Dexter Season 8 - Premeres June 30th - 2min sneak peak



an actual reboot would make more sense
So now he's going to quit being a lumberjack lol to become a serial killer again???
Wonder if they gonna delete his kid and the chick from the handmaids tale from this "revival"
Really wasn't clear to me he was gonna stop being a serial killer. He just chose a new life after he was presumed dead and seemingly was okay severing ties with his son.

The ending was so trash though :smh:

At the least when Dex got caught up.on that hurricane or w/e he should've lost his memory and then become a lumberjack

If they could I'd hope they add in or retcon that. A Dexter with no memory dealing with his psychopathic urges would be compelling for a limited series.

Unfortunately I get the feeling its gonna be the typical kill of the week while answering questions like where's Deb I forgot she died :lol:, where's most of the other officers, what's up with sexy poisoning serial killer lady and Dexter's son, who is gonna be the villain of the overall plot.

This show had a real shot to be greatness. I look back now and feel they should've went the Breaking Bad route and basically blow Dexter's cover as Bay Harbor Butcher and most of his other kills. Then he could go on the run for real.
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Everyone should watch the finale just for the unintentional comedy. I didn't know whether to :stoneface: or :rofl: when Dexter killed his sister and casually walked out with her body and hopped into his boat :lol: why the @#$% did he drive his boat into the middle of a hurricane? how the @#$% did he make it back to shore? Why did he need to protect Hannah and his son from himself when he's not even a killer anymore :lol: Many more ridiculous situations in this episode

I forgot I posted in here. I seriously thought I was drunk when I first watched the final episode, but it was actually worse to watch it sober.
Missed the last few seasons, don't intend on catching up on them. Started falling off to me around 4 and from the sounds of it, it got worse.
I used to love Weed's and then it got silly.

It's like they didn't plan on some of these shows lasting past three or four seasons.
Weeds was so stupid towards the end I don't know how I finished that show :lol:

Shameless was the same but I quit that one early. Just nonsensical.
I can only do that with Lost.

Dexter was unforgivable like GoT. Signs were there a bit early and the conclusion was worse than assumed.
I can only do that with Lost.

Dexter was unforgivable like GoT. Signs were there a bit early and the conclusion was worse than assumed.

S4 for Dexter was the peak. After that the show just started to deteriorate until it really was pretty bad. Shows I’ve felt similarly about were GOT, Lost, and Sons of Anarchy.

Lost was one of my fav shows and then the last two seasons and the direction at the end was definitely unforgivable to me haha. Leftovers by Lindelof I thought was horrible for basically all the same reasons though. Gotta give him credit for Watchmen TV series, I did love that.
S4 for Dexter was the peak. After that the show just started to deteriorate until it really was pretty bad. Shows I’ve felt similarly about were GOT, Lost, and Sons of Anarchy.

Lost was one of my fav shows and then the last two seasons and the direction at the end was definitely unforgivable to me haha. Leftovers by Lindelof I thought was horrible for basically all the same reasons though. Gotta give him credit for Watchmen TV series, I did love that.
I never get ppl lumping in s5 of Lost. It was all time travel and pretty cool. We needed the back story of the ppl on the island and the Dharma Initiative. Outside of young Ben getting shot and saved and nobody else remembering the Oceanic flight survivors.

Dont get not liking The Leftovers. It was exactly what Lindelof wanted. Made it clear the show was not about giving answers to mysteries but about ppl (and the world) after a traumatic event. Way more introspective deep character work and development. I didn't trust him after Lost but he got it right here.
S4 for Dexter was the peak. After that the show just started to deteriorate until it really was pretty bad. Shows I’ve felt similarly about were GOT, Lost, and Sons of Anarchy.

Lost was one of my fav shows and then the last two seasons and the direction at the end was definitely unforgivable to me haha. Leftovers by Lindelof I thought was horrible for basically all the same reasons though. Gotta give him credit for Watchmen TV series, I did love that.


Also Lindelof isn't to blame for LOST JJ Abrams is. Dude created all these mysteries for the show then told Lindelof to "figure it out." then bounced

ALWAYS giving a pass to LOST though because the first 3 seasons are impeccable.
The only mishap they had was that nikki and paulo episode
I never get ppl lumping in s5 of Lost. It was all time travel and pretty cool. We needed the back story of the ppl on the island and the Dharma Initiative. Outside of young Ben getting shot and saved and nobody else remembering the Oceanic flight survivors.

Dont get not liking The Leftovers. It was exactly what Lindelof wanted. Made it clear the show was not about giving answers to mysteries but about ppl (and the world) after a traumatic event. Way more introspective deep character work and development. I didn't trust him after Lost but he got it right here.

Not worth arguing about, I know plenty of people love Leftovers. I totally get wanting to make a show about characters after a traumatic event and it not being about mysteries/fantasy, but about character development. My issue is that I think he failed because HE relied so much on mysteries/fantasy and used it for the character development. The first season he tried and was fairly loyal to the book, but then S2-3 he just went full Lost on the miracles/symbolism/never to be solved mysteries IMO. Don’t want to spoil anything but I mean Kevin storyline....

Also dhart48 dhart48 that J.J. Abrams thing isn’t true. If you check out Lostpedia or just google it, J.J. Abrams had pretty much 0 involvement in the show before even midway Season 1. Lindelof and Cuse both defended their work and love the ending, so if you love it then give them credit, but if you didn’t it’s definitely on them.

To each their own though for real. Every show isn’t for everyone.
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Said it before and I’ll say it again, most great shows should be 5 or 6 seasons tops (there are exceptions, GoT should have gone on for longer for example). And towards the middle of the run, the writers have to start setting up the end. It’s complicated because it’s work for a lot of people, those involved in a successful show don’t want it to end. But I think the 5 or 6 season format gives people enough time to make money and not stay stuck for too long in a show that’s going to take up too much of their time. Stars can be flaky too and want to move on to other projects. Dexter had a great run S1-S4. S3 or S4 they should have started preparing for the end.

Also Lindelof isn't to blame for LOST JJ Abrams is. Dude created all these mysteries for the show then told Lindelof to "figure it out." then bounced

ALWAYS giving a pass to LOST though because the first 3 seasons are impeccable.
The only mishap they had was that nikki and paulo episode
JJ Abrams is a hack but he is not at all responsible.

I was saying this back when everyone was praising the show. JJ got his lil producer or exec producer credit and pitched in for the pilot then he dipped and went on to not finish Alias and make vapid movies.

You can't talk Lost with dude at all. He dont nothing about Richard Alpert or the smoke monster.

Barely knows anything about the mysteries.

For good or bad when it comes to Lost, its all on Cuse and Lindelof.
Not worth arguing about, I know plenty of people love Leftovers. I totally get wanting to make a show about characters after a traumatic event and it not being about mysteries/fantasy, but about character development. My issue is that I think he failed because HE relied so much on mysteries/fantasy and used it for the character development. The first season he tried and was fairly loyal to the book, but then S2-3 he just went full Lost on the miracles/symbolism/never to be solved mysteries IMO. Don’t want to spoil anything but I mean Kevin storyline....
As far as storylines and character development I loved where things went for Nora, her brother, Kevin, his daughter, his wife, Guilty Remnant, and the Murphy family.

To me the character work was always at the forefront as the show went on and the mystery became the sideshow.

Things have a different bent if you look at Kevin as a guy with mental issues that has a family history of mental issues.
Said it before and I’ll say it again, most great shows should be 5 or 6 seasons tops (there are exceptions, GoT should have gone on for longer for example). And towards the middle of the run, the writers have to start setting up the end. It’s complicated because it’s work for a lot of people, those involved in a successful show don’t want it to end. But I think the 5 or 6 season format gives people enough time to make money and not stay stuck for too long in a show that’s going to take up too much of their time. Stars can be flaky too and want to move on to other projects. Dexter had a great run S1-S4. S3 or S4 they should have started preparing for the end.

ive watched a good number of English tv shows, and compared to American ones, they rarely fall off as hard. They tend to finish up in 2-3 seasons and really go for that quality>quantity approach.

American TV shows remind me of college essays that had 10 page requirements. The first 3-4 pages I wrote were usually amazing, and then I’d have to put in 6 pages of repeating the same sentence over and over, increasing comma sizes throughout the document, etc to try to fill that requirement by any means possible.

I feel like these shows do the same thing; 3-4 good seasons, then 3-4 seasons of BS to leech every cent possible from the viewer that has already invested multiple years of his/her life in the series
Weeds was so stupid towards the end I don't know how I finished that show :lol:

Shameless was the same but I quit that one early. Just nonsensical.

I stay a season behind with Shameless, because I feel the need to finish out of obligation.
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