Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Nah we do. We have 24 exotic weapons(I'm including Fate of all Fools even though only that one cancer guy has it). We have all the raid weapons so that's 9*2(raids) so that's 18 right there. Then all the vendor stuff, so 9*5(FWC, NM, DO, Vanguard, Crucible) 45. So we have 87 right there of exotics and legendaries. Add all the different blues and greens and we easily have 150ish.
u think theres 70 different blues and greens? im not sold on that one man. not sold on that at all. and also, between the initial game AND the first expansion, even with your numbers is ~150... but the next expansion will add 100s? nope. not sold at all
I wish they'd announce the release date for HoW already.

The wait is killing me
My boy finally got his GJALLY from Crota normal last night.
I got no land beyond (just wanted since I don't have one), last word, and another MIDA. The last word was from the VOG box and the other 2 were from CROTA normal. All I need now is the vex gun and I'll have all exotics.... Can't wait.
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My boy finally got his GJALLY from Crota normal last night.
I got no land beyond (just wanted since I don't have one), last word, and another MIDA. The last word was from the VOG box and the other 2 was from CROTA normal. All I need now is the vex gun and I'll have all exotics.... Can't wait.

I hate you

im kidding lol [spoiler/]
Dead Orbit, why dost thou forsake me? 

Level 33 and still only one shader ever.... 
I've done two nightfalls so far and received the Mida and starfire protocol chest armor. I'm up for doing NM Crota runs tonight. Still need that hunger smh.
Dragons breath, no back up plans, Suros and hard light so far this week. All sharded :lol:

Where is my damn hawkmoon at?!?! :wow:
I've done two nightfalls so far and received the Mida and starfire protocol chest armor. I'm up for doing NM Crota runs tonight. Still need that hunger smh.
what time? Im slacking this week. Need 3x NM crota, gorgon chest/atheon, 3x weeklies and 1 more NF
what time? Im slacking this week. Need 3x NM crota, gorgon chest/atheon, 3x weeklies and 1 more NF

I'll be on around 830-9 central.

I have a checkpoint at Templar if interested in that gorgon chest. Also down to help with your weeklies and I also need a NF.
One of the unfortunate people that decided playing Destiny on two consoles was a good idea.
you a god b.

I still aint get those crota helms yet man. **** bungie. I know you reading this too bungie. You ***** *** **********. Suck my ************* **** *****. Delete all my 32s b idc

Im waiting uptil my postmaster has filled out all his slots for those cyptarch/faction packages on all 3 characters. If I dont get one damn GOW or a single ship/shader, im gonna blow up my ps4. Quote me
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you a god b.

I still aint get those crota helms yet man. **** bungie. I know you reading this too bungie. You ***** *** **********. Suck my ************* **** *****. Delete all my 32s b idc

Im waiting uptil my postmaster has filled out all his slots for those cyptarch/faction packages on all 3 characters. If I dont get one damn GOW or a single ship/shader, im gonna blow up my ps4. Quote me

:rofl: damn b you still aint got everything in the game yet haha. Thought you woulda by now, you be on it lol

When that DLC come out again cause I aint touching Destiny til then. Coulda got my Warlock to 32 but I simply stopped caring bout it. Aint play in weeks. I just log in on Fridays to see what Xur has and dip :lol:
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