Do not expect the war in Afghanistan to end anytime soon.

It's all about creating cashflow. Once it's dry they gonna bankrupt and leave like a john. This country is a military industrial complex driven engine. Our government is board game from Africa. Look it up.
They'll leave as soon as they can't export opium and suck the country dry of it's untapped resources....
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Yeah, we should just leave now and let the Taliban retake control of the country. That's whats best for the Afghan people! I mean, it worked in the past after we helped get the Soviets out. We should just take a hands off approach and continue to allow the problems we've created there to fester and punish the innocent men women and children of Afghanistan!

Seriously though, we can't pull out prematurely and we can't allow another leader to steal an election there or else everything our troops have fought for will mean nothing. We created this mess thirty years ago and we paid for it, and now we're doing what we should have done back then instead of allowing the country to fall into chaos after the Soviets left.

If this allows us to stay there and possibly ensure stability because we need it to attain these resources, then so be it. As long as we fix what we destroyed.
after i saw that mineral thing in the newspaper, i literally just shook my head and said, "that's trouble."
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