Diet plan help....

Mar 17, 2007
Can anyone help me out with a diet plan? like what to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks? Watever i do doesnt seem to work. Itry to go to thegym everyday and get on the illeptical or treadmill for about 30 min.

Im currently 275 pounds, and im tryna get down to 200.

Please help me

I'm 210, but I'm trying to slim down to 190 before school starts, again. But I'm aiming for 180 for my overall goal.

I've been drinking more water, jog 3-4 times a week for an hour a day, and eating less. I eat only twice a day, but in smaller portions. I also, do push ups.

I've also cut out fast food and cut down on soda. Soda is pretty much got me this fat in the first place.

In other words, I can slowly see myself progressing. I run longer and I think I lost 2 pounds, so far.
Yeah 275, i didnt really pay attention to it untill now, i realized how much i gained and im not proud of it

Soda, junk food, fast food, all taht stuff is DEF. out the picture. but im tryna figure out what i need to buy from the grocery store, im not tryna spend $$ on something useless or wont help me lose weight.

I guess eating 2 meals a day would help, thanks.
i was 275 2 years ago. im 6'3 im down to 220 now. dont eat anything past 10 pm and eat some oatmeal in the morning. eat anything with alot of fiber. you will be shocked how much crap u have in ur system literally

Check out what this guy did.

General Guidelines:
Have a protein source with each meal and only eat carbs in the morning
Eat lots of vegetables and drink water to fill you up
Eating multiple small meals or big snacks (5-6) is better than starving, you are less likely to overeat

My personal shopping list:
Canned Chicken
Special K Protein Plus
Kashi GoLean
Cottage Cheese
Canned Fruit
Chili Beans

Good Luck.
Lots of cardio, some weight lifting so your body can burn fat and metabolize, drink lots of water, cut all your portions in half and cut out the excess sugar and fried foods.
boosting the metabolism----

1. Build muscle: Muscle is what burns calories. When you weight train the body compensates by building muscle
2. Eat often and eat enough: Digesting food burns calories. Make the meals smaller so that you can eat every 2.5 hrs. If you wait longer than 2.5 hrs your body will slow your metabolism to preserve fat. 300-400 calories six times per day turns the body into a fat burning machine.
3. Drink a ton of water. The body is made up of mostly water. Not only that it uses water in every bodily function. If the body sesnes low water intake, again it will slow the metabolism.
4. Keep your body in motion and vary what type of cardio work you do. The heart and lungs have to exchange oxygen. Once again this makes the simple task of breathing a calorie burner. If you get your heart and lungs in maximum condition and breath deeply tis is another part of the equation that makes you a fitness machine.
5. Watch your foods, mainly carbs. That doesn't mean limit carb intake neccessarily, but do limit what types. No soda, sugar, white bread or enriched flours. Do not eat anything that has the words "hydrogenated" or "enriched".
6. Eat natural. Fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs, lean meats. The body knows what to do with these and they help build muscle and keep you full. Like mentioned aove, eat small portions frequently.

follow the above and you won't be hungry, your skin, hair, muscle tone, body shape all will look like a movie star's.

^^^ i followed this and went from 225 to 150 in about a year, i'm 5''10. goood luck.
Last Summer I was around 230 then got down to 190 when school started and now I'm 170 trying to get to 150/140 before school starts.

Ok. First of all,how tall are you?

Next, cut out all sugary drinks/soda/juice.
Just water. Nothing else.
if you want to switch it up maybe green tea,or water with lemon.

Next, like the other poster said. Start off with some fiber in the morning, maybe some wheat toast and natural preservatives or some fiber
cereal. That's how I started off.

For exercise do something fun. I tried just doing an hour or two on the treadmill with music and I was bored out of my mind.
I took up hiphop dancing and I could have cared less if I was tired. I was having fun.

The two meals a day plan is kind of good if you just use regular/healthy portions or you could do like six tiny snacks a day like I did.

Just don't start doing situps/pushups like crazy. If you have a huge gut it won't get you anywhere.
You'll have nice abs under layers of fat.
Considering your weight(no offense) 2meals won't do it for you, nor will 3, you will snack and just f' the whole diet up.

Instead eat 5-6 meals a day, see how much calories you need to function and subtract 100-200, and then divide by 5 or 6 and eat the most carbs during your breakfast and after a workout if any is being done.

Go for a high protein diet, fats can be included but with a moderation and very low carbs. This diet will show fast results, but if not followed you will gain it all back; it is important for you to combine it with a exercise program to maximize your results and to maintain them. Fat loss= 80% diet, 20% exercise.

And chew your god damn food, i hate when i see my dad eat a turkey leg in 2minutes and ask for seconds. Eat it in little pieces, tear the meat with your fingers, anything, savor your food. Once you control your appetite it's a done deal.
Thanks alot guys, will def. be taking your advices.

OH and im  6' btw....sorry for not including that.
I lost 20lbs recently..not a lot if you factor in that I gained about 12 from my first 2 years in college.

One key and kind of obvious suggestion is to drink nothing but water. Minimizing soda and juice intake helped me big time.
Here is a very basic guideline, I downloaded it from an ebook. This is the exact same information that is in literally every Jenny Craig, Richard Simmons, Weight Watchers, etc. diet program plus the ones that come with those workout plans and machines. It's basically the food pyramid, and the industry finds ways to be clever and repackage and rename the same information as if it's something new and groundbreaking (i.e a points system, the "breakthrough" glycemic index, deal a meals, etc.)

Eat 5-6 meals a day.

Meal 1, 2, and 3 choose a protein (4oz is recommended serving size), starchy carb, and a simple carb. Meal 4 and 5, obviously later in the day, just a protein source and a fibrous carb which are generally carbs.

Again, it's a loose guideline and there's some things I disagree with, like they should have specified not "all" fruit really qualify (coconut and avocado for example, and if consumed should be done so with great moderation) but take it and tailor it to your goals and what you can do. And if you are starting at such a high weight, you can probably increase portion size some.

CUT out all drinks (ESPECIALLY alcohol if you want to see FAST results), except for water, tea, maybe milk

eating 4-6 light meals throughout the day including snacks (fruits) is best to boost your metabolism

DRINK LOTS of WATER... i make sure my piss is as clear as possible all day

use the 2 hour rule for eating before sleep

DO have a nice breakfast, DONT skip MEALS

try to include as may veggies (the greener the better) and FRUITS (they fill ya up and are great snacks and if you get bored you can blend them in a shake, blueberries, redberries, blackberries, bananas, apples, oranges, grape)

i personally stay away from RED MEAT, and just go chicken breast only

stay away from those CARB filled foods, and especially "enriched or white _____", i only eat whole foods and the more FIBER, the BETTER

almonds and other nuts are good for you in moderation (they have good fats and are good fillers + lots of energy, just make sure you get them UNSALTED, because thats a lot of sodium if you get "smoked" etc. )

if you want to see QUICK results....TOSS OUT
-fast foods
-going out to eat
-ANY and ALL sweets (brownies, bars, candy, cakes, soda, sugary juices)

oatmeal is good but the best oatmeal is the steel oats or whatever, and make sure you dont just eat the oatmeal in packets that come with "flavoring" because thats just sugar...


list of foods i always buy

eggs/egg whites
100% wheat whole bread
turkey or ham
fat free yogurt (great to mix with berries/fruit for a snack or even a shake)
protein powder (whey, make sure you cop at least 5lbs worth at a time to save $)

i'm 5'8" but used to weigh in a 205 max but dropped to a steady 165...

i would advise you to hit the WEIGHTS hard, it'll burn your fat and build muscle then you will be loosing pounds like nothing...

i went the other route and just lost ~40 pounds and now im really hitting the weights to get super lean and build muscle, its harder...

go hard my man, change is always good, motivation = self esteem, confidence, pu$$y
Figure out your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and factor in the physical activity that you do. Take this number and subtract 500 from it. The new number is the amount of calories you should go for each day. A 500-calorie daily deduction = 500 x 7 days = 3500 calories = 1 lb lost per week.

Just google "BMR calculator" and look for one that factors in physical activity
Thanks again guys

Can someone educate me on protein bars? My friend was telling me if i wanted to, i can replace a meal and eat one protein bar with a protein shake or something like that.
A protein bar= snickers with a fruit shake and still have less calories than a protein bar.
Never replace a meal with a protein bar/shake.

You haven't even started your diet or exercise, let's crawl before we walk. If you do not plan on doing any daily exercises/cardio/lifting for a long period of time(3months), just stay away from the protein/creatine/gluta./dextrose shakes-bars, and have whole foods, instead.

I'm 5'9 142, down from 170ish, i am doing hiit 3 times a week, lifting 6/7 a week, and run a mile everyday.

My diet consists of:
8:00 am- oatmeal, with milk and honey+cinnamon and a glass of water.
10:00am- banana
12:00pm- 3 egg whites, 1whole egg with spinach,glass of water.
2:00pm- creatine with a pear/banana
Lift 2:40 till 3:40-4
4:00pm-protein shake
Run 1mile warm up, then a hiit session
6:00pm- 2 whole wheat bread with peanutbutter and tuna/chicken
8:00pm- a little boal of oatmeal with milk

Non-hiit days i take out the bowl of oatmeal with milk, and replace it with an apple. This is roughly 1700calories a day.
Eating twice a day is poison. You have to eat 6 times a day to keep your metabolism going. That doesn't mean 6 full meals, that means eating small portions 6 times a day, and nothing after 8 PM. And if you really wanna lose weight and feel better, go vegan. That's no meat or dairy.
I've gone vegan the past two days to see how doable it is, and it's pretty fair. This is essentially what I have eaten for meals the past two days. There's obviously more options, but I'm still doing the research.

Oatmeal with flax seeds for breakfast with a glass of black tea
Salad (none of that dressing crap, olive oil is your best friend)
Dried fruit (could include almonds as there's a really good bag that has it all mixed in with some soy nuts and almonds to go along with cranberries, cherries, raisins and blueberries)
Rice with steamed broccoli/pasta (if you can go wheat) with spinach and red pepper
Mango (or almonds)

Also drink water throughout the entire day, your body needs it and you will feel much better with less cravings.
About a year ago I was 230. My weight currently is 185. However, I accomplished my goal of 183 in about 3-5 month period. So I just started slightly before summer started. What I did was balled out of control everyday for at least 2 hours. I played basketball everyday when I got out of work. I also ate in small portions. However, I did cheat every once in  awhile. I ate a slice a of pizza here and there or some BK. Made sure i ate before 8pm though. I've been hovering around 184-188 for about a year now. I think its time to start working out though as I have some saggy **** right now. Although my stomach is flat, i have more fat then muscle on my upper part which isn't a good look. I have to lift those weights or push ups. 

Anyway, set a target weight number for your self. Once you start seeing results by pounds will make you work that much harder...real talk. 

*********Stay Away From Fried Foods! Drink Plenty Of Water! Be Active! If You Can, Try And Get Some Bunnz! That Will Burn Fat Faster Then Ever
I've been on the same thing myself...didn't notice I got up to 260 lbs (I'm 6'1")

I've been eating cereal for breakfast w/fat-free milk, and a whole grain bagel for breakfast (about 3 g of fat/310 cal total). Also, I've been eating turkey sausage breakfast sandwiches as well (5g of fat for 2/350 cal)

Mid-day, I'll eat some fruit to snack on, or a 100-cal pack (3g of fat/300 cal)

Lunch usually consists of a Healthy Choice dinner, which usually doesn't exceed 400 cal.and 4 g of fat.

Dinner is subjective...nothing is no longer fried; it's usually baked if anything, and I've eaten a lot of chicken (did that anyway), and switched to turkey sausage/chicken

Haven't drank a soda/juice in the last month....nothin but water. When I drink coffee in the morning, it's w/fat-free creamer and Splenda

I usually try to hit the gym 2-3 times out of the week...did it a lot when I first started, but I got burned out quick, so I cut it back.

Right now, I've been doin this since 5/17/10 and I've lost 21 far....tryin to get down to 210 lbs (50 lb.drop)
Drinking soda is my problem.
I seriously need to cut that stuff out, because that's what got me weighing 210 in the first place.

I'm going to try to cut it out again, so let's see how this turns out.
here is my cutting diet currently granted i am 5'11" , 185 lbs and 8.9% body fat but just add a little bit more carbs and protein to this(the protein and carbs are interchangeable).

I stick to this 6 days a week, and if i dont cheat at all...i get sundays off and i eat whatever i want on sundays. Keep in mind the carbs are pretty much cut out of this diet for the last half of the day.

Also since you wanna lose so much weight id step up your cardio to about an hour or so.

Breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal (dry) w/ Brown Sugar & mixed Berries

6 Egg Whites

Coffee or Tea

16 oz. Water

Cardio: 30 minutes

Snack: 1 Apple

6 Egg Whites

4 Turkey Slices

16 oz. Water

Lunch: Salad w/Field Greens or Romaine Lettuce, ½ Tomato, Cucumbers, Vinegar & lemon for dressing

6 oz. of Chicken breast

½ cup of cooked rice

½ cup of Sugar Snaps or Broccoli

16 oz. Water

Snack: 1-1/2 Cup of Broccoli

6 oz. Chicken Breast

16 oz. Water

Workout: 7:00 p.m.

Snack: 25 grams Protein Shake

Dinner: Salad (same as lunch)

8 oz. Turkey, Fish, Chicken Breast

1 cup Vegetables

16 oz. Water

Snack: 25 grams Protein Shake or 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese
Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

Figure out your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and factor in the physical activity that you do. Take this number and subtract 500 from it. The new number is the amount of calories you should go for each day. A 500-calorie daily deduction = 500 x 7 days = 3500 calories = 1 lb lost per week.

Just google "BMR calculator" and look for one that factors in physical activity

this is what will help you the most. you can try to eat healthy and exercise all you want but if you're not keeping track of calories you're just wasting time.
Originally Posted by PLAYOFF12

Drinking soda is my problem.
I seriously need to cut that stuff out, because that's what got me weighing 210 in the first place.

I'm going to try to cut it out again, so let's see how this turns out.
I feel you...I love them myself (Mountain Dew "Typhoon" FTW), but they're the devil! If you're like me and drank 2 20oz (at least) a day, that's almost 600 empty calories and 140+grams of sugar
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