Do you know what it means to have a REVOLUTION?

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by ZEEN1NE

I fail to see the purpose of this thread.
What Haze is trying to say is that there is enough to incite a revolution in this country but we are so complacent with our roles in society that we choose to do nothing (right?).
this can be said for most of human history though
nothing new
I don't think this generation is soft because we aren't engaged in a physical revolution.... we learn from the past, the previous way doesn't workobviously...everybody is locked up and/or dead, so the closed loop continues again... SOME of us are trying it in adifferent way....
the revolution will not be televised.. - gil scott-heron

there has been plenty of revolutions..
could have showed galileo vs the church
those of the enlightenment..

it will happen.. but people are scared of change.. soon the proletariat will rise and destroy all forms of control..
A revolution is on the horizon whether you want it or not.

Whether you will be a revolutionary or a reactionary....that's your choice.

I would advise people to start a personal revolution though. A revolution of consciousness and lifestyle at the basic levels.

Whatever you absorb into your personal world shapes your reality....those pictures on page 1 was a snapshot of NT's collective consciousness at the timethat I made this thread.

Sidekicks and Ralph Lauren seem to be at the forefront of our collective a time when Black males are being murdered on camera by teenage mobs andcriminal police officers, at a time when your high school classmates are getting their limbs blown off in a war that there is no possibility of atime when the American economy and society has a fatal wound being covered up by a fanciful band-aide of rhetoric. I'm not going to act like i'm betterthan anyone and immune to these distractions but I have changed the things I put into my mind and body and I am preparing myself for things on thehorizon...potentially positive and negative. Too many of us are stuck watching scripted relaity television, and neglecting to better our own reality. We areshooting up virtual terrorists, while our countrymen senslessly die due to our cowardice and inaction.

Media and entertainment is the new opiate of the people and the reason why we are so complacent with the incremental injustice paralyzing our lives.

What would it take for you to start a revolution? A revolution in your own life at eat better, think better, live better? What would it take for youto take it to the next level and pick up arms to fight for complete constructive change? What would it take?

Or do you just not have it in you? Are you content with the way things are? Everything...
Originally Posted by DubA169

so who's gonna bail you out of prison?

On 7 August 1970 George Jackson's 17-year-old brother Jonathan Jackson burst into a Marin County courtroom with an automatic weapon, freed three San Quentin prisoners, and took Judge Harold Haley, Deputy District Attorney Gary Thomas and three jurors hostage to demand freedom for the "Soledad Brothers".
On Aug. 7, 1907, George Jackson's brother Jonathan, only 17, invaded the Marin County Courthouse alone, planning ultimately to free the Soledad Brothers. "You can take our pictures. We are the revolutionaries!" Jonathan shouted.

Thats what you call a G.

Running up in a courtroom strapped at 17 years of age...laying everything down on behalf on your comrades.

That is fortitude and clarity.

This is what you get from the so-called gangstas of today...


Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

A revolution is on the horizon whether you want it or not.

Whether you will be a revolutionary or a reactionary....that's your choice.

I would advise people to start a personal revolution though. A revolution of consciousness and lifestyle at the basic levels.

Whatever you absorb into your personal world shapes your reality....those pictures on page 1 was a snapshot of NT's collective consciousness at the time that I made this thread.

Sidekicks and Ralph Lauren seem to be at the forefront of our collective a time when Black males are being murdered on camera by teenage mobs and criminal police officers, at a time when your high school classmates are getting their limbs blown off in a war that there is no possibility of a time when the American economy and society has a fatal wound being covered up by a fanciful band-aide of rhetoric. I'm not going to act like i'm better than anyone and immune to these distractions but I have changed the things I put into my mind and body and I am preparing myself for things on the horizon...potentially positive and negative. Too many of us are stuck watching scripted relaity television, and neglecting to better our own reality. We are shooting up virtual terrorists, while our countrymen senslessly die due to our cowardice and inaction.

Media and entertainment is the new opiate of the people and the reason why we are so complacent with the incremental injustice paralyzing our lives.

What would it take for you to start a revolution? A revolution in your own life at eat better, think better, live better? What would it take for you to take it to the next level and pick up arms to fight for complete constructive change? What would it take?

Or do you just not have it in you? Are you content with the way things are? Everything...
TV only stupefies the already stupid, and I can guarantee you know nothing of war having never been in one.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

A revolution is on the horizon whether you want it or not.

Whether you will be a revolutionary or a reactionary....that's your choice.

I would advise people to start a personal revolution though. A revolution of consciousness and lifestyle at the basic levels.

Whatever you absorb into your personal world shapes your reality....those pictures on page 1 was a snapshot of NT's collective consciousness at the time that I made this thread.

Sidekicks and Ralph Lauren seem to be at the forefront of our collective a time when Black males are being murdered on camera by teenage mobs and criminal police officers, at a time when your high school classmates are getting their limbs blown off in a war that there is no possibility of a time when the American economy and society has a fatal wound being covered up by a fanciful band-aide of rhetoric. I'm not going to act like i'm better than anyone and immune to these distractions but I have changed the things I put into my mind and body and I am preparing myself for things on the horizon...potentially positive and negative. Too many of us are stuck watching scripted relaity television, and neglecting to better our own reality. We are shooting up virtual terrorists, while our countrymen senslessly die due to our cowardice and inaction.

Media and entertainment is the new opiate of the people and the reason why we are so complacent with the incremental injustice paralyzing our lives.

What would it take for you to start a revolution? A revolution in your own life at eat better, think better, live better? What would it take for you to take it to the next level and pick up arms to fight for complete constructive change? What would it take?

Or do you just not have it in you? Are you content with the way things are? Everything...
TV only stupefies the already stupid, and I can guarantee you know nothing of war having never been in one.
Is that what you have to say in response to this post? Is that all you have to say?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Times sure do change...

I made this post a while back after students in South Africa held rallies to change the school system. #%%@ a rally is too much too ask of my generation.Dude's don't even want to discuss real topics anymore. This digital world is a curse and a blessing, dude's don't want to leave there fakeworld they have created for themselves where they live there life through celeb's twitter's.

Real talk, if I can't land a job this summer, I am about to take it back to the soap box, see my @%% babbling around Soho. Something needs to change butpeople are asleep to the state of the real world. People are just filled with these misconceptions about the present state of the real world.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

A revolution is on the horizon whether you want it or not.

Whether you will be a revolutionary or a reactionary....that's your choice.

I would advise people to start a personal revolution though. A revolution of consciousness and lifestyle at the basic levels.

Whatever you absorb into your personal world shapes your reality....those pictures on page 1 was a snapshot of NT's collective consciousness at the time that I made this thread.

Sidekicks and Ralph Lauren seem to be at the forefront of our collective a time when Black males are being murdered on camera by teenage mobs and criminal police officers, at a time when your high school classmates are getting their limbs blown off in a war that there is no possibility of a time when the American economy and society has a fatal wound being covered up by a fanciful band-aide of rhetoric. I'm not going to act like i'm better than anyone and immune to these distractions but I have changed the things I put into my mind and body and I am preparing myself for things on the horizon...potentially positive and negative. Too many of us are stuck watching scripted relaity television, and neglecting to better our own reality. We are shooting up virtual terrorists, while our countrymen senslessly die due to our cowardice and inaction.

Media and entertainment is the new opiate of the people and the reason why we are so complacent with the incremental injustice paralyzing our lives.

What would it take for you to start a revolution? A revolution in your own life at eat better, think better, live better? What would it take for you to take it to the next level and pick up arms to fight for complete constructive change? What would it take?

Or do you just not have it in you? Are you content with the way things are? Everything...
TV only stupefies the already stupid, and I can guarantee you know nothing of war having never been in one.
Is that what you have to say in response to this post? Is that all you have to say?
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

TV only stupefies the already stupid, and I can guarantee you know nothing of war having never been in one.
Not to interrupt your second failed attempt at making a witty and snide response....but can you please point out where I said that TV makes anyonestupid or that I knew what it was like to be in war?

Just curious because I don't recall typing those things.

And while you're showing your true colors, you mind pointing out the...
stereotypical drawing of a Jew
that you alone saw on the first page.

Thanks in advance.

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Times sure do change...

I made this post a while back after students in South Africa held rallies to change the school system. #%%@ a rally is too much too ask of my generation. Dude's don't even want to discuss real topics anymore. This digital world is a curse and a blessing, dude's don't want to leave there fake world they have created for themselves where they live there life through celeb's twitter's.

Real talk, if I can't land a job this summer, I am about to take it back to the soap box, see my @%% babbling around Soho. Something needs to change but people are asleep to the state of the real world. People are just filled with these misconceptions about the present state of the real world.

Yoooo....I saw an article about those student protests in South Africa.

Really moved me and served as my daily reality check.

These pre-teens are protesting for books and windows in their school. They are mobilizing so that they don't have to sit shivering in cold classrooms, theyare demanding that their teacher make it to work on time....we sign petitions and get up in arms over Nike Air not being on the back of Jordan Retros and fightfor less time in school

The ironic thing is....thousands of American students are subjected to similar conditions in a much richer nation.


South African Children Push forBetter Schools

CAPE TOWN, South Africa - Thousands of children marched to City Hall this week in sensible black shoes, a stream of boys and girls from township schools across this seaside city that extended for blocks, passing in a blur of pleated skirts, blazers and rep ties. Their polite demand: Give us libraries and librarians.

Asanda Sparks, a petite ninth grader from Kraaifontein Township, has been hoping for a library in her school since bullies picked her pocket as she walked to the public library to research Nelson Mandela's life.

And Nina Hoffman was among the dozens of white students who joined the march from one of the country's formerly all-white suburban high schools - Westerford - which can afford a well-stocked library because parents pay annual fees of more than $2,200 per child.

"Coming to a march like this, I realize even more how privileged we are and how much I take for granted," she said.

During their two-hour walk to City Hall on a gloriously sunny afternoon, the young people seemed buoyed by the hope of making a difference.
Abongile, the ninth grader from Luhlaza high school, noted appreciatively that she did not have to sit with chattering teeth in class this winter because the broken windows had been fixed.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Why Santa got to be Jewish those haze???SMH

I'm saying....

I searched for and saw a picture of an Evil Santa.

For someone to get a "stereotypical jew" from that picture....lets you know where their mind is.
Exact article I posted a while back...except i didn't embed the article, just posted the link.

Guess what the reaction from 60% of the people was? Too lazy to click the link...These dudes believe having a Gucci belt nowadays mean you ain't brokeanymore and you've made. All the inequalities in the world gone, we made it! The sad thing is Haze, I personally don't see a revolution on the horizon.The country couldn't be in worse shape but the complacency is at an all-time high. Michael Moore makes a movie pointing out the injustice, granted in verysimplified terms, and half the response I see to him is "He is manipulating the public, he is no different than Glenn Beck." SMH.

And while I know your not with the movement, the only unified group there is today is the Gay Right groups and personally I am thinking they are going to haveto be major catalysts for change. They are really the only group who is willing to actively fight for change anymore.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Exact article I posted a while back...except i didn't embed the article, just posted the link.

Guess what the reaction from 60% of the people was? Too lazy to click the link...These dudes believe having a Gucci belt nowadays mean you ain't broke anymore and you've made. All the inequalities in the world gone, we made it! The sad thing is Haze, I personally don't see a revolution on the horizon. The country couldn't be in worse shape but the complacency is at an all-time high. Michael Moore makes a movie pointing out the injustice, granted in very simplified terms, and half the response I see to him is "He is manipulating the public, he is no different than Glenn Beck." SMH.

And while I know your not with the movement, the only unified group there is today is the Gay Right groups and personally I am thinking they are going to have to be major catalysts for change. They are really the only group who is willing to actively fight for change anymore.
The problem with Michael Moore is that he has his own agenda, and he goes about it in the wrong manner. You can have the secret to life and ifyou don't present it in the right manner, people aren't going to listen. Oh and he got K-Mart to take there ammo off their shelves
. As for the revolution, it won't come until the have-nots realize that haves aresplitting them up into groups that fight against each other. But then the next system to come into play will work for a while, become corrupt, and rinse andrepeat until the end of time/humanity.
Just wanted to mention:

I had been looking for a thread like this on a couple different forums tonight, and by the time I found this one, I had forgotten that I was looking for brainfood.

Thoughts are powerful. They will bring the things you're looking for/dweling on directly to you.
So should we just accept that humanity is !%$$#! up and contribute? Seems like an easy way out to me, to just give one an excuse for feeding the machine. And Iam glad K-Mart took ammo off there shelves, guns are the real weapons of mass destruction across the world, responsible for killing millions of innocent livesevery year.

Haze, post I made earlier
I like this vid.

"N_'s are scared of revolution
but N_'s shouldn't be scared of revolution
because revolution is nothing but change
and all N_'s do is change"

-The Last Poets "N_'s are scared of revolution"
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

So should we just accept that humanity is !%$$#! up and contribute? Seems like an easy way out to me, to just give one an excuse for feeding the machine. And I am glad K-Mart took ammo off there shelves, guns are the real weapons of mass destruction across the world, responsible for killing millions of innocent lives every year.
Come on man, we live in an age where if you have a good solution to a problem.. then share it with the world. Michael Moore's new movie addresses theconsequences that come with our capitalistic system and hopefully it will raise some questions. i personally havent seen it but it looks good. anyways, theresno need for revolution right now
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

So should we just accept that humanity is !%$$#! up and contribute? Seems like an easy way out to me, to just give one an excuse for feeding the machine. And I am glad K-Mart took ammo off there shelves, guns are the real weapons of mass destruction across the world, responsible for killing millions of innocent lives every year.

Sorry, the 2nd amendment is ******ed. That was a arcane primitive rule that was instituted in this country about 300 years ago before crime and murder withinlocal communities existed on the level that it does now. I have no problem with hunting or shooting at a gun range, I just don't believe that people shouldhave guns within there personal possession.
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