Do you lower your standards NT? vol. How low is too low?

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Call me a simp or whatever but Dima is a 10..both physically and personality-wise
Oh hun, not even close to there. I am seriously as average as they come.

But, I really do not to be rated by anyone when it comes to anything. I did have so many self-image and self-esteem issues, and then I am at least now realizing how petty all of that is. I have come to almost appreciate myself and love myself as I am. I pride on my accomplishments, humbleness, inteligence, and just trying to be as good of a person I can be. A man coming up to me and connecting with me intellectually and complimenting my mind or personality is a whole lot more vauable and means more to me than if he is just into my looks or physicality.

Zero is too low of a numer if the question is, "How much are you getting it in?". At that point, I usually realize that whatever standards I just had were too high. See, I play the game to stay in the game. You can't win a chip every year, sonny... but I compete
I forgot what mytmouse look like..i meant to say fanatic15..shes a 4 or a 5..but who am i to judge? Im fat and ugly
Wifey has to be at least an 8 with a great personality.
Jumpoffs start at 6.5 
back to the og question, someone posted it , if its too low that u doubt urself thats too low,
ive messed with some scalawags but just a 1time or straight knowledge, but to wife they got be a 8 inside and out,
my last one was a 8, this one is a nine,
Originally Posted by ca5perrr

back to the og question, someone posted it , if its too low that u doubt urself thats too low,
ive messed with some scalawags but just a 1time or straight knowledge, but to wife they got be a 8 inside and out,
my last one was a 8, this one is a nine,

ninjallamafromhell wrote:

Must weigh less than I do, have less body hair, and a pulse or at least still warm.

MY MAN!!!!!

That being said....if I'm gonna be in  long term relationship with a girl she has to be at least a 9. But for smashing, anything goes, as long as she aint fat. But even then you never know.

Bottom line, life's a buffet table....
...sometimes you tried some things that look gd and make you gag when it's in your mouth, but sometimes you will be pleasantly surprised!

At the end of the day, you'll find the significance with your choice by expanding your taste buds
My scale works like school grade percentages. Anything below 50% is a fail, so average is 7-7.5
I don't judge guys based on looks, only. I love a guy with a great personality.  Actually, I take that back.  He got to be at least mildly attractive, and if his personality is good, then the level of attraction goes up.  He's also can't be overweight, because I am so small.  Like mytmouse and Hazeleyed Honey, I am 4'11," too, or something like that. 
:  I can't believe I found two people on the same message board who are as short as I am. 

I know that my ex said that when he met me I was a __.45 (in his opinion, of course). Then he said that when I cut my relaxed hair off and went natural I went down 1.55 points. He even started treating me differently then, like he was mad all the time. He would also say negative things about my natural hair. As far as I can recall, he is a black guy with natural has, as well. Can you say "shallow?"
couple years ago I would smash anything walking....I have certainly raised my standard...8-9 are the range i float in.
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