Do white people?

This is getting ridiculous :smh:

I feel like my brain cells are committing suicide every single time another dumb thread pops up
Onra(vietnamese), he dabbles in the R&B scene doesn't sing but he can lace a track down proper.
Yessir!  His Long Distance EP was pretty nice.

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I don't know why, but while watching Chris Farley videos on youtube, I started to think of white people who had black hair and I couldn't think of anyone. Thought of Tom Cruse, Matt Damon, Michael J Fox, excluded old white people, started thinking of my white friends and none of them had black hair etc.... I'm talking born with straight black(color) hair...

So I google white people with black hair and I just got a whole bunch of pics with white people with corn rolls, and Afros, and just pics of random black people.

Am I tripping?
I don't know why, but while watching Chris Farley videos on youtube, I started to think of white people who had black hair and I couldn't think of anyone. Thought of Tom Cruse, Matt Damon, Michael J Fox, excluded old white people, started thinking of my white friends and none of them had black hair etc.... I'm talking born with straight black(color) hair...

So I google white people with black hair and I just got a whole bunch of pics with white people with corn rolls, and Afros, and just pics of random black people.

Am I tripping?

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