do you get offend when you see a beautiful woman of your race with another race?

nah i dont get(havent been so far) offended, but i do wish that i would have ran into them prior to the bf or alone.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

^ You know you still didn't provide any evidence that this is a RELIGIOUS rule. Maybe cultural, but how can you say it is against theri RELIGION. I am still waiting for proof.

Nice link though

it's a thin line between "religion" and "culture" with most middle have some islamics cultures that are down with it, but then there's the
catholic chaldeans that are face value racist with the "us vs. them" attitude. it's common knowledge here that if you date an "american" you're facing getting disowned by your family.

there's numerous scriptures i've heard that are used to justify it but i don't believe in bearing false witness by miss qouting the lord's word
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by MC OTAKU

Honestly I don't like to see white dudes with Asian women.  Because i know they got some kind of hardcore Asian fetish going on.  I have a cousin who dated a white dude and I found his stash, dude had mad GBs of asian pron.

Granted ive met white guys who were real cool,and i had no problem with them dating the girl. but if i see it randomly on the street it irks me.
I dont blame asian-amer guys for getting angry, esp since other races in this country will disregard a perfectly good Asian guy just because of his race
I have cousins who are with mexican and black dudes and they are all koo with me, i hav no problems whatsoever with minorites.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I always wanted to know why Asian dudes had problems with White men dating Asian women, I remember a while back dirty touched on this topic in some epic like thread but I didn't pay much attention to it.. Someone wanna touch on this?[/color]
I believe Dirty said something like if he saw a hot asian girl with a below average white guy, he thought in his head the asian girl was in the relationship more for that status than anything.

Some $**+ like that.
No problems with interracial relationships, my mom is black and my dad is white
Originally Posted by supreme math

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

^ You know you still didn't provide any evidence that this is a RELIGIOUS rule. Maybe cultural, but how can you say it is against theri RELIGION. I am still waiting for proof.

Nice link though

it's a thin line between "religion" and "culture" with most middle have some islamics cultures that are down with it, but then there's the
catholic chaldeans that are face value racist with the "us vs. them" attitude. it's common knowledge here that if you date an "american" you're facing getting disowned by your family.

there's numerous scriptures i've heard that are used to justify it but i don't believe in bearing false witness by miss qouting the lord's word
I am pretty sure there are no scriptures that support that idea. As I said, I am sure that it is a purely CULTURE thing.

Ask your girl or her mother to tell you where it can be found
I personally don't feel offended, but I do feel bad for people of my race (Asians). I walk around and I see Asian women with any race but its own, as if they are trying to prove a point. I truly feel bad for Asian guys of this generation because Asian women don't accept them and they feel its a "in" thing to have a man of different race, while women of other race don't like Asian guys either because of the stereotypes. I'm not saying Asian guys can't get other girls, but its definitely rarer than seeing a Asian chick cuffed up with some white guy or something. I've never even been with an Asian girl in my life and I find it funny that its those same Asian girls who exclusively date outside the race look down on me because I'm walking down the street with a Hispanic, Black, or a White girl. How is it that they can exclusively date guys other than their own people and look down on me for having girl of a different race? We had a discussion about this in class the other day and the Asian chick tried to justify it by saying they are just keeping their minds open which is BS. Everyone has walked down the block and seen a gorgeous young Asian girl cuffed with some fat old white dude. I'm not tryna put fat old white guys down, but damn, selling yourself short just because hes white and that says so much for their "status" so they can ego trip. So to conclude the story, Asian guys are not love by its own and rarely by others. I can't even explain it because I haven't felt that struggle, at least I still get my share of women, but for those other guys? my sympathy to those men.
Still waiting on that scripture reference man.............

Is it true that Asian women are often told by society that black men are a downgrade and the goal is to find a nice well off wh ite man to spend the rest of their life with? Do many Asian women feel this way? I read this on a BLog before named "Stuff Asian People Hate"
I don't...
But I get alot of them looks being Italian and my girl being Black....
I don't even trip off of it though...
I don't care if an attractive black woman is dating another race. If she ain't messing with me, I really don't care who she kicks it with.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Naw, I'm offended when a lame is with a beautiful woman though.


But seriously OP we should all be happy there is more interracial couples and interracial marriages etc.. Shows we are slowly moving to a new place on how we treat each other...We are doing better than our parents did at treating people of other races, and our kids will probably do better than us.. I have no problem with interracial couples..

BINGO!! agree!!
who gets offended when they see interracial couples of people they have no history with, besides black women.
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