do you believe in "bisexual" men?

I believe people who are "bisexual" are just really sexual beings.
The idea of a man being with a woman & then a man is hard to
grasp, but often dudes who have mad female partners, start playin
for the opposing team, because more than likely they get bored &
start to explore new horizons.

Some people just want it all when it comes to sex. It becomes more
than an activity and a sensation. I guess :/
Originally Posted by sn00pee

my point being, you can like both. thats what we would label bisexual.
I think some people are viewing it as sexuality, or (homosexuality in this case) in levels, where in gay would be the highest level, andbisexuality is kind of or half gay.
No, people the term simply refers to both sexes.
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

NO! I'm a crackhead that raps from time to time. Same principle applies

then wouldn't that make you a straight guy who sucks !$#$ from time to time

Nah that would make you a pin cushion that has been spotted with woman occasionally.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by sn00pee

my point being, you can like both. thats what we would label bisexual.
I think some people are viewing it as sexuality, or (homosexuality in this case) in levels, where in gay would be the highest level, and bisexuality is kind of or half gay.
No, people the term simply refers to both sexes.
im sayin'. of course theres no halfway. if someone is a bisexual, they like both, plain and simple. Gay, being defined as only liking the samesex, they are not. Nor are they straight.
Being gay is an action as well as a state of mind. there are people that are straight that have never and will never even almost be gay. there are gays thatwill never and have never wanted to be straight. But it stands to reason that there are gay people that are ashamed of their sexuality so they live as straightor asexual men. It also stands to reason that there are gay-curious straight males, or rather males that have NOT done anything gay physically but who arecurious about trying things. So the only logical conclusion is that because there are no clearly defined lines and since orientation is not as black and whiteas it seems, then there should be no clearly defined titles. Just like with race, it's more of a convention of culture than a scientifically backedclassification.

But that would never fly in this world we live in. In the world I live in, ain't no check-swinging. If you're bi, you're gay. If you're gay,you're gay.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

So let's take inmates for instance who have never thought or desired to be with men prior to going to jail and all of a sudden got dudes serving them up whenever they way while in jail. Are they gay, straight, bisexual or is that an altogether different thing? I'm curious as to what some of NTs rocket scientists have to say.
Are you assuming that every man that goes into jail "all of a sudden got dudes serving them up"?

If you go to jail and use that as an excuse to start liking booty, I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out that you were gay all along.
This thread is ignorant as hell. I'm mad people are tryna sneak in "scientific" reasons as to why men can't be bi-sexual. Just say you thinkit's gross and keep it moving.

Like i said earlier, sexual orientation for both sexes is a continuum. Some lean toward the extremes of gay or straight, some are somewhere. Even the straightmost homophobic of men have the propensity for homosexual feelings. I swear if every female on this world all of a sudden disappeared, many people in herecrying that $%%# is gross son would be simping dudes with the quickness. You don't think so, look at men serving really long terms in jail. Socialrestrictions is the only reason why there aren't more bisexual/ homosexual men out in the open.
not my problem..if you like men, do you, but dont bring that #$%^ over here...

and to the comment about "nobody is 100% straight" smfh ^%$& you talkin bout!?

i am 100000000000% in love with women and nothing can change it point.blank.period
I wasn't expecting these type of responses. You guys are extremely ignorant, it's kind of sad really. You need to grow up. As I said before and morepeople said in this thread, there is NO SUCH THING as BLACK AND WHITE. You learn this growing up, what makes you think sexuality is different? There is nothing as a 100% straight or 100% gay male or female.

What you CHOOSE to ACT ON defines YOU.

I want you to really dwell on that...
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

I wasn't expecting these type of responses. You guys are extremely ignorant, it's kind of sad really. You need to grow up. As I said before and more people said in this thread, there is NO SUCH THING as BLACK AND WHITE. You learn this growing up, what makes you think sexuality is different? There is no thing as a 100% straight or 100% gay male or female.

What you CHOOSE to ACT ON defines YOU.

I want you to really dwell on that...
I wouldnt say that there is no such thing as black and white. It's just that everything isnt blackand white. sometimes you have definite meanings, sometimes you have ambiguous meanings.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

I wasn't expecting these type of responses. You guys are extremely ignorant, it's kind of sad really. You need to grow up. As I said before and more people said in this thread, there is NO SUCH THING as BLACK AND WHITE. You learn this growing up, what makes you think sexuality is different? There is no thing as a 100% straight or 100% gay male or female.

What you CHOOSE to ACT ON defines YOU.

I want you to really dwell on that...

Are you straight or gay?
Are you a gay person who chooses to act on heterosexuality or a straight person who chooses to act on homosexuality?

Or are we all just somewhere in the middle?

I dont get where youre going.
There are alot of Free love peopl out there who aer up for ANYTHING so I'm gonna say yes Bisexuality is real for male and female. Its just people who wantsex and want sex from whoever they want it from him, her, that guy and that girl at the bar
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

This thread is ignorant as hell. I'm mad people are tryna sneak in "scientific" reasons as to why men can't be bi-sexual. Just say you think it's gross and keep it moving.

Like i said earlier, sexual orientation for both sexes is a continuum. Some lean toward the extremes of gay or straight, some are somewhere. Even the straight most homophobic of men have the propensity for homosexual feelings. I swear if every female on this world all of a sudden disappeared, many people in here crying that $%%# is gross son would be simping dudes with the quickness. You don't think so, look at men serving really long terms in jail. Social restrictions is the only reason why there aren't more bisexual/ homosexual men out in the open.
i completly agree.
In my opinion, gay is gay. If you like the same sex, you're gay. Bisexual is gay, but gay doesn't necessarily mean bisexual.
I see a bunch of ignorant comments, but c'mon ..

We as (straight) men know that we never want to or dream of kissing a man .... We think about vagina all day, and the only time that we don't is if weplaying sports or thinking about $$$ .. Im not trying to sound ignorant here, but I think that women are more open minded and prone to curiosity, thats whythey can therefore claim to be bi-sexuals ... Men are hardwired (no pun intended) to think down certains lanes, and I know thinking about kissing a man hasnever crossed my path ..

Sorry if you feel that my statement is ignorant.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

I think it's impossible for someone to be 100% Gay or 100% straight. You're a little bit of both whether you like it or not. It all depends if you choose to act on it....

Think about this...the male and female body are so similar...a very thin line between male and female. For instance isn't the penis and clitoris exactly the same. Made from the same tissue and nerve endings.
Gay called, it's for you..
Not trying to sound macho or whatever but that statement saying nobody is 100% straight or gay is just crazy. I never played on the other side of thefense I was getting it in with girls when I was in preschool. Never understood how a man could be gay. I dont hate them but it just baffles me. Im a 100 %straight holmes
@ this thread I thought it'd just be mad gay but it's hilarious.
Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

I think it's impossible for someone to be 100% Gay or 100% straight. You're a little bit of both whether you like it or not. It all depends if you choose to act on it....

Think about this...the male and female body are so similar...a very thin line between male and female. For instance isn't the penis and clitoris exactly the same. Made from the same tissue and nerve endings.
Gay called, it's for you..
Damn son why does gay have your #?
Opening this topic up for discussion is like opening up Pandora's box.

IMHO, you're either gay or not. If you're gay, then so be it. Be gay. Just don't try and cover it up, especially when you could very well bedating or leading on an otherwise cool female that another guy would love to date.

I apply this same logic to people who get caught up in the statuses of their relationships: In a sense, you're either single or married. Until you put aring on that woman's finger, be it an engagement or even promise ring these days, you all are not obligated to each other. To each their own though, Isuppose.
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