Do you believe in Karma

lol at people saying it's for weak-minded people, if anything it's a way of helping people do good more than bad by compelling them to. it doesn't mean that you let people walk over fact, that's not what karma is. people that think that way don't have a moral foundation anyway. i believe in karma but like antoher NTer said above me, it's not about getting rewarded for doing the right thing as that should be a part of everybody without the need for incentives. if anything, it's a way of doing the right thing when you don't know whether you should or not because of the temptation...such as returning found money or a lost wallet because sometime in your life, you might lose money or your wallet...etc
+!** no.
how many people do *@%$$% up $!%% and nothing happens to them?
how many people do right and nothing but *@%$$% up $!%% happens to them?
just more fairytale crap
if u believe in karma do you believe in dharma as well?

They do go hand in hand...
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

+!** no.
how many people do *@%$$% up $!%% and nothing happens to them?
how many people do right and nothing but *@%$$% up $!%% happens to them?
just more fairytale crap

agreed, I know plenty of good people that have had bad things happen to them.
"Karma" is self-inflicted punishment for the weak-minded. Man up, learn to live with regrets, and recognize that every year is built on seasons. You'll be fine.
Aren't heaven and hell the ultimate karma? I believe in heaven and hell so therefore I consider myself to believe in karma. 
karma is for real, its quite subtle at times and you probably won't know when it hits you, but if it does you'll know the repercussions. its basically justified revenge and its sweet too.
everything happens for a reason apparently
Originally Posted by MaddoxKay

Aren't heaven and hell the ultimate karma? I believe in heaven and hell so therefore I consider myself to believe in karma. 

Except you can be a total ****, "repent" for it before you go to bed every night and erases all your transgressions.

Heavily flawed system. Or "mysterious" as you types like to put it
Let me reiterate

the title of this thread should NOT be do you believe in karma..WHO cares what YOU believe

the title of this thread should be 'what is karma?' because everybody in this thread is following the simplistic American notion that karma is 'what goes around comes around' but its deeper than that...karma is universal LAW and part of Vedic science

what is good and bad? your perception of duality in this world is not correct...stop thinking like a simpleton and research for your self

Except you can be a total ****, "repent" for it before you go to bed every night and erases all your transgressions.

Heavily flawed system. Or "mysterious" as you types like to put it
85er logic 

  your precious  WESTERN 'scientific method' is FAR from correct. thats why this sick society is falling apart as we speak...know it alls like this think their empirical science can replace God.
karma isn't real...

lets say I find a wallet and I dont return it to its owner... Do i get bad karma? What if it was bad karma for that person to lose the wallet because they did someting wrong?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Let me reiterate

the title of this thread should NOT be do you believe in karma..WHO cares what YOU believe

the title of this thread should be 'what is karma?' because everybody in this thread is following the simplistic American notion that karma is 'what goes around comes around' but its deeper than that...karma is universal LAW and part of Vedic science

what is good and bad? your perception of duality in this world is not correct...stop thinking like a simpleton and research for your self

Except you can be a total ****, "repent" for it before you go to bed every night and erases all your transgressions.

Heavily flawed system. Or "mysterious" as you types like to put it
85er logic 

  your precious  WESTERN 'scientific method' is FAR from correct. thats why this sick society is falling apart as we speak...know it alls like this think their empirical science can replace God.

When exactly was society "together"? Also, will this "falling apart" ever end? 
When was society together? Society has never been a utopian perfection there has always been winners and losers..its all about the makeup of the system

.if your an African man I shouldn't have to explain myself because the proof is in the pudding. The point is that the program here has run its course and a new program is on it's way.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

+!** no.
how many people do *@%$$% up $!%% and nothing happens to them?
how many people do right and nothing but *@%$$% up $!%% happens to them?
just more fairytale crap
All of this.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

+!** no.
how many people do *@%$$% up $!%% and nothing happens to them?
how many people do right and nothing but *@%$$% up $!%% happens to them?
just more fairytale crap
How do you know nothing happens to them though?
I guess? But I try to do good things because guilt gets to me and a guilty feeling is the worst feeling
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

+!** no.
how many people do *@%$$% up $!%% and nothing happens to them?
how many people do right and nothing but *@%$$% up $!%% happens to them?
just more fairytale crap
How do you know nothing happens to them though?








and the institution he represents
As much as I believe in the easter bunny, Neverland, or gaining good luck from a four-leaf clover or rabbit's foot.
no, i try to be a decent person because i believe it's the right thing to do, not because i think that i'll be rewarded for it.
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