Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

Lawrence is a pretty good actress.
She's as good or better than Scarlett johannisson
You think so? Why?

life changing experience + confidence booster. not many can travel to a foreign country where they dont speak the language by themselves.

im really thinking about trying this during the summer... maybe hit up somewhere in europe just have to get my money right :lol:

if you can, def go. went to Japan by myself. loved it. you can do everything YOU want to do and not worry about the next guy.
I think **** like this is stupid:

The kob e accuser had like for other guys semens on her panties lmao. IG thots aside even average and below average chicks are gassed. We need to get the power back.
She has an Oscar for best actress.

Scarjo is overrated imo
If one is as good as the other in your opinion, wouldn't the one with the oscar be the overrated one? Besides, JLaw putting a lot of duds out in these streets. Oscars don't mean much, because there are tons of better actors/actresses that are overlooked because reasons.
Exhibit A
Damned shame Angela Bassett never got an Oscar.
And you can't say JLaw is on Angela Basset's level.
If one is as good as the other in your opinion, wouldn't the one with the oscar be the overrated one? Besides, JLaw putting a lot of duds out in these streets. Oscars don't mean much, because there are tons of better actors/actresses that are overlooked because reasons.
Exhibit A
And you can't say JLaw is on Angela Basset's level.

I know initially I said "as good" but now that I think about it I think she is better.
She has more range.

There's plenty of good actresses who have never won an Oscar but a the ones who did win are good actresses.

What Scarlett Johansson movie makes you think she is a better actress than Jennifer lawrence
I know initially I said "as good" but now that I think about it I think she is better.
She has more range.

There's plenty of good actresses who have never won an Oscar but a the ones who did win are good actresses.

What Scarlett Johansson movie makes you think she is a better actress than Jennifer lawrence
Wasnt defending ScarJo, just questioning what made her overrated with no oscar. I said nah because JLaw is mediocre and that's really starting to show on her resumé. ScarJo was pretty good in Don Jon.
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