Discontinued Food Products You Would Like To See Return

4dWritePRiCE wrote:

I remember when I was in 7th grade (about 4 yrs. ago) I ate so many of these my tongue was almost bleeding
[h2]Crystal Clear Pepsi[/h2]

For years people claimed that they would love to consume more Pepsi, if only it didn't solely come in the off-putting color brown. Well, Pepsi heard those cries and they decided to produce a new brand of Pepsi, one that resembled something that #+$$-sapiens must drink to survive. The new color of Pepsi would be clear, and the new name of Pepsi would cleverly be Crystal Clear. Would this novel liquid replace nature's tired old beverage standard as the new chemical substance required to sustain life? In a word: no. Thankfully, as scholars later revealed, if humans had attempted to substitute new Crystal Clear Pepsi for water, much, if not all, of the human population would have died. Apparently what makes water so essential isn't its color, or lack thereof, but its unique chemical make-up. For years after this embarrassment, many Pepsi executives could be seen standing next to bodies of water and shaking their fists in the water's general direction, just prior to expiring of dehydration
Yo who remembers those Garlic Dinner Rolls Pillsbury used to make? Couldn't find a picture of the package but I found a pic of the roll


But word up to:

Crispy M&M's
Crunch White

AHHH Man...wish I had some right now
Oh and I remember when I was little Mcdonalds used to sell pizza
maybe it was because I was little but I remember it tasting
Originally Posted by infamous milli

Oh and I remember when I was little Mcdonalds used to sell pizza
maybe it was because I was little but I remember it tasting
yea like i said mcpizza ftw it was basically all your fav mckie dees foods baked into a crust. i think they have a online recipe for it. oh andwendys gets a look at their spaghetti tacos, with icarly doing it.
I don't think I saw the Soda Pop fruit snacks in here.Ya'll remember the ones with the sugary frost on the surface?
i didnt bother to look through the whole thread but what about those butterfinger mcflurries mcdonalds used to have
That pop tarts cereal just hit me right in the heart
I LOVED that cereal. Cosign on dude a few posts above, Planters PB Crisps were like heroin to me. Istill remember the commercial
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