It was nice everywhere. The slowest I've seen it in years, no joke. Even the cast members kept talking about how dead it was. It almost seemed like they planned for it to be slow for training the new summer crew, through some Disney magic logistics they got planned. It had soft opening written all over it. Whatever the case, we did smugglers run 7 or 8 times between the two days, and that's because we got kinda over it after a while. There was not a lot of variance between the flights, but I'm sure they got more on deck for smugglers run. Hope it's the same for yall!

so they had no issue with repeat visits? they dont really care and only check the id's to make sure you're part of that reservation and not to prevent you from coming back?
i think it looks and feels like a moneygrab at the moment because you have to spend 4 hours in there if that makes sense? i mean it definitely is made to make money but it feels more like that because you want to spend all 4 hours in there when really without lines the experience is about an hour long at best...

when i got to the parks, I am usually jumping from one land to the other going from ride to ride or to grab something to eat or watch a show while right now, there is one ride and one show (kylo ren?) and several restaurants/bar and then a bunch of stores but some of the experience does mean spending money (building droids and lightsabers)

i do get to chill here and there to soak things in at times but mostly on holidays and thats also difficult when that land isnt complete, there are suppose to be droids to interact with and another ride that is suppose to be disneys best yet

i do think you get more appreciation if you are a huge star wars fan, as in you can look up at the shelves and see an easter egg that is only shown in a flash on the animated tv series in season 3 episodes 5

one drawback the land could have is the cosplay aspect, while it is great to live off your star wars fantasy, i think majority still do not care to be questioned by storm troopers when they have a rebels tee or care to drain their phone battery playing the disney app to get virtual land credits, most just wants to go out there and go about their business and enjoy at their own leisure, at the end of the day we are becoming worse at interacting with real people face to face so i can see a lot of awkward interactions with CMs sticking to their roles

but we really should enjoy it while we can because i still believe storms a brewing...
Definitely hear you but 4 out of 5 of the experiences require you to pay and quite a bit. I guess Oga’s you’re not required so 3 of 5.

Don’t get me wrong. I am a huge Star Wars fan (saw Empire and RTJ in the theaters, I’m old) as are my kids but I’m also trying to be real about the experience. I’m going to love all the Easter eggs and general atmosphere.
you can watch the lightsaber making show iirc so you can experience it without paying

droid isnt a show either, you can jump in there and probably make one and then disassemble it :lol:

one show you can enjoy at night is that the fireworks supposedly looks great by the millenium falcon, not exactly a show specifically for the land but it should still look great
Line was super long and I figured it would be there for a while. They had a reservation system for the cantina and it might have spread to the other popular attractions. You had to reserve as soon as you entered to be able to go. They let in only so many people per reservation window and it fills up quick. They didnt have it on the first day but by the third it was set up. So reserve as soon as you can if you want to go in.
Is it reservations like take your name down? Or tickets?
I think it was scanning your ticket. There was no previous way for us to know till we asked the cast member holding down the line. Saw some people walk up with their phone out, so it might be done through the app.
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so they had no issue with repeat visits? they dont really care and only check the id's to make sure you're part of that reservation and not to prevent you from coming back?
They didnt even bat an eye on our second day. Just scanned the email, glanced at our ids, and gave us our bracelets. From there, they just scan the bracelet, it didnt even seem like it was attached to our tickets.

What time was your reservation and how early did you line up? Ours is at 8am but hoping we can get there at 7 so my kids aren’t too grouchy.
We got there about a half hour late the first day and 10 minutes early the second. There was no difference, no lines to actually get in. I'd say if anything go in late so you dont have to wait in line at the launch bay, you'll still have plenty of time.
I went on Saturday and agree with the money grab statement. Didn’t even think of that until now. I mean you can experience a lot without paying and being on the sidelines, but def think they should’ve had those other rides open when the land did.


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how often do you guys ride Its A Small World?

rumored to be up for removal in the future as apparently surveys are asking guests if they would ride it on their next visit...
now thats an idea, turn it into a horror with jump scares during halloween

turn those animatronics into chucky halfway through with some horror music and make it super dark on the backend of the ride

Never liked it myself...It was mandatory when my kids were younger though...Also my mom always made all us kids ride it first thing on our trips...Besides It’s the first ride Walt worked up for the park though isn’t it?

Can’t see them ever removing it actually...At this point I think Disney uses those surveys as a marketing ploy to get focus on certain lacking elements...They know the info in them leaks out and its only human nature to make assumptions...Free marketing tool for them...
rode it twice in all my visits
once when I was 7-8

and in 2011 with my wife when we did NYE @ DL and if we left couldn't get back in, so we rode EVERYTHING

will never ride again

it has to be removed before we start having kids
im with you guys, ive ridden it a handful of times and mostly its when i bring a girl that wanted/never ridden it or if i had visitors thats never been to the park

it has the same following as pirates so itll be difficult to close it down but i also really wouldn't miss it
how often do you guys ride Its A Small World?

rumored to be up for removal in the future as apparently surveys are asking guests if they would ride it on their next visit...
I rode it quite a few times when I was younger, took my daughters earlier this year when we went.
It’s outdated and somewhat creepy. I remember my first experience as a child on that ride. Terrifying. :lol:
They have actually changed it up, characters are more diverse and not as creepy. Probably done having my girls ride it though.

I rode it quite a few times when I was younger, took my daughters earlier this year when we went.

They have actually changed it up, characters are more diverse and not as creepy. Probably done having my girls ride it though.

I was on it last year. Didn’t truly pay attention because I felt like I was traveling back in time. :lol:
Only rode it to cool off from the heat lol.

Growing up, my mom made us ride that ride.

Will ride again for my daughter. But other than that, I can bypass it.
thats cool
but i like when folks from nt
post pics and describe their experiences
its dope to me
hearing about others
who i kinda
but not really
know from nt share their trips


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Only rode it to cool off from the heat lol.

Growing up, my mom made us ride that ride.

Will ride again for my daughter. But other than that, I can bypass it.

I vividly remember my dad always saying “nap time” when he first stepped on the boat :lol:...Always our first ride though...Mom made sure of that...
i think thats permanent in hong kong since they have that iron man ride there
Four more days till we leave for DW.

Tips? Tips? Tips?

Both my wife and I have been there twice, but as long as our kids have a ball...the trip will be considered a huge win. Kinda want to have the mentality of with it being their first time (Ages 6 & 3) I wanna spoil em’ and saying no isn’t an option, however my bank account probably wouldn’t agree.
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