Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Oryx = REKT

Tell son to hybernate til hard mode... Homie got murked by a makeshift fire team tonight. :roll

NTeezy FTW. :nthat:
Was only able to down the Deathsingers tonight... Tried Oryx but I think my team is having the same problems ihust1e ihust1e was having; DPS

Good try for the week. The loot was lacking (only a shotty and class item), but who wants to get everything the first time around?!

Can't wait to get after it again after the reset!
does the tier 3 boss of CoO rotate every week ? I have killed Crotas fanatic around 15 times already.

I need two more tier 3 or 2 CoO fragments and the Oryx ones for the malice. Bungie making you collect all 45 again if you want the malice for other characters :x
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does the tier 3 boss of CoO rotate every week ? I have killed Crotas fanatic around 15 times already.

I need two more tier 3 or 2 CoO fragments and the Oryx ones for the malice. Bungie making you collect all 45 again if you want the malice for other characters :x

Yes the Tier 3 bosses do rotate weekly.

Assuming you have 3 characters, you think you deserve 3 Malices if you only collected 45 fragments on one character ?
I thought the malice was a blueprint but it is just lower damage rating?

I'd rather do that and infuse another one than find 90 more fragments
does the tier 3 boss of CoO rotate every week ? I have killed Crotas fanatic around 15 times already.

I need two more tier 3 or 2 CoO fragments and the Oryx ones for the malice. Bungie making you collect all 45 again if you want the malice for other characters :x

I got 46 fragments on my main and 44 fragments on my other 2, it's not that hard to get. It takes like 45-75mins to get ~39 and then the rest of agnorauch rune and court of Oryx which is fun when you get into the same zone with 2 fireteams. We had back to back nights of TMT having 6 people in there and we just drop things within seconds.

I thought the malice was a blueprint but it is just lower damage rating?

I'd rather do that and infuse another one than find 90 more fragments

Blueprint is 280 damage. I'm getting all 3 to infuse my other weapons
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Put in that work. Got like 400 grenade and melee kills using void abilities with my Titan last night to progress my sword bounty. Memphis and I were grinding and crying at the same time :lol:
I got 46 fragments on my main and 44 fragments on my other 2, it's not that hard to get. It takes like 45-75mins to get ~39 and then the rest of agnorauch rune and court of Oryx which is fun when you get into the same zone with 2 fireteams. We had back to back nights of TMT having 6 people in there and we just drop things within seconds.

Blueprint is 280 damage. I'm getting all 3 to infuse my other weapons
That is a good point about using the 310 versions to upgrade 2 other weapons. I am going to have to make those 2 the "I will get them as I go along category with the other 2 swords 

Luckily, you are normally there and remember everything, so I will just do like I normally do....."Biggie, is there a fragment in this zone?" 

Put in that work. Got like 400 grenade and melee kills using void abilities with my Titan last night to progress my sword bounty. Memphis and I were grinding and crying at the same time
@ThEpRoMiSeDlAnD  was doing the arc grind last night himself as well in chat. IT is by far the most grinding in the game to get those swords. It is crazy how much grinding/killing/farming you have to do on that one step alone! 
Someone even broke down how the Crota Jr. encounter with the randoms go....
I tried to play it yesterday with some randoms. I was basically the only person killing wizards, killing the swordbearer, and DPSing baby Crota. This is what happened every burn cycle:

1) I kill wizards. Teammates battle with adds and die.

2) I kill swordbearer. Teammates continue to battle adds and die.

3) I take the sword partially up the stairs and single-handedly bring homeboy down to his knees.

4) As he drops, I hold X to take the sword I had just set down for a second.

5a) Lol too ******* late, the kid with 238 Light picked it up and is currently smashing Taken Acolyte eyes with it.

5b) Lol too ******* late, the kid with 238 Light picked it up and is currently swatting Crota with it and literally not doing any damage

6) Crota gets back up on his feet, the sword disappears, and all the randoms pop their supers to attack Crota now that the adds have magically disappeared.

7) The enemies respawn in full.

8) Rinse, repeat

It is true though 
Its gonna drop any day know, I feels it.

I caught the Theosyion gauntlets the other day. Warlock still not at 40 yet smh 
Hustle, I am disappointed!

I got my Hunter and Titan to level 40 last night in like 45 minutes each 

Granted I hadn't touched them since TTK and they both had at least 6 5k bounties still there to cash in. I just popped that Red Bull XP boost thing and turned in all the bounties they had and was level 40. I messed up with the Hunter though and didn't unlock the Shadow Hunter class first, so I have more of that to level up. With the Titan, I made sure to get the Hammer class before I used the bounties. I already unlocked the entire first row, 2nd grenade, and I believe I am working on the 2nd melee perk of that class.

I had been saving items from Xur, legendary engrams, and random high level blues to use and infuse with them once the time came to level them. My hunter is level 40 with 283 light, and the Titan is level 40 with 284 light. Haven't done anything with them outside of the very first quest mission just to get the other quest to unlock the 3rd sub class with them 
Its gonna drop any day know, I feels it.

I caught the Theosyion gauntlets the other day. Warlock still not at 40 yet smh 
Hustle, I am disappointed!

I got my Hunter and Titan to level 40 last night in like 45 minutes each 

Granted I hadn't touched them since TTK and they both had at least 6 5k bounties still there to cash in. I just popped that Red Bull XP boost thing and turned in all the bounties they had and was level 40. I messed up with the Hunter though and didn't unlock the Shadow Hunter class first, so I have more of that to level up. With the Titan, I made sure to get the Hammer class before I used the bounties. I already unlocked the entire first row, 2nd grenade, and I believe I am working on the 2nd melee perk of that class.

I had been saving items from Xur, legendary engrams, and random high level blues to use and infuse with them once the time came to level them. My hunter is level 40 with 283 light, and the Titan is level 40 with 284 light. Haven't done anything with them outside of the very first quest mission just to get the other quest to unlock the 3rd sub class with them 
Im def slacking this year 

I got my hunter and titan up to 40 that first week. After that any time I had to play I spent on leveling up the hunter for the raid. I swear they were stubborn with the blue drops bc the highest I could get her before raid was 292. After beating the raid though, shes at 295. I can go to work on my titan now whos 285. My warlock is at lvl 38 so she'll be good after a couple bounties 

Ive only done the court of oryx thing like twice so I def need to start using those ruins in there. Theres just so much to do and I dont know what I should focus on first. So many quest I havent even started lol
Im def slacking this year :wow:

I got my hunter and titan up to 40 that first week. After that any time I had to play I spent on leveling up the hunter for the raid. I swear they were stubborn with the blue drops bc the highest I could get her before raid was 292. After beating the raid though, shes at 295. I can go to work on my titan now whos 285. My warlock is at lvl 38 so she'll be good after a couple bounties :lol:

Ive only done the court of oryx thing like twice so I def need to start using those ruins in there. Theres just so much to do and I dont know what I should focus on first. So many quest I havent even started lol

It's engram and blue paradise there. Especially if you can get 2 fireteams to load in like we've been doing lately. It's fun.
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