Do you dap and clutch?

Topic is mad funny, I always notice this in sports. Was just talking to someone about this at work. My job is like 85% white, asian, arab and then 15% black. It's funny how segregated work is. All the black people know each other, dap or hug. Have energy with each other. Then one of the other 85% walk in and it's a hello or handshake, energy changes. I wonder if that group feels unwanted or out of place. Every job I've been at it's wild segregated.

I try to avoid dap with everyone now, people nasty as hell. I'm like Big Boi in ATL, cleanliness is closest to godliness.
Topic is mad funny, I always notice this in sports. Was just talking to someone about this at work. My job is like 85% white, asian, arab and then 15% black. It's funny how segregated work is. All the black people know each other, dap or hug. Have energy with each other. Then one of the other 85% walk in and it's a hello or handshake, energy changes. I wonder if that group feels unwanted or out of place. Every job I've been at it's wild segregated.

I try to avoid dap with everyone now, people nasty as hell. I'm like Big Boi in ATL, cleanliness is closest to godliness.
Ahhhhhhhh Funny how life works :wink:
If I shake your hand and put my off hand on your arm by your elbow.

That's genuine subtle respect.
You ever have someone try dap/fist bump you with the left?

**** irks me, I take it as a sign of disrespect. I tell em come right or get left.
WHile on the subject of hand interactions, I HATE being offered "High Fives." Something else that is cultural.

No lie, when a High Five is offered to be, I fist bump it.

Just something about pointing my fingerTips toward the sky just feels unnatural. Nah

So you never raised your hand at al during school? From K-12?
Job interview?

Business meeting?



There's an appropriate time and place for everything.
Usually a hug

Latinas like to kiss on the cheek
First time this happened to me I was shocked as hell, luckily the girl was fine as hell. I notice more women from other races/cultures have started doing this as well
You ever have someone try dap/fist bump you with the left?

**** irks me, I take it as a sign of disrespect. I tell em come right or get left.
Shaking hands with the left is rude, period, unless you got one arm I'm looking at you side ways. I'm not dapping you up unless I know you in general, everybody else gets a firm handshake or a fist bump
Yes. Usually never unless they were raised in the hood or are fronting trying to be down.
I never really thought about it like that. Frankly I'm not sure at what point the dap and clutch became a habit with some of my close friends. I should note that my closest friends are all white with the exception of one of them being Asian. It's pretty similar to the gif in the OP but we end it with a couple pats on eachother's back.
Topic is mad funny, I always notice this in sports. Was just talking to someone about this at work. My job is like 85% white, asian, arab and then 15% black. It's funny how segregated work is. All the black people know each other, dap or hug. Have energy with each other. Then one of the other 85% walk in and it's a hello or handshake, energy changes. I wonder if that group feels unwanted or out of place. Every job I've been at it's wild segregated.

I try to avoid dap with everyone now, people nasty as hell. I'm like Big Boi in ATL, cleanliness is closest to godliness.

:lol: I don't know why this made me laugh... that's pretty diverse right there, pretty equal.
First time this happened to me I was shocked as hell, luckily the girl was fine as hell. I notice more women from other races/cultures have started doing this as well
Is this not a regular thing in the US? Over here the standard greeting with females is always kissing eachother's cheek.
On the side note...

If I give you a firm hand shake and I notice you're squeezing your grip harder on that Machismo ****. I'll squeeze back and give you a stare... we just became enemies.
Is this not a regular thing in the US? Over here the standard greeting with females is always kissing eachother's cheek.
Not sure about standard but it didn't start happening with any kind of regularity till I hit my mid twenties. Its not something that happens the first time meeting a women either, its normally someone I am on decent terms with. Honestly I just let women initiate the method of greeting in a casual setting, I've met women who are frightened of shaking strangers hands
The funniest to me is on the road in the country, people lift the one finger off the wheel as acknowledgement. They don't even have to know you, it's just like "oh other car come coming, subtle recognition" :lol:
If it's a white person I do the traditional interview handshake. I used to give them the old head "wassup" head nod but most white people nod down instead of up.
With my people it depends on age and how well I kno u. If you're the homie it's understood that it's a handshake and finger snap ending in unison or the Obama KD shake up.... Gotta seal that one with the finger snap too, Memphis thang I guess. Old heads get the old school head nod or a pound :pimp:
Only folks I know that do this are either African or Jamaican
Not sure about standard but it didn't start happening with any kind of regularity till I hit my mid twenties. Its not something that happens the first time meeting a women either, its normally someone I am on decent terms with. Honestly I just let women initiate the method of greeting in a casual setting, I've met women who are frightened of shaking strangers hands
Here it's in pretty much every scenario. Only time I've shook hands with women is in professional settings. Other than that it's always a mutual kiss on eachother's cheek regardless if it's a girl I know or never met before. The women initiate it the overwhelming majority of the time. If you're not getting the kiss on the cheek greeting it's usually a sign that girl really doesn't like you. If you try to go for a handshake you're gonna get some strange looks.
Here it's in pretty much every scenario. Only time I've shook hands with women is in professional settings. Other than that it's always a mutual kiss on eachother's cheek regardless if it's a girl I know or never met before. The women initiate it the overwhelming majority of the time. If you're not getting the kiss on the cheek greeting it's usually a sign that girl really doesn't like you. If you try to go for a handshake you're gonna get some strange looks.
Here its normally hugs, if you get one of those side hugs or none at all then it may be a sign an girl isn't too fond of you. I'm assuming your from Belgium
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