Do you know what it means to have a REVOLUTION?

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Haze, post I made earlier
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Wow, the irony of this thread.


I gotta give that thread a bump tomorrow.
Originally Posted by SN DG

Come on man, we live in an age where if you have a good solution to a problem.. then share it with the world. Michael Moore's new movie addresses the consequences that come with our capitalistic system and hopefully it will raise some questions. i personally havent seen it but it looks good. anyways, theres no need for revolution right now

Michael Moore advocated Revolution in that movie BTW...

Sometimes that is "the good solution"
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

So should we just accept that humanity is !%$$#! up and contribute? Seems like an easy way out to me, to just give one an excuse for feeding the machine. And I am glad K-Mart took ammo off there shelves, guns are the real weapons of mass destruction across the world, responsible for killing millions of innocent lives every year.

Sorry, the 2nd amendment is ******ed. That was a arcane primitive rule that was instituted in this country about 300 years ago before crime and murder within local communities existed on the level that it does now. I have no problem with hunting or shooting at a gun range, I just don't believe that people should have guns within there personal possession.
Well have fun with your "revolution" then. Remember when the government comes that finger guns go "pew pew" not "poopoo"
"Some sort of rebellion by the people who have nothing and the people who have it all"

1% of this country is richer than the other 99%...Personally I believe there should be a cap on personal wealth but of course that won't go over well withthe NT crowd.
Mos Def Mathematics

I dont think there should be a cap on money, sounds like some martial limitations. But it really needs to be spreaded more.

Its pretty much like the qoute i herd from sicko.

"We dont want people to be educated, healthy, and confident. because they will be out of control. The top 1% own 80% of the worlds wealth. Its incrediblethat people put up wit it, but their poor their demoralized and frightened. So the best bet is to take orders and hope for the best.

the that ninja that was posting, he was posting against yall out of fear, dude was like there going to come to your doors with guns. And thats what mostamericans are scared of unless they have people behind them to fight.
Democracy=Rule of the People?

I have no idea what to call this thing were living under today

Never put anything past the man, he don't give a %+%% about you

Society turned into a dull

Wake UP
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Democracy=Rule of the People

I have no idea what to call this thing were living under today

Never put anything past the man, he don't give a %+%% about you

Society turned into a dull

Wake UP

Corporatocracy ?
I really hate to be the one to say it but everyone in this thread is REACHING.

Yes I understand that its a serious subject but your antics are all ridiculous.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I really hate to be the one to say it but everyone in this thread is REACHING.

Yes I understand that its a serious subject but your antics are all ridiculous.

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Democracy=Rule of the People?

I have no idea what to call this thing were living under today

Never put anything past the man, he don't give a %+%% about you

Society turned into a dull

Wake UP
If your not family, your just another number.
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I really hate to be the one to say it but everyone in this thread is REACHING.

Yes I understand that its a serious subject but your antics are all ridiculous.

Its actually the other way around. I'm the only white one in a pack of angry blacks.
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Its actually the other way around. I'm the only white one in a pack of angry blacks.
ohhhhhhhh its goan git ugly!!!

this has nothing to do with race. Society got you coded. They just dumbing you down. Freedoms slipping, rights gone. People had to take a stand for what littlerights we got. I am my own person. You just putting in work for the man to pursue the interest of a select few.
What would it take for you to start a revolution? A revolution in your own life at eat better, think better, live better? What would it take for you to take it to the next level and pick up arms to fight for complete constructive change? What would it take?

Or do you just not have it in you? Are you content with the way things are? Everything...

I feel like I am concious to what is going on in the world, and I have been living my own personal revolution. I try to inform others in hopes ofspreading conciousness, but that is as far I will take it. I feel like the establishment is too deep to just "pick up arms to fight for completeconstructive change." I am not willing to pick up arms. I only have one life to live, and I'm not willing to be a martyr. I'm not willing to diefor the cause.

No I'm not content with the way things are, but I'm not willing to die for others in our ignorant genration who aren't willing to make a changewithin themselves.
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Its actually the other way around. I'm the only white one in a pack of angry blacks.
ohhhhhhhh its goan git ugly!!!

this has nothing to do with race. Society got you coded. They just dumbing you down. Freedoms slipping, rights gone. People had to take a stand for what little rights we got. I am my own person. You just putting in work for the man to pursue the interest of a select few.
"The revolution will not be televised"...powerful words.

At first,i didn't like anything in your Thread.However,while reading and watching the Videos,given.I realize where you are coming from and i hope you havethe will to continue spreading the info. to others.

"God grant me the Serenity to accept the things i can not change,
Courage to change the things i can,
And Wisdom to always tell the difference."
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by DubA169

so who's gonna bail you out of prison?

On 7 August 1970 George Jackson's 17-year-old brother Jonathan Jackson burst into a Marin County courtroom with an automatic weapon, freed three San Quentin prisoners, and took Judge Harold Haley, Deputy District Attorney Gary Thomas and three jurors hostage to demand freedom for the "Soledad Brothers".
On Aug. 7, 1907, George Jackson's brother Jonathan, only 17, invaded the Marin County Courthouse alone, planning ultimately to free the Soledad Brothers. "You can take our pictures. We are the revolutionaries!" Jonathan shouted.

Thats what you call a G.

Running up in a courtroom strapped at 17 years of age...laying everything down on behalf on your comrades.

That is fortitude and clarity.

This is what you get from the so-called gangstas of today...



I'll admit, that's the epitome of gangster. But let's be real, security is a tad bit different. I havn't found many causes worth dying for.Some, yes, but not fighting some blanket new world order. we get one life to live, I just wana be happy with my fam and some friends. why post this onniketalk? The internet can be used to start a grass roots campaign, but i mean who are you gonna recruit from a shoe forum?

Do you have an actual goal?

you wanna start a revolution? Bring back the draft. I mean for everybody, not just poor people. Then you'll see our generation take the ipod headphones outof their head, and put the cell phone down.
French Revolution > pretty much any other revolution in history.

In reference to what some of you are saying, I don't think our generation is too out of touch or lazy to start a revolution, it's just that wehaven't seen anything or experienced anything that our generation, almost as a whole, can agree is so *$%!#$ up that we need to revolt. If you look back intime, think of how much better we live than the eras of feudalism and serfdom and how they revolted. A LOT of people are against the war in Iraq, but we'restill talking 60% opposition, maximum, for the whole country. To me, this isn't a political party argument, or a race argument, but a question ofnationalism and preserving what this country was built on. If the US invaded a small country like Georgia or Costa Rica, or imposed unjust taxes as the Britishdid, I think we'd see pretty close to a revolution.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

I don't think our generation is too out of touch or lazy to start a revolution, it's just that we haven't seen anything or experienced anything that our generation, almost as a whole, can agree is so *$%!#$ up that we need to revolt.
exactly. what could we stick together on?

race? No. many people for whatever reason think racism died after obama got elected
. Plus there are so many different races with different cultures that we won't all get together for this.

wars? Bring back the draft and we will see. For now, most americans don't even think we are in real wars. It doesn't effect them from day to day unlessthey know someone enlisted.

economy? banks have run stuff forever so in this globalized world they were bound to get more power. To end debt, you need to end the federal reserve. How canwe get together and do that when people think the FEDERAL reserve is part of our government? And all politicians band over backwards for the fed. (except ronpaul)

Lebron? well I mean if it takes a revolution to bring him to the knicks I'm down. But how could we unite on this?

if the wealth gap keeps going the way it's going that is something we can ban together on. I don't see much else. The gov't has weapons thatit's citizens could never revolt against.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

French Revolution > pretty much any other revolution in history.

In reference to what some of you are saying, I don't think our generation is too out of touch or lazy to start a revolution, it's just that we haven't seen anything or experienced anything that our generation, almost as a whole, can agree is so *$%!#$ up that we need to revolt. If you look back in time, think of how much better we live than the eras of feudalism and serfdom and how they revolted. A LOT of people are against the war in Iraq, but we're still talking 60% opposition, maximum, for the whole country. To me, this isn't a political party argument, or a race argument, but a question of nationalism and preserving what this country was built on. If the US invaded a small country like Georgia or Costa Rica, or imposed unjust taxes as the British did, I think we'd see pretty close to a revolution.

How is the war in Iraq any different than Vietnam??? We have seen about 1/20 the level of protest go on that occurred in Vietnam..I realize the draft madethings different but still, no excuse in my mind. And that's the thing, the injustice occurring are domestic issues, they are present in American homeseach day. Unfortunately, one side of the political spectrum uses a logic of race-baiting and religion to push across their agenda. The sad part is most ofthese people who prescribe to this logic are not rich, not wealthy and are only hurting themselves. I remember watching one of those video's when GlennBeck organized that rally I remember one campaigning against a national healthcare system, despite her being uninsured. That just goes against any type oflogic but this party doesn't really on any logic, just faith and racial rhetoric to brainwash the masses.
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