Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

I upgraded it just to say I have one at 331.. do I use it in serious situations? No

Do I use it to patrol and to knock out bounties? Yes

so it's like many other exotics then. depending on the situation i feel like the only ones you really need are




Plan C

so it's like many other exotics then. depending on the situation i feel like the only ones you really need are




Plan C


IMO, Yes.

But Primary for me, will be any Exotic Hand Canon or Mida.. along with Suros... and Truth for Heavy as well.
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IMO, Yes.

But Primary for me, will be any Exotic Hand Canon or Mida.. along with Suros... and Truth for Heavy as well.

Yeah the Truth is definitely the Truth. Especially for PvP.

I can't get a hand cannon that I really like. Just got last word and feel like it could be solid. Not a fan of thorn.
looks like a few friends of mine were able to get into destiny. i get to stare at my friends list
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Damn, I got a copy for Xbox one today for 40 hoping itd work. Good thing I haven't opened it yet lol
Last time PSN was DDOS attacked it stayed offline for a month. This will not end well. :smh:
Last time PSN was DDOS attacked it stayed offline for a month. This will not end well. :smh:


That would be crazy.. but I think it will be different this time around (I am new to Sony/PSN) because its a paid service now.

That would be crazy.. but I think it will be different this time around (I am new to Sony/PSN) because its a paid service now.

Yeah... It was a couple years back. I remember them making us change our login and everything. All they did to compensate us was give away two free games that normally cost $9.99 each.

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Yeah... It was a couple years back. I remember them making us change our login and everything. All they did to compensate us was give away two free games that normally cost $9.99 each.


Correct me if I'm wrong but that wasn't a DDoS back then. That was a hack by a group partially because they wanted to show how weak the infrastructure was at Sony's end and because Sony was backing the whole anti net neutrality front. I think they were also supporting and the head of some new DRM control too. Since they actually lost people's data a la what happened to Target and Home Depot this year, they voluntarily shut it down teir longer to rebuild it.

I read some comments by people saying that it's shut down to put up new defenses. Others say that the FBI is investigating, and then there is other BS. We ultimately won't know even when Sony makes a press release because the public rarely ever is told the truth. We just have to be patient.

One thing is true, Sony is not an IT company at its core so they definitely don't have the infrastructure that MS does. They have the resources no doubt and its a black eye since in a recent financial reports filing they said that the playstation was going to be one of their core revenue generators, actually their #1, over the course of the next few years. People should be outraged for this occurring for as long as it has, but they have to be sympathetic that it's not so simple as well.
Yeah youre right Biggie.

I just remember the last time PSN was hacked/attacked it stayed down for awhile. At first PSN reps were saying it would be down for only a couple hours... then that turned into days, then weeks then eventually a month+.

This looks like the same thing all over again. I wouldnt be surprised if PSN stayed down until after new years.
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Yeah youre right Biggie.

I just remember the last time PSN was hacked/attacked it stayed down for awhile. At first PSN reps were saying it would be down for only a couple hours... then that turned into days, then weeks then eventually a month+.

This looks like the same thing all over again. I wouldnt be surprised if PSN stayed down until after new years.
RIP Gjally 2.0. 
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