DISNEY Classics Live-Action Remakes - Upcoming: Snow White, Mufasa, Lilo&Stitch, Moana...

$920m as of this past weekend iirc

lion king would have to be dark phoenix/fan4stic bad to not make a billi
i just peeped............
if mushu the dragon
and that grasshopper
aint in it
i aint watching
not exactly a live-action adaptaion but i guess its the first of its kind when it came out over a decade where its a princess coming to the real world type scenario from disney?

i guess a sequel is coming

I can't wait.

My only worry is that it's an English spoken movie. If the lead actress can't deliver her lines in English convincingly that might take me out of the movie.

Wasn't convinced by her delivery of her lines in the trailer.

Not sure which trailer you watched but i understood her fine.
Not sure which trailer you watched but i understood her fine.
I never said I didn't understand her. I said I wasn't convinced by her delivery.

Granted, it's a small sample size. Maybe as I hear her say more lines it'll ease my worry that hearing her speak English will take me out of the movie.
nope, their just gon’ orchestra the og songs and use it as background music

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I wish more of the reviews would talk about the animals emoting when they speak. If they do so

They purposely took out the facial expressions for the animals this time if i remember correctly. Favreau mentioned somewhere that they experimented with it in jungle book and it added more of an uncanny valley effect.
its just the initial reaction, not a full blown review so you will see more of the highlights of the films being talked about, whether bad or good

i saw this one reaction towards it and it seemed like it didnt work for her

i think the decision to go photo-realistic is just going to have that effect or else the cgi ont he animals arent going to look realistic

kind of like how they cant seem to get human cgis perfect, you can always tell because those emotes are something ingrained in our brains and any little detail that is off looks unusual and fake right away
This is what Favreau had to say on it

We learned a lot on The Jungle Book, and one of the things we learned is that if you push the facial expressions on an animal too much it starts to look less like an animal and more like a human. Part of the naturalistic approach of The Lion King that would have not fit in with our tone. Part of it is trying to make the animals express emotions without facial expression, so like in the case of Pumbaa, who is a very comedic character who has a lot of facial expressions in the old one, how do you make a warthog comical if you can’t make him make faces? You have to look at the reference of warthogs in nature, and you start to see that they’re very comical in the way that they move.

So, part of it was directing the animators to express the emotions of the characters, be it the lion or the meerkat or the warthog, in a way that is both consistent with what people would see in nature, but also to express the performance choices the actors are making. So, there’s a lot of body language that was worked into this piece. What’s nice is that as you watch the film all together, I think it’s very successful. But it definitely is one of the things that created one of the bigger challenges, to try to help bring the charm and humanity of the original productions into this without having the ability to manipulate the facial expressions and the naturalism of the animals to the extent that you could in animation.
After seeing Alita I realized there’s a whole new level of CG where emotion can be displayed. With that said they shouldn’t have went with the hyper realistic look of the animals. Pumbaa legit looks terrifying
Idk man. I think Favreau's explanation is BS because in the recent Planet of the Apes movies Caesar emoting didn't take away from the films.
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