Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Got a legendary engram today and wasn't even excited. Damn shame

Also wasn't upset or even surprised when it turned into a rare
If anyone's down to run the raid, hit me up.... PSN: Frostbite

can never get enough people together for it...

currently lvl. 27 and halfway to 28.......need more of those damn shards
I'll be on fasho tomorrow, you miss a day of playing and be left so far behind it seem like.
Just got it from redbox today, played a little but I suck @ FPS.

Anyone on PS3 wanna help a noob out? I'll be on tomorrow

rillo561 HMU
Ran the nightfall strike and got the Exotic Hawkmoon. RNGesus telling me to use hand cannons in this game I swear. Time to level it up.
Just did a regular Strike and was given this and a Legendary at the end of the map. Good lookin out BUNGIE.
Aren't them yellow joints exotic 

I just reached level 20

Can someone explain to me what's the best way to level up now?
Same situation I'm in right now.. was going ham to reach that level over the weekend then stopped playing after 20 
I just reached level 20

Can someone explain to me what's the best way to level up now?

You basically need a helmet, armor and boots with light on it. Do the queens missions and stuff if they're still available that should get you some legendary with light. Then just work on upgrading those to get more levels.
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Knew I should've played last night. I still haven't done a nightfall strike yet. That and raid the only things I haven't done. I am down this evening if anyone wants to do either.
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