Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Any nters up for beating Crota hard mode? The strategy is there but these randoms aren't going to cut it. Need actual teamwork and these raid mechanics on crota are horrible.
Im down...

Shoot me a message on PSN if you got room and i'll log on...

PSN: Frostbite
Anybody down to raid tonight?

Wanna do either Hard Mode VOG fresh, or Normal Crota (Would be my first time)
Wanna avoid doing it with randoms, ish is the worst when youre trying work as a team.

Did crota twice with 2 characters and got suros twice.. Got the exotic chest from the vault... Got another suros... 3 exotic drops in 1 day and all are suros... Not sure whether to be happy or mad lol
Did crota twice with 2 characters and got suros twice.. Got the exotic chest from the vault... Got another suros... 3 exotic drops in 1 day and all are suros... Not sure whether to be happy or mad lol

At least you ended up with 3 exotic drops, Crota gave me 6 shards and a duplicate arm piece :/ lol
 Bwahaha! Perfect execution! Man.. I was heated when all i got were shards, went to tower to put stuff in my vault and saw I got a suros out of it... Guess I ain't as heated lol. But Damn... Gally and hawkmoon same week.. Smh

I know I saw someone get that suros but no one spoke up. Prob bc @Quad  was wyldin 

I got a crota cp. Normal. Anyone interested?
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Up For Anything is more powerful then the Vex? Shiiiii! I was getting worked by one in Crucible.
All those range perks combined on the vendor version give it the range of a scout rifle.

You can easily do the max damage across most sightlines on the maps.
Got my 2nd Gjallerhorn... Here comes the endless drops after you actually get your first one. :lol:

Might shard it for vault space tho. :nerd: :lol:
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