Do You Consider Racing a Sport? (Paging MrMundayNite)

so formula 1 is a sport but nascar isnt? why? because they also make right turns?
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

The main argument against Nascars qualification as a sport seems to be the fact that the vehicle they are driving is doing most of the work. If that is the by that logic any sport that uses a tool can't considered a sport right?

Is tennis a sport?
Is horse riding a sport?
Is Hockey a sport?
Is Baseball a sport?

All those sports require a tool to execute the object of the game just like nascar? If Nascar isn't a sport the why are these considered sports? Never mind the fact it requires a great deal of concentration, coordination and physical fortitude to drive these vehicles at such a incredible speeds. Don't drivers lose like 15 pounds each race? That seems pretty physically intensive to me...

That whole "tool argument" is flawed. But before I go into that, again, I'll give Nascar the title of "sport" so long as"Motor" comes before it. You simply cannot equate physical sports to motor sports. Each have their respective hardships but they just aint thesame. Look at track runners and Nascar drivers since they are both racers. Are we really gonna sit here and say that "Man, those cross country runnersare somethin but those Nascar drivers are really somethin else"?

My whole thing is, a "real" sport is you training your body to show that you are faster, stronger, AND smarter than your competition, no excuses. Tennis, you get a tool, but if you arent fast enough to get to that 140 mph serve, you are done. Even if you are fast enough to get to it, but not strongenough to return it, then you are done. If you are not capable of analyzing your opponent under heavy fatigue to win, you done. I guess almost anything thatrequires you to stay on your legs is a "real" sport.

Sidenote: Bowling... I'm a bowler and though it may not compare to other sports, competitive/tournament bowling is definitely something most of youcan't even begin to grasp. People dont even know how much the oil pattern plays a factor, now throw in that that pattern changes throughout the game andyou have to make THE RIGHT adjustments throughout the game. If you think bowling is easy, go out right now and bowl a 300...
Its an event that takes "skill" not athleticism. The car is is doing 95% of the work.
I don't like NASCAR racing, but I give mad props to motorcycle racing...some serious skill involved
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