Dexter Season 8 - Premeres June 30th - 2min sneak peak

ive watched a good number of English tv shows, and compared to American ones, they rarely fall off as hard. They tend to finish up in 2-3 seasons and really go for that quality>quantity approach.

American TV shows remind me of college essays that had 10 page requirements. The first 3-4 pages I wrote were usually amazing, and then I’d have to put in 6 pages of repeating the same sentence over and over, increasing comma sizes throughout the document, etc to try to fill that requirement by any means possible.

I feel like these shows do the same thing; 3-4 good seasons, then 3-4 seasons of BS to leech every cent possible from the viewer that has already invested multiple years of his/her life in the series
It's a quality vs. quantity issue priority wise. In America syndication drives a lot of shows even the hour long dramas. Conversely in the UK, they focus 4 or 8 at most episode seasons.

An American show can have a mid level quality but ratings can keep it going 5+ seasons. Whereas a UK show makes the best 4 episodes they can and get ratings that way and end the season.

Things are different there. Every time I read about shows there its like the UK only have a handful of channels (I know they have more) and everything else is BBC news and sports.
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To me the character work was always at the forefront as the show went on and the mystery became the sideshow.

Things have a different bent if you look at Kevin as a guy with mental issues that has a family history of mental issues.

Leftovers plot spoilers
I mean the guy legitimately died 4 times. Tried to drown himself and lake drained mysteriously. Drank poison, went to afterlife, and came back to life hours later. Shot in the chest, to afterlife, then walked home miles with no medical treatment. Then drowned and came back to life almost a day later.

At one point while in the afterlife, he gets important information given to him via his dad who is super high on drugs, in Australia, and somehow shows up on his TV. And it was later confirmed this actually happened when he sees his father again. There was a lot of ridiculous and unnecessary stuff Lindelof did.

I would’ve loved to view Kevin as just a man with mental health issues. Lindelof made that impossible by actually making him essentially immortal and then acting like he just had a messiah complex lol.
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Not worth arguing about, I know plenty of people love Leftovers. I totally get wanting to make a show about characters after a traumatic event and it not being about mysteries/fantasy, but about character development. My issue is that I think he failed because HE relied so much on mysteries/fantasy and used it for the character development. The first season he tried and was fairly loyal to the book, but then S2-3 he just went full Lost on the miracles/symbolism/never to be solved mysteries IMO. Don’t want to spoil anything but I mean Kevin storyline....

Also dhart48 dhart48 that J.J. Abrams thing isn’t true. If you check out Lostpedia or just google it, J.J. Abrams had pretty much 0 involvement in the show before even midway Season 1. Lindelof and Cuse both defended their work and love the ending, so if you love it then give them credit, but if you didn’t it’s definitely on them.

To each their own though for real. Every show isn’t for everyone.

I blame all of them for the LOST ending :lol:
S1-3 are truly something miraculous and then they fumbled it so bad.
Still blame JJ the most because his work after LOST has sucked and Cuse kept me in stitches with his writing on the strain and Lindeloff knocked it out of the park with the leftovers and watchmen, right now I gotta see what he's doing next.

I was probably confused about JJ because he is a hack and on his IMDB writing credits his credited on ALL episodes of lost for just creating the characters, in fact thats most of his writing chredits. His credits for fringe are also like that. Dude knows how to stronghold a franchise thats for sure.
Leftovers plot spoilers
I mean the guy legitimately died 4 times. Tried to drown himself and lake drained mysteriously. Drank poison, went to afterlife, and came back to life hours later. Shot in the chest, to afterlife, then walked home miles with no medical treatment. Then drowned and came back to life almost a day later.

At one point while in the afterlife, he gets important information given to him via his dad who is super high on drugs, in Australia, and somehow shows up on his TV. And it was later confirmed this actually happened when he sees his father again. There was a lot of ridiculous and unnecessary stuff Lindelof did.

I would’ve loved to view Kevin as just a man with mental health issues. Lindelof made that impossible by actually making him essentially immortal and then acting like he just had a messiah complex lol.
All that was just hallucinations.

Anybody can botch a drowning when they aren't drugged. Who is to say how potent that poison was? And ppl survive gunshot wounds all the time. Far from immortal.
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All that was just hallucinations.

Anybody can botch a drowning when they aren't drugged. Who is to say how potent that poison was? And ppl survive gunshot wounds all the time.

he didn’t botch a drowning. There was legitimately an earthquake and the whole lake drained miraculously to save him. That actually happened. The lake was drained for entire series after.

I don’t know how strong the poison was. I do know that he died and was in the process of being buried hours later when he came back to life inexplicably.

He was shot point blank in the chest by someone who said they watched him die. He did not simply survive. He woke up hours later, walked miles to a hospital where he met shooter, then went home without medical help. This was referred to later and 100% happened.

Lastly he was drowned by his crazy father, brought back up and dead. They all assumed failure and that he wasn’t the messiah. The next day he woke up completely fine.

There is a reason the characters who witnessed these things all believed he was immortal and potentially the messiah. It wasn’t because of his mental illness. It was because Lindelof had these ridiculous things actually happen.

Not a huge deal because we’re already so far past realistic with Kevin’s multiple trips to afterlife , the episode in S3 that recaps what Kevin’s father had been up to confirms that he in fact did get High and talk to his dead at the time son through a television while across the world and you know, alive.

I’m legit just going on exactly what happened in the show. Cool to agree to disagree on how it effects what you thought overall though. Me and you Zik have had mostly dif views in every TV and Comic thread on this site for years, but I always do laugh at the fact that we still enjoy almost all the same stuff, just some dif opinions. Hope all is well fam!
he didn’t botch a drowning. There was legitimately an earthquake and the whole lake drained miraculously to save him. That actually happened. The lake was drained for entire series after.

I don’t know how strong the poison was. I do know that he died and was in the process of being buried hours later when he came back to life inexplicably.

He was shot point blank in the chest by someone who said they watched him die. He did not simply survive. He woke up hours later, walked miles to a hospital where he met shooter, then went home without medical help. This was referred to later and 100% happened.

Lastly he was drowned by his crazy father, brought back up and dead. They all assumed failure and that he wasn’t the messiah. The next day he woke up completely fine.

There is a reason the characters who witnessed these things all believed he was immortal and potentially the messiah. It wasn’t because of his mental illness. It was because Lindelof had these ridiculous things actually happen.

Not a huge deal because we’re already so far past realistic with Kevin’s multiple trips to afterlife , the episode in S3 that recaps what Kevin’s father had been up to confirms that he in fact did get High and talk to his dead at the time son through a television while across the world and you know, alive.

I’m legit just going on exactly what happened in the show. Cool to agree to disagree on how it effects what you thought overall though. Me and you Zik have had mostly dif views in every TV and Comic thread on this site for years, but I always do laugh at the fact that we still enjoy almost all the same stuff, just some dif opinions. Hope all is well fam!

Not joining this discussion but
I will say your attention to detail and memory is impeccable
Did you run through this show just once or did you just watch it?
Not joining this discussion but
I will say your attention to detail and memory is impeccable
Did you run through this show just once or did you just watch it?

:lol: thank you. I’ve only seen the show once, but I watched it in its entirety after it had finished airing. So more recently than most, but still a little while back.

If only I could chose the things I remember this well and have it be a little more helpful/functional :lol:
he didn’t botch a drowning. There was legitimately an earthquake and the whole lake drained miraculously to save him. That actually happened. The lake was drained for entire series after.

I don’t know how strong the poison was. I do know that he died and was in the process of being buried hours later when he came back to life inexplicably.

He was shot point blank in the chest by someone who said they watched him die. He did not simply survive. He woke up hours later, walked miles to a hospital where he met shooter, then went home without medical help. This was referred to later and 100% happened.

Lastly he was drowned by his crazy father, brought back up and dead. They all assumed failure and that he wasn’t the messiah. The next day he woke up completely fine.

There is a reason the characters who witnessed these things all believed he was immortal and potentially the messiah. It wasn’t because of his mental illness. It was because Lindelof had these ridiculous things actually happen.

Not a huge deal because we’re already so far past realistic with Kevin’s multiple trips to afterlife , the episode in S3 that recaps what Kevin’s father had been up to confirms that he in fact did get High and talk to his dead at the time son through a television while across the world and you know, alive.

I’m legit just going on exactly what happened in the show. Cool to agree to disagree on how it effects what you thought overall though. Me and you Zik have had mostly dif views in every TV and Comic thread on this site for years, but I always do laugh at the fact that we still enjoy almost all the same stuff, just some dif opinions. Hope all is well fam!
I'm talking about the first time. Father botched it.

Wasn't no doctors around confirming his death for any of his other alleged deaths. They always happen under questionable circumstances. You actually can remain alive after inhaling water. You can survive gunshot wounds. Kevin isn't ever shot point blank in the head or neck and any time someone tries to drown him the water is either taken out or he's taken out of the water.

You said it yourself. There were two different times when Kevin almost drowned.

The second time was as you said. Earthquake drained the lake. Mere coincidence.

All of Kevin's near death or temporary death scenarios were the writers adapting extremes survival stories that have happened in the real world and then having several happen to him and then added in ambiguous circumstances that transitioned in to the more supernatural or inexplicable elements of the show. By the end of the series the only mysterious thing that actually happened were the departures.

Look at the ppl who "witnessed" Kevin's immortality. All ppl who are crazy, easily susceptible, or gullible fools/already religious or have faith. Just a bunch of damaged ppl. From his dad to Matt so its not a convincing argument that Kevin was immortal or a messiah.

Notice how Nora never falls for any of that nonsense. Even when she wants to believe. Never around for most of it.
Dexter fell off after trinity

Show changed when he sleep walked in to that relationship and fatherhood. Especially when unlike Trinity he was not aiming to have a family to act as a better cover.
I'm talking about the first time. Father botched it.

Wasn't no doctors around confirming his death for any of his other alleged deaths. They always happen under questionable circumstances. You actually can remain alive after inhaling water. You can survive gunshot wounds. Kevin isn't ever shot point blank in the head or neck and any time someone tries to drown him the water is either taken out or he's taken out of the water.

You said it yourself. There were two different times when Kevin almost drowned.

The second time was as you said. Earthquake drained the lake. Mere coincidence.

All of Kevin's near death or temporary death scenarios were the writers adapting extremes survival stories that have happened in the real world and then having several happen to him and then added in ambiguous circumstances that transitioned in to the more supernatural or inexplicable elements of the show. By the end of the series the only mysterious thing that actually happened were the departures.

Look at the ppl who "witnessed" Kevin's immortality. All ppl who are crazy, easily susceptible, or gullible fools/already religious or have faith. Just a bunch of damaged ppl. From his dad to Matt so its not a convincing argument that Kevin was immortal or a messiah.

Notice how Nora never falls for any of that nonsense. Even when she wants to believe. Never around for most of it.

Everyone is free to their own interpretation of the show, but if you look up any official summary, recap, or the Wikipedia it always refers to killing himself and dying and the World of the Living and Afterlife or Realm of the Undead. While I don’t like the show for the reasons I stated, I believe most people who did enjoy the show do also see the events as actually happening as well. The show is listed as Supernatural/magical realism and never denied that. I just think overrealiance on it ruined the overall message.
Everyone is free to their own interpretation of the show, but if you look up any official summary, recap, or the Wikipedia it always refers to killing himself and dying and the World of the Living and Afterlife or Realm of the Undead. While I don’t like the show for the reasons I stated, I believe most people who did enjoy the show do also see the events as actually happening as well. The show is listed as Supernatural/magical realism and never denied that. I just think overrealiance on it ruined the overall message.
Well yeah, of course every synopsis, summary, recap, etc. is gonna feed in to the hype of the weird and strange mysterious elements cuz that's the entertainment. It's not the same show if they read; Crazy man hallucinates ridiculous afterlife where you use your penis as a security pass to enter confidential areas.

Especially when it comes to Kevin. The show and story never actually sends the message that all of this is real and all of this is happening. Its always asking the question of what does it mean and what does it all mean for these characters journeys. When Kevin dies and goes to the other world where he's president viewers aren't engaged cuz they believe all of this is really happening and that in this world you can die temporarily and wake up in some alternate universe. They're engaged cuz they're looking to interpret what's happening in relation to the character's issues. That's the case for most of the cast. We learn the why in s1 and then we try to figure out how they resolve their issues and get over their problems.

The show never came off as a supernatural show to me. Supernatural/magical realism sounds like an oxymoron :lol:

I simply call it mystery.

Anyway, I wasn't aware that we happen to watch a lot of the same shows yet you say you happen to usually have the opposite opinion of mine. Care to give any examples? :nerd:
Dexter fell off after trinity
They couldn’t top that storyline, man. Too good.

John Lithgow killed that role.

On the topic of Leftovers, I think the brilliance of the show is it reveals different layers depending on how you approach it. I go back and forth with it, but I think the beauty of it all is that NO ONE ever really knows, people are just rolling with the punches. That’s exactly how the writers treated the fans. It’s not about cracking the code, or fixing the problem. It’s about human beings and the many different ways they grieve.

We’re gonna show you all of this about deep painful loss and grief. Make of it what you will.

The transition from season 1 to 2 helped a ton, though. Season 1 just felt masochistic. **** was just depressing. The tone going forward from there was a really good balance.

international Assassin and The Most Powerful Man In The World (And His Identical Twin Brother) both top ten episodes of TV all time for me. Maybe 5. I don’t care if it was a supernatural experience or he was just dreaming. Those episodes were pure fun.
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Master Zik Master Zik harlemtothebronx harlemtothebronx

Not trying to change your opinion on the show overall. But just for clarification, Kevin dying and coming back to life multiple times is not my opinion and is 100% not hallucinations (he had hallucinations about other stuff). Zik I think you read someone’s Reddit theory and assumed it was true, but it was just an attempted explanation before the end of the series. Here is a direct quote from Lindelof at the end of the series. Search Esquire Lindelof Leftovers for full article.


Done with Leftovers. All I tried to do was explain why I didn’t enjoy it :lol: and then I realized you had misinterpreted something and was trying to point it out nicely.
Master Zik Master Zik harlemtothebronx harlemtothebronx

Not trying to change your opinion on the show overall. But just for clarification, Kevin dying and coming back to life multiple times is not my opinion and is 100% not hallucinations (he had hallucinations about other stuff).
Maybe you misunderstood. I'm not saying his deaths were hallucinations. I'm saying when he died w/e he thought happened after was the hallucination. He didn't actually wake up in some other world where he was president :lol:

In the real world, ppl can die and be brought back to life. Don't know the record on how long someone has been dead and revived but I know of some ppl who have been dead up to 4 min and brought back. Countless ppl who have died always talk about seeing a light or some other experience. Those are hallucinations.

That's where the writers got those ideas. They're just exaggerated in Kevin's situation. All those hallucinations are due to a lack of oxygen. Its probably why they specifically had Kevin drowned more than once instead of other real irreversible deaths.

Zik I think you read someone’s Reddit theory and assumed it was true, but it was just an attempted explanation before the end of the series.
I don't really be on reddit or read fan theories outside of NTers posting them in threads. I come up with my own.

Here is a direct quote from Lindelof at the end of the series. Search Esquire Lindelof Leftovers for full article.

Lindelof didn't say anything that contradicts what I said.

In the real world, a person can drown and be brought back to life once the water is out of their lungs. A person can be shot and survive it. A person can be poisoned and survive it for numerous reasons.

Notice in all those death scenes its not Kevin being shot in the head or directly in the heart and surviving. He isn't poisoned by any named poison like hemlock or polonium but some unnamed poison that not every person has died from.

That's what I'm saying can be seen as not supernatural or magical. All of those things can happen.
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They bringing back showrunner from season 1-4, actually makes me look forward to it.
The Leftovers is still top 3 or 4 to me. Not believing stuff were hallucinations crap. Weird things happened on the show, some supernatural stuff. That's how it was.
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