Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

Chappelle yes, Chris Rock no.

Chris Rock is Top 5 All Time.
no problem with that

but funny enough
rock said himself, when he went to see def comedy jam for the first time
it was mindblowing and the most humbling experience in his comedy career
cause he knew he didnt have the skills martin possessed to work a room like that
being an snl guy and all

said he went back to the lab and changed everything
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Anytime someone complains about a certain type of food or holiday food it tells me their family can't cook. Food taste/flavor drops on Thanksgiving :lol:

Turkey is the most overrated meat in general but mainly because of the "healthier" trend/propaganda not Thanksgiving
2 specials in almost 5 decades and none since Regan was in office.

Don't care how good they were there's an asterisk by Eddie's name wherever you put him on your list.
all admit to King Chappelle. both videos are dated but a stanch supporter of Dave has always been Katt

of course its all personal preference. Dave Chappelle is my fav. Carlin and Burr are on my list. but Dave above all.

Also the Burr philly rant is amazing because he could be in rage mode but the clock in his head was on the DOT when he announced his timings and you can check it on youtube
Not in any order but I got

Dave Chappelle
George Carlin
Eddie Griffin
Rodney Dangerfield
Bernie Mac

Funny but not that funny is Kevin Hart and Kat Williams. I liked them but not as much anymore. Aries Spears too.
Speaking of fake positivity, what about Duane “stay hungry” the rock Johnson?

They both have the same I'm gonna grab all the cash that's available mentality but The Rock has been faking it/in character since the mid 90s. Kevin was being Kevin until 2014ish. The real him slips out every few years though.

I prefer Eddie the actor over Eddie the standup comedian. Trading Places is still in my top 3 comedies of all time.

Stand-up is tough. Most guys have one or two shows that are their best material. My top 4 is probably in no order:

Chris Rock
Louis CK
Patrice O'Neal (RIP)
Russell Peters

Honorable mentions:
Ralphie May, Carlin, Pryor, Martin Lawrence, Jamie Foxx, Katt Williams, Jeff Ross, Bill Burr
"Rice is great for when you're hungry and you want 2,000 of something."

"I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too."

"I haven't slept for 10 days, because that would be way too long."

"I'm sick of people saying that age is just a number when it is very clearly a word."


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