Do you dap and clutch?

I don't shake hands

Don't know if y'all been walking around scratching your nuts or what else you've had your hands on

My nuts are cleaner than most door handles you'll interact with throughout the day.

You'll shake my damn hand, sir.
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I do a quick clutch and shoot, forming a pistol at the end. I only do that with fam and close friends. Others are straight handshakes for white folk and head nod.
I always thought of it being mad regional, I’d never seen/done dap and pound til I moved out to CA for the 1st time
If it's a white person I do the traditional interview handshake. I used to give them the old head "wassup" head nod but most white people nod down instead of up.
With my people it depends on age and how well I kno u. If you're the homie it's understood that it's a handshake and finger snap ending in unison or the Obama KD shake up.... Gotta seal that one with the finger snap too, Memphis thang I guess. Old heads get the old school head nod or a pound :pimp:

lotta white folks hit you with the

used to live in jersey and this other dude who worked security in my apt building always finished with the finger snap. made me feel like a noob cuz no1 does that in nyc.
Dc out here like

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:rofl: Tyler tries to turn it in to a fist last min while dog tried to open up his fist before contact.

Was hanging out with a black guy tonight. Had that awkward white guy high five moment | IGN Boards

Man read some of these comments :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Linking to 6 year old threads on other boards :lol: :smh:

When in doubt...

My man Snoop didn't even look at how Bill was coming in, that 6th sense just naturally had him turn the pound in to a dap

:rofl: :pimp: So clutch
That's the norm for me yes.

But sometimes I'll do the ironic frumpy handshake with my bros

Ps, all black folks I run into around my parts get the black guy approval nod

Interesting the impact war can have on culture even years later. I hear the term "joe" in Chicago originated from soldiers who came back home from the war.
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