Do you like your height?

Originally Posted by Late80s

i do. i'm 5'11. i used to hate it when i was younger but i think it makes me stand out and i have nice legs
Nahh! 5'6
Wish I was 5'10 id be coo
But I'm 18 so doubt ill grow anymore. Lol
Damn salvadorians always being short.. hahaha
6ft4. I feel like I look even taller since I lost 20lbs. Slightly improved posture and less thicc creates the illusion.
6ft4. I feel like I look even taller since I lost 20lbs. Slightly improved posture and less thicc creates the illusion.

Slimming down definitely gives the appearance of being taller. I remember I hadn't seen my niece in awhile since losing weight and the first time I saw her she called me "Slenderman" even though I obviously hadn't grown :lol:

Folks sleep on how much posture matters too. You will definitely seem taller if you are thin/in-shape and have good posture,. It also adds to your aura which brings me to the other post...

You dont need height, just a great ora.

Must be 5’6

Height adds to aura IMO. Being short is just an uphill battle for a lot of things (no pun intended)
Height adds to aura IMO. Being short is just an uphill battle for a lot of things (no pun intended)
I agree, its a natural enhancer. But if you dont have it, theres other ways to enhance it (other then folks getting that wild surgery). Its just that height if a "gift" and the others are skills and talents that actually take effort and hoaning, its harder.

I'm 6'1 btw.
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