Do you ever go to the movies or out to eat by yourself?

I watched a couple of movies by myself. Only because i was getting my work Vehicle serviced and there was a movie theatre at the mall. I watched iron man.
never went to a movie or ate out by myself but i would do it

wouldnt even care its only a big deal if you make it a big deal

id go to a concert alone too i never been to one alone tho but i met people that went alone while i was there **** was dope :pimp:
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Sometimes when I'm on my way to somewhere I grab a quick burger by myself but other than that never. I'd never go to a bar or club by myself like who does that? Good friends > random people.

Damn, A lot of codependent, insecure dudes in here. Get it together man.

For real.

Acting like it's impossible to go out and be social by themselves.

Obviously I'm not gonna ditch my boys to go out by myself but if I wanna go out and they're not available why not?
Going to the movies by myself tomorrow to see Wolf of Wallstreet and Hunger Games 2
For real.

Acting like it's impossible to go out and be social by themselves.

Obviously I'm not gonna ditch my boys to go out by myself but if I wanna go out and they're not available why not?
It just doesn't seem as fun to go out without some good friends imo.
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I think I might go see an afternoon showing of Robocop then the mall by myself before the gf comes over later

I've been stuck in bc of snow and I need to get out of the damn house
I work only four days a week. If it's a movie I want to see, because not everything is a date movie. And some movies are better without someone talking beside you.

I've done the dinner thing when I'm out of town for work, but it makes me feel uncomfortable.

Society is afraid of alone though
Like lonely hearts are wasting away in basements
Like people must have problems if after a while nobody is dating them
But lonely is a freedom that breathes easy and weightless
And lonely is healing, if you make it 

You don't need company to explore the world around you

I really like this :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
Have you actually tried it? (Since you used the word seem)
I used the word seem because I have indeed not tried it. I like mingling with people I don't know while I'm out with friends but going to a bar or club by myself just doesn't seem like something for me. The only outside activities I really enjoy doing alone are going to the gym and shopping.

I'm usually at the gym with a few buddies but I find it really relaxing by myself too.
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During the week I love having/going to lunch by myself. That is my time to break away from the day and enjoy myself. Many times when I go to lunch with others I feel obligated to hold a conversation and most of it revolves around work.

Movies, I've only gone by myself once. I am a huge Batman fan and when Dark Knight Rises came out I was in the Dominican Republic and it released there two weeks later. The day I got home my girl was tired and didn't want to sit and watch a 3 hr movie so I went by myself. Felt weird but also felt good because I didn't have to worry about her asking me questions throughout the movie (which she has a habit of doing).
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