Dining At A Restaurant By Yourself IF You Have A S/O: Yay - Na?

I get lonely.
Sometimes you have no choice. When I am at a conference, instead of dealing with others and stupid small talk, I rather just go eat by myself. Or when I am away on travel for business purposes, I eat by myself all the time. I see nothing wrong with it. I want my meals cooked to order and hot. Take out/fast food is horrible.

Last week for jury service, the first day I ate by myself but the other 3 days I had lunch with a cute looking shorty I met.

And even if I had a S/O, I don't see the problem with eating by yourself. I would go to the bar, get a beer, order food, watch sports or read the paper. No spots at the bar... get a table. In and out in less than 30 minutes instead of an hour if you go with someone else.
I do it all the time. Hell, I go to the movies dolo, every now and then go to the club dolo, depending upon the venue since some places you need folks if stuff is likely to pop off. Sometimes I just don't feel like going through the hassle of getting folks to come with. I'm comfortable with me. I could care less what folks think
i doubt it. i would definitely just sit at the bar.

i just waited tables at this italian restaurant for the past 10 months though and i saw it all the time. seemed kinda lonely and awkward
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

...seems a bit socially awkward and strange to not want to eat out in a restaurant with company.. that's what make dinning out most enjoyable.. the combination of good food plus good company.

I agree with Dirty. I enjoy eating out end enjoying other peoples company. Only time i would ever do something like this was if i was away on business in a different city or something
i can go out and eat at a restaurant by myself. ive done it a couple of times. its not that big of a deal. its not like i dont have anyone to go with, its just that sometimes i wanna just be alone and relax
Maybe I wasn't clear with my original post.

I would go to a restaurant by myself. If I had to. But I would prefer company. But of course like other have said, if you are on business and/or you can't find someone to dine with, you have no choice.

I was asking for those that have a girl, and she was able to go with you, would there ever be a time that you would say, "F*ck her. I will just go by myself." - That is what I was asking.
Im an only child, Im weird in a way. I almost prefer to do things dolo. Movies, eating, whatever sometimes I feel like other people slow me down. I just got used to it after growing up with just me and my mom in the house.
Originally Posted by 6dollaBURGER

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

...seems a bit socially awkward and strange to not want to eat out in a restaurant with company.. that's what make dinning out most enjoyable.. the combination of good food plus good company.

Disagree Dirt - I eat out solo all the time. I actually like picking random sit down places to eat. I'm also highly critical of places to eat, and friends do refer to me for recommendations when needed. Eating alone may help the review - seems to take out random other variables that may alter the eating experience. I also use it as a barometer of service compared to other tables around. I stick out like  sore thumb here at nicer restaurants (I'm brown, Arizona's nicer areas are 95% white) -- believe it or not, my service is not always up to par with the other. Similarly, my service is much better when the girlfriend comes along.

I could probably write a dissertation on this, as eating is what I do. There are pros and cons, but eating alone at a decent establishment should definitely not be ruled out.


what's an s/o ?
Significant Other.
Originally Posted by neukicks

sometimes it is just nice to sit down by yourself and enjoy a nice meal sometimes.
This. Sometimes sitting down and eating a meal by yourself is relaxing and very chill.
I'll do it every once in a while.
I can go to a bar and all, but most of the time I end up talking to someone or watching whatever's on TV.
But sometimes I'll just sit in a quiet booth, order a meal, and just openly think about all kinds of $*#^ (ie. my week, my life, my family, sports, books, art, anything really)
After the meal, I'll go back to my s/o and go on with the night.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Maybe I wasn't clear with my original post.

I would go to a restaurant by myself. If I had to. But I would prefer company. But of course like other have said, if you are on business and/or you can't find someone to dine with, you have no choice.

I was asking for those that have a girl, and she was able to go with you, would there ever be a time that you would say, "F*ck her. I will just go by myself." - That is what I was asking.
Yes. It's different when it comes to eating with or w/o someone else, especially a s/o. Sometimes I feel like just getting some good food without having to wait for anyone to meet me, wanting to go somewhere else to eat, wanting to do things afterwords, etc.  The other day, I was fiending for breakfast at work. So I went to a local breakfast spot by myself right after work and then went home. I could have called anyone to hook up, gf or friend, but I was hungry then, I wanted that spot's food, and I didn't want to do anything afterwords. Depends I guess.
To a fast food joint, yes. Sit down restaurant, maybe just the bar.
I have no problem at all doing this. Of course I'd love for someone to roll with me but it's not necessary.

Sometimes I feel like just getting some good food without having to wait for anyone to meet me, wanting to go somewhere else to eat, wanting to do things afterwords, etc
what do you do while waiting for the food to arrive? stare across the table or look around awkwardly...maybe if you are in the corner throwing vibes out, need to be in corner to do this otherwise awkward especially if you try to make convo with waitresses
I'll only go if i go to a taqueria

I first started doing it after i got off work late, and was dirty as hell
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