and haven't havent used it much since I don't have a good primary to replace my thorn, but when I have used it... It seems just ok.
You must not have the tracking rounds unlocked then....

I will allow you to unlock those, max it to 331 and then come back with your review on it then 
Gonna need to do a HM vault run here whenever everyone is back on psn... I just want fatebringer or mytholclast or IB...that way I can keep my truth on. I know there's no hope of the ballahorn, not with my luck anyways lol
Gonna need to do a HM vault run here whenever everyone is back on psn... I just want fatebringer or mytholclast or IB...that way I can keep my truth on. I know there's no hope of the ballahorn, not with my luck anyways lol
i need 2 more FBs and 1 more VM for all my characters to have.
Gonna need to do a HM vault run here whenever everyone is back on psn... I just want fatebringer or mytholclast or IB...that way I can keep my truth on. I know there's no hope of the ballahorn, not with my luck anyways lol

I'm down
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