Did anyone ever cut the straps on their 8's?

i might be cutting the straps off of my retired air raids but i would never cut the straps off my aqua 8's. the 8 straps dont get annoying like the airraid straps cause the 8 straps hold their shape to the shoe. the straps are what makes them gangsta.
First of all, this topic is sooo taboo not to mention sacriligious. You might as well shoot the family dog and have it for dinner.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

people did this in da early 90s...it was horrible
i do remember ppl doing that to there 8's , bad idea, plus i like them with the straps
I first thought they'd look good w the straps til I saw someone with them on. Bad idea...
yeah i'd never do that to my aquas or playoffs... like people mentioned earlier... straps MADE the 8's
I am sure some pictures are floating around here with somebody that has done it. To be honest.....why even cop if you are going to cut it off?
Unlike the 6 Rings, the straps on the AJ VIII's are actually useful...that's crazy talk dude
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