Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

People don't really like the taste of COFFEE, they like the taste of COFFEE + a bunch of sugary enhancements seeing how so many humans walk around drinking their desserts so early in the morning when they get their, "Cup of Coffee."

You'd actually be surprised by the amount of people who drink black coffee with no sweeteners. My niece does and she's only 16. It's the caffeine that's so addictive. Caffeine withdrawals are horrible, trust me lol
Yeah if they're not around, they're gonna suffer the same fate :lol: ... There will always be naive people, people who don't know what they wanna do, and folks who serve to love the country, so screw all that
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Most J's are ugly period

Been saying this for years. 1s are the only Jordans that look good because of the clean silhouette and lack of gimmicks. I also used to like 3s but the pair I bought 3-4 years back was such trash quality and shape that I just gave them away. If they brought back the original shape I'd wear them again.
Eminem is madly overrated.

Fell off hard after TES. Had a few hot verses since coming back in '09. That's it.

Also, his beats have always been trash. With Dre on your speed dial, that shouldn't happen.

Eminem is one of the worst rappers of all time. I don't care how much talent he has or how great his guest verses are; 99% of his albums are obnoxious or just terrible. He's either yelling, doing a dumb accent, or just saying random @#$@ for shock value.
Em has 1 maybe 2 above average albums the rest are trash. His classic rock samples are cringe worthy and all of his music has aged like white women
I think you should serve minimum 6 months in jail for your second DUI.
I've said for the longest: 6 months on the first time, 1 year on the 2nd time and a felony conviction.

People whine and moan about that. "Dude, automatic felony and 1 year on the SECOND offense?! Bro, I'VE had 2 DUIs!"

Then you should have a felony conviction, and you should have been locked up for a year.




Effing tired of people getting killed because people have convinced themselves "No, no, I'm fine. I just live down the block" as they stumble to their damn car.
I've said for the longest: 6 months on the first time, 1 year on the 2nd time and a felony conviction.

People whine and moan about that. "Dude, automatic felony and 1 year on the SECOND offense?! Bro, I'VE had 2 DUIs!"

Then you should have a felony conviction, and you should have been locked up for a year.




Effing tired of people getting killed because people have convinced themselves "No, no, I'm fine. I just live down the block" as they stumble to their damn car.

The worst **** happened up here a while back. This rich kid who's pops was a multimillionaire thru the construction business had gone to Vegas for a party. Was obviously drunk on the flight back and decides to get in his car and drive home from the airport. Runs a light and t bones a minivan. In the minivan was a grandmother, grandfather and great grandmother out with their grandkids, all under the age of 10. All three kids and the grandfather die. Dude gets sentenced to 10yrs smh. Now I'm reading he's moved to minimum security and has applied for unescorted temporary absence from the prison. Smh ****s not right.
The worst **** happened up here a while back. This rich kid who's pops was a multimillionaire thru the construction business had gone to Vegas for a party. Was obviously drunk on the flight back and decides to get in his car and drive home from the airport. Runs a light and t bones a minivan. In the minivan was a grandmother, grandfather and great grandmother out with their grandkids, all under the age of 10. All three kids and the grandfather die. Dude gets sentenced to 10yrs smh. Now I'm reading he's moved to minimum security and has applied for unescorted temporary absence from the prison. Smh ****s not right.
Vehicular homicide. Regan's war on drugs in the 80s and 90s had people doing bids over dime bags, man.

Let's bring that effort back, but on something that matters: people dying because of DUIs.
Ya man i say let the people out for marijuana possession and put the people in on their 2nd DUI in.

I can comprehend getting one DUI when you're a kid or something but if you go out and get a 2nd DUI you're a piece of **** bottom line. You gotta go sit down at that point.
I agree the 2nd dui should be harsher, but not to the Draconian extent you guys are going. You can't all exclaim the system is flawed then want to put your faith in it when it comes to dui. If you've had more than one beer, one glass of wine or 1.5 shots you're likely over the limit. If you can all safely say you've never done that, by all means advocate for that punishment.
I agree the 2nd dui should be harsher, but not to the Draconian extent you guys are going. You can't all exclaim the system is flawed then want to put your faith in it when it comes to dui. If you've had more than one beer, one glass of wine or 1.5 shots you're likely over the limit. If you can all safely say you've never done that, by all means advocate for that punishment.
I can safely say I've never done that...

... but that shouldn't be the criteria for rules/laws. "Wait, I've had a few shots then got behind the wheel before. Shoot, we can't pass this" type of thinking is irresponsible.
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