Discontinued Food Products You Would Like To See Return

Originally Posted by biggdizzle23

PB Crisps

That's all i want. Please Mr. Peanut bring them back

You havent heard? They were discontinued for being to delicious.

Originally Posted by richiecotite

all sport...i found some out in chicago last summer, but it was different.
I got some at this one Farmer Market over in Cal city, doesn't taste the same.
Wasn't All Sport carbonated?
Originally Posted by Sharp E

OG Lucas (Mexican Candy)
They still sell this at mexican stores in the Chi.
Straight sodium though.
and the Mcdonald's by me has the Mcrib right now, never liked it though..
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by PraVokal

Anybody remember those planters peanuts that had peanut butter inside?! I really need to find out if they sale these anywhere.I remember going thru boxes of these when I was a kid

yep those were so bomb damn i forgot all about those....

PB Crisps? I liked the chocolate ones
War heads haven't gon anywhere, there with your local ice cream man!

And word to that McRib! I never knew mcdonald's made pizza, I could only imagine what that tasted like
The old recipe of Cookie Crisp that actually tasted like cookies and not just chocolate. Also the sugar cookie Cookie Crisp unless my grocery store juststopped carrying it. Also the old recipe of Szechuan Chow Mein and Jade Garden in Downtown Sacramento by a chef that apparently retired or quit.
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