Do you give money to homeless people?

Jan 5, 2013
Whether it be at stop lights, gas stations, or walking around your city/town, do you give to the homeless?

For me, I’ll usually give if it’s an elderly person. I’m less judgmental on how they may have gotten to where they currently are. Could’ve been laziness, drugs, or other bad habits. Regardless of any of that, they’re older and their time on earth is probably more limited than others, so I think to myself... **** it... go get a meal.

It’s up to them after that. Hopefully they use the money to get food or save to get to a shelter.

I never give to a younger, seemingly able bodied dude though. In my mind, I see it as being lazy. Can’t justify giving money to someone who’s able to turn their life around in some capacity.

What about you all?
I usually give a dollar or so depending on how i feel. If i have food in the car sometimes i give that.

I have random conversations with homeless people much more than I give money. There’s actually a couple dudes I still stop and chat with if I see them from my parents neighborhood. Easy to forget that they’re no different than us.

If I have it though, I got it to spare.
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I would never give money to homeless folks because it could potentially fuel a harmful habit.

If I decide to help, I’ll try to offer them food or water. There’s hardly any homeless people in my area but I occasionally see one at one of local supermarkets. I can’t understand or speak his language so I try to describe food or water with a picture on my phone, along with pointing to my wallet and then to him to signify I’m open to giving him some food or water.
From what I can tell he’s a refugee from some Arabic country, at least from the way his language sounds. Hard to tell though due to his lack of teeth.
I’ve always been of the belief that if a person is at a point that they’re willing to beg for change, they need it. It’s not my place to play moral police and consider how much they could earn based on their physical appearance or if they have a drug or drinking problem.

If I have loose change in my pocket that serves no purpose to me, why wouldn’t I spare it? Beyond that, where the money goes and how hard they’ve worked in their lives has no bearing on how I respond to them.
I’ve always been of the belief that if a person is at a point that they’re willing to beg for change, they need it. It’s not my place to play moral police and consider how much they could earn based on their physical appearance or if they have a drug or drinking problem.

If I have loose change in my pocket that serves no purpose to me, why wouldn’t I spare it? Beyond that, where the money goes and how hard they’ve worked in their lives has no bearing on how I respond to them.

You obviously don't live in Houston. Its so many fake homeless people begging and it no secret and people STILL do it. :smh:
Panhandlers are becoming aggressive nowadays in California. Bad hobo etiquette.
I was about to walk into Kohl's to return some Amazon **** and there was a guy riding his bike all over the parking lot asking people for change before they could even get out the car. The lack of humility was sad. This guy didn't even stop his bike to pitch his sob story... son was literally whizzing by people asking "hey y'all got some change?"
I slumped down in the driver's seat so he couldn't see me and waited until he left... I didn't wanna get out and deal with that.
Exactly this. In the rare occasion that I have cash on me, I'm willing to part with it to help someone less fortunate. It's not up to me to worry if they'll use it in the right way or not. Misuse of good will usually has a funny way of catching up.
This. I'm lucky enough to not be in that situation. If $2 makes up the money he needs to spend on cigarettes and enjoy that 1 pack of enjoyment for the day, then so be it. Everyone has a story. Maybe he had two alcoholic trash parents who beat him, grew up with no friends and no support system and became a statistic. Or maybe he had a great life and threw it all away. We'll never know, but I do my best to be thankful I have people around me that'll never let me be in that situation.
You obviously don't live in Houston. Its so many fake homeless people begging and it no secret and people STILL do it. :smh:
Oh nah, you just gotta be smart enough to tell the difference.

New York City is no different, man. Just gotta have a good eye and memory. I used to see the same older woman standing in front of the deli daily begging for change. It would piss me off when she would ask back to back days like she clearly didn't remember me.

I don't just be giving money away to anybody. There's definitely familiar faces that I brush off.:lol:
Panhandlers are becoming aggressive nowadays in California. Bad hobo etiquette.
I was about to walk into Kohl's to return some Amazon **** and there was a guy riding his bike all over the parking lot asking people for change before they could even get out the car. The lack of humility was sad. This guy didn't even stop his bike to pitch his sob story... son was literally whizzing by people asking "hey y'all got some change?"
I slumped down in the driver's seat so he couldn't see me and waited until he left... I didn't wanna get out and deal with that.
:lol: Reminds me of when I was in NYC a few years back, and burning time in a Starbucks until heading back to Maryland. This huge guy walks up to me and asks for a dollar. I tell him I don't have a dollar. This man walks all the way up on me, looks me dead in my eyes and tells me to give him a dollar. :rolleyes Told him again I didn't have any cash on me (the truth) and he turns and walks away. Lowkey had me thinking buddy was about to risk it all for a dollar in that Starbucks. :lol:
I’ve always been of the belief that if a person is at a point that they’re willing to beg for change, they need it. It’s not my place to play moral police and consider how much they could earn based on their physical appearance or if they have a drug or drinking problem.

If I have loose change in my pocket that serves no purpose to me, why wouldn’t I spare it? Beyond that, where the money goes and how hard they’ve worked in their lives has no bearing on how I respond to them.
I've had quite a few instances where I've offered food/water to homeless beggars and they flatly rejected it even though they were begging for money for food.
I give some spare change once in a while, I don’t count it or check I just say here you go. Probably never more than a dollar and only if I got change in my cup holder
I did have a couple of kids ask me for money for their basketball teams last weekend.

When I said no his reply was 'everybody broke but everybody going shopping' to which my reply was 'I just don't have money for you.':lol:

Maybe 5 years back, I was doing laundry living at my parents' crib, and a homeless dude walked up to me wild aggressively and started freestyling for change. He was going so hard, I gave him something just to back up a few paces.:lol:

I've had quite a few instances where I've offered food/water to homeless beggars and they flatly rejected it even though they were begging for money for food.
For sure. That’s why I don’t even ask. You wanna waste that money, that’s on you.

Reminds me of this:

I did get got the other day, I was buying a 12 pack in a good mood and some dude kept saying young blood young blood...I kept walking n he says young blood again I stop n I’m like what’s up?

He says he been working construction and they didn’t pay him n he has $6 but he wants the meal from hartz chicken points to it and says he’s a few dollars short to feed his family for the day...I’m like aight I got some change in the car he says he don’t care if it’s pennies. I give him maybe $2 in change n I bounce....after my 5th beer I realize I been taken for a fool since the hartz chicken has been closed down for years lmao
If I got it, I give. I’ve spent $500+ on shoes before. Wasted plenty money on material ****. If I can’t give someone $2, that’s a problem.

Mfers drop racks on designer gear, all kinds of stuff, but can’t give $1? I’ve given someone $50 before. Again, if I had more, I’d give more.
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