Divorces with Single Moms Are Most Difficult According to Divorce Lawyer


Thread. She posted a few quick videos on how it's tough for her to remain objective during her couples sessions because of how messed up dudes typically are.

Worth your time.

She gave examples here

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The devaluation of unpaid labor in this thread is pretty gross. Not sure why it’s so hard to envision that household labor holds large value.

I can tell you that I pay a lot of money to have most of it taken care of for me so that I can work without my house falling into disrepair. Not everyone’s situation can justify the outsourcing of this type of stuff. I can totally agree getting with someone who has no skills or aspirations and just wants to lay around on someone else’s dime is a poor life choice. That certainly doesn’t translate to every stay at home mom out there though.
Another Thread from that set of comments

Youtube: Keeping It A Buck W/ B @Bringitbrat_ Think I want to do a thread on the things I’m learning about marriage and relationships by doing couples and marriage counseling with other people …the **** literally makes me think that life as a single gal may in fact be the move -


Thread. She posted a few quick videos on how it's tough for her to remain objective during her couples sessions because of how messed up dudes typically are.

Worth your time.

She gave examples here

Posting objective takes from the other side to fan the flames?Interesting tactic. Let’s see how this plays out.

However does she talk about the financial responsibilities of both parties? I think that’s an important part. If my insurance is paying for this therapy then I have all the rights to be the most trauma filled individual here.
Posting objective takes from the other side to fan the flames?Interesting tactic. Let’s see how this plays out.

However does she talk about the financial responsibilities of both parties? I think that’s an important part. If my insurance is paying for this therapy then I have all the rights to be the most trauma filled individual here.

All these opinions. How many of y’all actually have stayed at home with your kids? Or even have kids?

Stay at home mom is hard. Hell being a working mom is hard. If you’re any kind of decent at it.

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All these opinions. How many of y’all actually have stayed at home with your kids? Or even have kids?

Stay at home mom is hard. Hell being a working mom is hard. If you’re any kind of decent at it.

Not to mention, women generally hold most of this responsibility whether or not they work. I’m pretty sure I just read a statistic that women do 75% of unpaid labor in a household. Earning money is not the only way people contribute to a family.
All these opinions. How many of y’all actually have stayed at home with your kids? Or even have kids?

Stay at home mom is hard. Hell being a working mom is hard. If you’re any kind of decent at it.

you right.

i was on paternity leave for 6 weeks of my allowed 12. i got shamed by my female bosses and female coworkers to come back after my 6. that's a whole different story though.
but its def tough. mentally challenging to go through the monotonous lifestyle. worth it though.
Not to mention, women generally hold most of this responsibility whether or not they work. I’m pretty sure I just read a statistic that women do 75% of unpaid labor in a household. Earning money is not the only way people contribute to a family.
this is true that's why i def do my part in raising my baby.
i don't like the old gender roles. i enjoy being a dad. i want my wife to have a fulfilling career. i've even passed on lucrative opportunities to be able to be at home more to help so she can continue to work as much as she wants to.
i also want my daughter to know she doesn't have to live by the outdated constructs either.
this is true that's why i def do my part in raising my baby.
i don't like the old gender roles. i enjoy being a dad. i want my wife to have a fulfilling career. i've even passed on lucrative opportunities to be able to be at home more to help so she can continue to work as much as she wants to.
i also want my daughter to know she doesn't have to live by the outdated constructs either.
Completely agree. 50/50 split doesn’t always mean the same for everyone. Things can also evolve. I always earned more than my husband, which never bothered either of us. He’s had a lot of opportunities he took advantage of and now he earns over double what I do. In order for him to do what he does and be successful, I cut back on my job a bit and stepped into a more flexible role. I still work because I WANT to, but what’s best for us now is to support his advancement. He doesn’t have time to focus on household work, which is fine. I want his free time focused on quality time with me and our son. We also hire a lot of help to keep things smooth. He openly admits there’s no way he’d be doing what he’s doing at the level he is without me keeping the house running. I also have no doubt that if things were opposite he’d be happy to be the household manager.

In the end, we’re blessed we can afford the support staff we need. I have plenty of friends who sacrificed their jobs so they could raise their children because their wages didn’t justify remaining in the workforce. Many of those friends deal with depression and anxiety or feelings of worthlessness because they aren’t earning money. A lot of this stuff stems from societal attitudes that degrade housework and care work.

Thread. She posted a few quick videos on how it's tough for her to remain objective during her couples sessions because of how messed up dudes typically are.

Worth your time.

She gave examples here

It's stuff like this that makes me understand where the Kevin Samuels reactionary backlash comes from. :lol:

She basically said her antipathy for male behavior is so intense, that she struggles to remain objective
during her couples therapy sessions...and she has to work hard to remind herself
...that men are human beings deserving of love and happiness.

and this therapist posted this in public for the world to see... what?!:lol:
Phones/Social Media are stripping a lot of people of their emotional intelligence but… no one is even mentioning that. It’s affecting children even more. I wonder how things will be in 10, 20, 30 years

Everytime new technology comes out people freak out. I think we will be ok, we will just have to all adjust as a society in how we relate "emotionally" to each other. My nephew and nieces stay on their phones and they seem like regular kids to me. A lot of it is blown out of proportion by old people.

If you're in your 30s you grew up during the internet/AOL revolution and boomers thought that was the end of the world as we know it. :lol:

I'm sure ancient people freaked out at the first telephone.
It's stuff like this that makes me understand where the Kevin Samuels reactionary backlash comes from. :lol:

She basically said her antipathy for male behavior is so intense, that she struggles to remain objective
during her couples therapy sessions...and she has to work hard to remind herself
...that men are human beings deserving of love and happiness.

and this therapist posted this in public for the world to see... what?!:lol:

Right but did you listen to what she said? Do you disagree that we as men do what she claims we do?

Also, she said it's hard for her to remain unbiased in situations WHERE the man is acting like a goof. Not unbiased to men in general.
Right but did you listen to what she said? Do you disagree that we as men do what she claims we do?

Also, she said it's hard for her to remain unbiased in situations WHERE the man is acting like a goof. Not unbiased to men in general.

I listened to what she said, my point is agree or disagree it seems like a highly strange on unprofessional thing to post in public.

on the substance; yes she described a bunch of relationship problems that may be typical of men.
but like so? Men and Women are different and tend to have different behavioral patterns

so naturally there is typical male behavior that women have to deal with in relationships,
that men don't have to deal with and vice versa.

it's not "unfair" it's reality, we are a sexually dimorphic species.
if a women wants to date someone that doesn't have any typically male behavioral problems

that women should simply date other women. problem solved.

the idea that this would fill you with so much contempt
that you would struggle to maintain objectivity and empathy for men is wild thing to say as a therapist.
I agree with the , " highly strange on unprofessional thing to post in public."

I would imagine you wouldn't want to post things like that being in THAT position.
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