Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Got my first exotic bounty today and all three weapons were ones I never use. Ended up just discarding it.

Bungie should really implement some kind of barter system in this game. Would've made completing the bounty worth it :smh:
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Got my first exotic bounty today and all three weapons were ones I never use. Ended up just discarding it.

Bungie should really implement some kind of barter system in this game. Would've made completing the bounty worth it :smh:
I got and finished bad juju and invective. I doubt that I'll use bad juju going forward but it had the potential to be a good gun to farm with if they buff it. The 15 bullet mag is too little for any mob that's above level 15. Invective I got and said why not, it's that or thorn, and I use a shotgun in cruicle for close quarter fighting anyway.

I look at the exotic bounties as something to do that's out of the ordinary. Collect the weapons for now and maybe give to an alt in case I ever choose to level one. Plus those quests can be fun and interesting vs the same thing week after week strikes, nightfalls, etc..
Got my first exotic bounty today and all three weapons were ones I never use. Ended up just discarding it.

Bungie should really implement some kind of barter system in this game. Would've made completing the bounty worth it :smh:
I got and finished bad juju and invective. I doubt that I'll use bad juju going forward but it had the potential to be a good gun to farm with if they buff it. The 15 bullet mag is too little for any mob that's above level 15. Invective I got and said why not, it's that or thorn, and I use a shotgun in cruicle for close quarter fighting anyway.

I look at the exotic bounties as something to do that's out of the ordinary. Collect the weapons for now and maybe give to an alt in case I ever choose to level one. Plus those quests can be fun and interesting vs the same thing week after week strikes, nightfalls, etc..

Yea it would've been a break from the norm, but I just didn't want to have to go through the trouble of completing 25 strikes, playing in the crucible (which I never do), etc, etc for a gun I know I'll never use. Now if they had a bounty for that suros regime :evil:
finally picked this up....played beta heavy..never got around to buying full game tho. add me on PSN Kinghov27
I just did a couple iron banner matches. Wasn't too bad. You can tell when you go up against someone about 4 lvls above you. Got a leg engram which turned into a helmet for my hunter in the first match :smokin
The Iron Banner is a joke....90% of my matches just involved people quitting as soon as a team starts losing and finding other matches.
Once you get raid gear, iron banner is useless. The light on the IB gear doesnt go up to 30 and the armor rating is lower.
anyone down for the level 22 weekly strike? my hunter is only 24.. madden and fifa have drastically cut into my destiny time..
The Iron Banner is a joke....90% of my matches just involved people quitting as soon as a team starts losing and finding other matches.

The **** is a sham man.

There's a video of a level 4 player using the very first gun you get and he dominated.

I thought this was where our levels were actually supposed to matter.
Finally completed my exotic bounty last night to get Thorn ...very powerful pistol with great range and impact.
Finally completed my exotic bounty last night to get Thorn ...very powerful pistol with great range and impact.

if they fix that reload time it'll be even better. regretting choosing bad juju over this one now. the thorn will be great in raids
Finally completed my exotic bounty last night to get Thorn ...very powerful pistol with great range and impact.

if they fix that reload time it'll be even better. regretting choosing bad juju over this one now. the thorn will be great in raids

One of the upgrades on it is "faster reload" ....I can only imagine how fast it will reload if they buff it and make it it better. Upgraading it will take forever, I've only upgraded the Patience and Time sniper 3 times and have had it for over 2 weeks.

EDIT: The upgrade is not for reload but for "aiming faster", it ok as I don't have an issue with the reload time.
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Add me tru_blu_86 I'm lvl 25 right now so doing a bunch of 24 tiger strikes till I find more gear. Also doing crucible and iron banner.
Finally completed my exotic bounty last night to get Thorn ...very powerful pistol with great range and impact.
if they fix that reload time it'll be even better. regretting choosing bad juju over this one now. the thorn will be great in raids
One of the upgrades on it is "faster reload" ....I can only imagine how fast it will reload if they buff it and make it it better. Upgraading it will take forever, I've only upgraded the Patience and Time sniper 3 times and have had it for over 2 weeks.

EDIT: The upgrade is not for reload but for "aiming faster", it ok as I don't have an issue with the reload time.
You gotta get gauntlets that boost the reload speed of hand cannons. My hunter Gauntlets do that. Even that paired with Chain of Woe (Faster reload after precision kills) is too slow for me with Thorn. Hope they up the mag size or speed up the reload speed. 6 bullets for an exotic/legendary mag is just disrespectful. You guna love the Damage over Time with the Thorn once you upgrade it. It's fun for PVP. Watch them flee then die around the corner.

Hawkmoon is still my hand cannon of choice but Thorn is the dopest looking weapon in the game. 
You gotta get gauntlets that boost the reload speed of hand cannons. My hunter Gauntlets do that. Even that paired with Chain of Woe (Faster reload after precision kills) is too slow for me with Thorn. Hope they up the mag size or speed up the reload speed. 6 bullets for an exotic/legendary mag is just disrespectful. You guna love the Damage over Time with the Thorn once you upgrade it. It's fun for PVP. Watch them flee then die around the corner.

Hawkmoon is still my hand cannon of choice but Thorn is the dopest looking weapon in the game. 
Only 6?

My Lord High Fixxer that I got from an engram had 11 at least. Hand cannons are nice, and I wish I used them more. I am tempted to try to use the Lord High Fixxer a little more since it is just sitting in my vault now.
Anyone help me with Xyor, the unwed?

You will mos def need help, I had a level 28 and 29 helping me and they both were using exotic primary weapons, one was a Suros for sure, and im 1 point shy of being level 28 ...she was very hard but ending up getting stuck in that room so we eventually unloaded on then.
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You will mos def need help, I had a level 28 and 29 helping me and they both were using exotic primary weapons, one was a Suros for sure, and im 1 point shy of being level 28.
yeah I'm looking for a group now. I need my thorn man lol. Hand Cannons are life...
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